


经营创新是指采用新的产品开发方式、订单填写方式、客户服务执行方式或企业执行的所有其他职能。根据(Karlsson, 2010),创建和定位新的方法来进行基本的业务流程,我们称之为运营创新。创新能力的提高和发展速度对新思想的获取提出了需要推进和升级的应对方式。许多组织可能理解进步的概念和要求,但很少关注业务开发,为了增强业务流程或操作,应该系统地将操作创新引入到业务中,并且应该继续进行,而不是只定位一次。简单地说,可重复和一致的行动集合被用来给业务带来深刻的变化(Morris, et al., 2010)。为了企业的成功,公司必须在创新和运营两方面采用最佳实践,而这两方面应该是相辅相成的。应该有一个端到端框架来连接运营和创新概念,从而取得成功。
Naomi Fried博士(波士顿儿童医院首席创新官)解释说,创新和创新的运作之间存在着差距。组织经常创新新的概念,但是他们不能成功地将这些创新部署到公司现有的运营中(Stevenson & J。,2015)。联合饼干(United Biscuits)是一家英国食品制造公司,生产甜味和咸味小吃。该公司于2014年被Yildiz Holding收购。UB的主要业务在英国。UB的主要品牌是麦比茨饼干和雅各布奶油饼干。除了在伦敦的制造部门,公司在法国、荷兰、比利时和印度都有生产基地(Food Processing, 2015)。作为一项创新的新举措,该公司于2013年12月宣布了更新和改革其位于伦敦的Harlesden网站的计划。这一创新举措是为了提高生产能力和灵活性而计划的。这一举措也使得该公司确保其在伦敦的工厂长期存在(Food Processing, 2015)。


Operational innovation or newness implies to adopting new ways of product development, order filling, customer service execution or doing all other functions performed by an enterprise. According to (Karlsson, 2010), creating and positioning new methods of doing basic processes of business is what we call Operational Innovation. The speed of innovation improvement and development of access to new thoughts has made a need to advance and upgrade ways to deal with advancement. Many organizations may comprehend the idea of and requirement for advancement, but not many focus on operational development,In order to enhance the business processes or operations, the operational innovation should be systematically introduced to the business and it should continue rather than being positioned for one time. In simple terms, the repeatable and consistent set of actions employed to bring deep change in the business (Morris, et al., 2010). For the success of a business, a company must adopt the best practices in both innovation and operations and both of these areas should go hand in hand. There should be end-to-end framework to links operations and innovation concepts to be successful.
Naomi Fried (PHD, Chief Innovation Officer at Boston Children’s Hospital) explains that there is a gap between innovation and the operation of the innovation. Organizations often innovate the new concepts, but they fail to successfully deploy these innovations to the existing operations of the company ( Stevenson & J., 2015).United Biscuits, which is acquired by Yildiz Holding in 2014, is a British food manufacturing company producing sweet and salty snacks. The key business of UB lies in United Kingdom. Main brands of UB are McVities Biscuits and Jacob’s Cream Crackers. Other than its manufacturing unit in London, company has production sites in France, Netherlands, Belgium and India (Food Processing, 2015). As a new move for innovation, company announced in December 2013 about its plan to update and reform its Harlesden site in London. This innovative move was planned in order to increase the capacity of production and enhance the flexibility. This move also makes the company to ensure the long-term existence of its factory in London (Food Processing, 2015).