

然而,Georgia et al.(2009)認為,激勵個人是非常重要的。同樣重要的是,要了解是什麼推動了這些行動,以及這些行動如何轉化為生產、更高的績效以及公司忠誠度。這是實現員工敬業度的第一步,而不是簡單地談論同一件事。 Quantum Workplace在其關於員工敬業度趨勢(2010)的報告中提出了這樣一個概念:領導力是敬業度最關鍵的驅動因素之一(Truss et al., 2013)。毫無疑問,最高管理層負責制定願景和公司戰略。這無疑是員工敬業度的決定性驅動因素,但真實的情況是,在大多數組織中,管理者對員工敬業度具有主要影響。

根據辛西婭和福克斯(2003),自由是最重要的意義。員工在工作環境中有更多的忠誠度和生產力,在工作環境中他們有機會更好地表達(Robertson-Smith & Markwick, 2009)。這種自由有助於確保員工有自主性,這讓他們意識到他們所做的一切都是因為他們選擇這樣做。在討論選擇時,它給員工提供了權力。有了權力和選擇的信念,員工在工作中保持100%的投入。今後各組織必須將它們能夠下放的任何權力下放。這是為了給員工做決定的權力。反過來,這使員工和公司有更高的效率。


According to Georgia et al. (2009), however, it is essential to motivate individuals. It is also essential to understand what is driving the actions along with the way in which this gets translated to production, higher performance as well as company loyalty. This is the initial step to act towards engagement of employee instead of simply talking over the same. Quantum Workplace, in their report on employee engagement trends (2010), came to the notion that leadership is one of the most crucial drivers of engagement (Truss et al., 2013). There is no doubt that top management is responsible for setting vision and company strategy. This surely is a decisive driver for engagement, but the true picture is that in most of the organizations, the managers have the major influence over employee engagement.

According to Cynthia and Fox (2003), freedom is the utmost significance. Employees have more loyalty and productivity within environments of workplaces wherein they are given a chance to express better (Robertson-Smith & Markwick, 2009). This freedom helps in ensuring that the employees are feeling autonomy sense and this reminds them of the notion that everything they are doing is because they have chosen to. When choice comes under discussion, it offers employees with power. With the belief of power and choice, employees remain 100 per cent engaged within the working operations. It is essential for organizations henceforth to decentralize any authority which they can. This is for giving the employees the power of decision making. In turn, this empowers the employees and the company with higher efficiency.