

澳洲代写被发现-小岛屿发展中国家和儿童的分析。从以前对小岛屿发展中国家和儿童的分析可以看出,该公司在新时期面临着许多战略挑战和问题。这是基于内部因素和外部因素。公司认为,应该顺利实现公司的长期目标,从而带来发展的机遇,同时也确保公司在这个过程中的持续发展。该基金会应在建设资源的某些关键领域开展工作,并确定易受损害的领域。他们应该加强现有的实力,确保公司专注于战略增长和发展(Kotler, Berger, and Bickhoff, 2015)。公司应确定竞争优势的领域,并制定一个全面的愿景,使公司的成长,以及保护婴儿。

The purpose of this analysis is to ensure that there is growth in the company by identifying the areas of potential growth and redundancies. This analysis will focus in the strategic issues and formulate recommendations based for the same issues.
In the subsequent section, there is explanation of the key issues facing the SIDS and Kids Organizations.
Identification of priorities
There are many issues confronting the company. It is quite clear from this analysis that the company needs to address many of the issues. However, there should be prioritization of the major issues that confront the company. The priorities for the company are the following.
It should find ways to sustain with the current funding. This can be achieved by providing more value for the deliverables. They need to find newer ways to bring in funding and alternative flow of cash must be developed by the company.
The company should look for ways to reposition its brand image in the markets and develop competitive advantages among the competitors. The main method ensuring competitive advantage is by developing brand image and focusing on the intangibles.
There should be better communication.
There should be proper addressing of the competitions and the company should develop competitive advantages.
The company should show the impact of the processes by developing better stakeholder relationship with the people.
There should be elimination of the weaknesses by fostering effective communication and autonomy of the employees.
These issues can be addressed by having a strategy development to address these issues.
The most important priority for the company is sustaining in the current conditions. This will be addressed by diversification and increasing revenue for the company from the membership programs that it will offer for the parents. Using the GAP analysis, the company should address the gaps.
They should reposition their current brand positioning. For this, the company should diversify the portfolio. The current focus of the company is to prevent SIDS related death in the infants. They can be focused on ways for cognitive development of the child and in the social development programs. There can be increase in the funding by focusing on awareness camps and providing membership programs for the people. The company can shift focus to broader range of protecting the child from danger and include ways of ensuring optimal growth for the child.
There can be more employee training and awareness given to understand about the different cultures ways of rearing a child and finding any health risks in the processes. These are some of the ways in which the company can develop a strategy to address the requirements of the people.
In the current times, there is the risk of being replaced by other companies providing similar services. Hence, the company cannot withdraw and be complacent (David and David, 2016). They should be actively involved in repositioning of the service deliverables and developing a holistic strategy for growth. This company services are currently being considered to be high risk category. This is based on the external changing factors and the internal dynamics of the company. The company should find ways to make changes to sustain in the future and gain competitive advantages.
In the process of repositioning and diversification of the service deliverables, there are significant risks in the process. This can be analyzed from an academic perspective using the Ansoff matrix. This has been done in the following.

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