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ASK Italian makes it sure to provide its customers with healthy environment and quality Italian food menu. The restaurant serves its target customers through opening its restaurants at City malls and main streets, which is mostly the populated areas. Few of its restaurants are opened at Bullring shopping mall, Stand in New Street and New Street Station. On the basis of geographical segmentation, the new  restaurant in Birmingham has been opened in City Centre where ASK target market covers group of diverse and densely populated urban families as the areas is surrounded by many corporate and other famous centres.

On the basis of demographic, the new ASK Italian restaurant in Birmingham targets to attract three customers’ profiles; the middle and low income groups as its average price level aims to serve the class of minimum wage rate. Secondly the health conscious people where mostly young population is focused as the young people and students have developed the habit of eating healthy food. Also, comparing to the traditional food, they are fond of Italian cuisine (Inmoment, 2012). While with respect to ethnicity, the major portion of new ASK Italian restaurant customer is white British which take more than 50 percent of restaurant sales. Second biggest portion is Asian which almost account for 25 percent of its target market. Rest 25 percent the restaurant aims to serve black, mix race and other group of the city.