




In De Ira, Seneca claims that soul is unitary and thus there is no place for psychic conflict. However, some of the interpreters suggest that the cases of anger projected by Seneca are all akrasia. It can be argued that anger account offered by Seneca display some kind of psychic conflict. However, any kind of the possibilities related to of psychic conflict have been denied by Seneca. He denies that there is any kind of conflict between the two actions associated with anger and taking revenge in action. This in turn rejects the phenomena of genuine akrasia and enkrateia. Seneca’s account of anger is very complex to understand. He states that anger is the emotion, which is received in return of wrong. He says that two prepositions that ‘wrong has been done’ and person ‘seeks revenge’ is not just an involuntary impulse and it also involves mind. Initially, Seneca states that anger is ferocious, aggressive and frenzy impulse. However, later he rejects that claims by distinguishing anger with mere ferocity and aggressiveness.
All the claims and statements about anger, given by Seneca inform how anger can destroy people and even nations. He explains that even the wise man can be affected by anger. De Ira is completely dedicated to complexities of anger, which also explains some of the significant aspects of the ancient theories. He finds himself in agreement to some ancient theories like Stoic theory; however, sufficient clarity in the statements is not very clear. However, Seneca is able to persuade his audiences about stating that anger is wrong.De Ira by Seneca states about the complexities of anger. Seneca’s De Ira provides the analysis of the single emotion and that is anger. The theory of anger can be extended to theory of all emotions. Seneca is able to persuade his audiences that anger is wrong by providing various examples related to politics. He himself had faced many disasters in his life that influence her philosophy over anger.