

澳洲代写:东部和西部的差异// a.alogObjectConfig.sample&&(h=!1)}h&&(f=b.createElement(c),f.async=!0,f.src=d,g=b.getElementsByTagName(c)[0],g.parentNode.insertBefore(f,g))}(window,document,”script”,”/hunter/alog/alog.min.js”,”alog”),void function(){function a(){}window.PDC={mark:function(a,b){alog(“speed.set”,a,b||+new Date),alog.fire&&alog.fire(“mark”)},init:function(a){alog(“speed.set”,”options”,a)},view_start:a,tti:a,page_ready:a}}();
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在网上社区和基于Web的虚拟评论最近的发展增加了人们使用网站如Trip Advisor.com,Yelp.com,以Chowhound.com Priceline.com和预测一下他们渴望参观,使后续的预订信息的地方(劳&张,2006)。随着时间的进展,这一趋势回顾与额外的细节和张贴图片的改进,链接等等。因此,本文探讨的影响,这样的评论有潜在的游客。


人们使用诸如脸谱网许多论坛和个性化博客赞美和批评他们去过的地方,在互联网上(金,布哈里斯& 劳2014)。他们这样做的话,通过仔细选择的话,往往通过增加和分享照片与他们的旅行。东方和西方人士的行为是不同的,从彼此的批评和赞扬行为的关注,因为每个人都希望不同的客户服务水平,以及在酒店提供的服务。




The recent development in online communities and web based virtual reviews have increased the number of people who use websites such as Trip Advisor.com, Yelp.com, Chowhound.com Priceline.com and forecast in order to look up information on the places they desire to visit and make subsequent bookings (Law & Cheung, 2006). As years have progressed, this trend of reviewing has improved with additional details and posting pictures, links etcetera. This thesis therefore explores the effects such reviews have on potential tourists.


People use many forums such as Facebook and personalized blogs to compliment and criticize the places they have traveled to, over the internet (Au, Buhalis & Law, 2014). They do so by a careful selection of words and often by adding and sharing pictures related to their travels. The behaviors of both Eastern and Western people are different from each other as far as criticism and compliment behavior is concerned, since each expects a different level of customer service as well as the services provided at the hotels.


Known as consumer dissatisfaction and consumer complaining behavior, the compliments and complaints of the customer have been considered greatly because they result in greater opportunities for travel companies to augment their marketing strategies which would ultimately increase customer approval and thus, widen the profit margins (Yuksel, Kilinc & Yuksel, 2010). If customers are not satisfied according to their demands and left dissatisfied, the negative e-WOM travels far and wide, as is the case with complaints these days on websites as well as social media, generating hazardous effects not only for the companies but also for the entire managerial system and the business they are a part of (Yuksel et al., 2006).