


价格波动一体化——价格波动的问题不是一个新现象。它会干扰项目的继续,是采购材料最敏感的问题。它要求对合同的数量和长度的预期成本进行精确加权。对于许多组织来说,确定准确的波动量是很重要的,这是可以调整的。对供应商来说,情况正好相反,因为它可以帮助开发承诺,确保价格平稳,特别是在长期合同中,以减少风险(Hutt和Speh, 2014)。任何组织的盈利能力也可以通过包括利润来保证。开放的图书政策和谈判的利润是完美的,允许双方从价格波动中获利。




Price volatility integration – the problem of the price volatility is not a new phenomenon. It can disturb the continuation of the project, being the most sensitive issue for the procurement of the materials. It wants precise weighting of cost expectedness against volume and length of the contract. It is important for many organizations to establish the exact volume of volatility, which can be adjusted. The opposite is also sometimes true for the supplier, as it can help in developing commitment, to get surety in smooth pricing, especially in the long time contracts, for minimizing the exposure and risk (Hutt and Speh, 2014). The profitability of any organizations can also be ensured by including the margins into account. An open book policy and the negotiated margin are perfect which allows both parties to earn benefit from the fluctuations in pricing.


Reduced cost – during the in initial building of the contracts, the establishment cost is high. Thus by building the lasting relationship with the supplier, cost reduction can be attained. Sometimes, re-tendering or termination of the contract before the stipulated date increases the cost substantially, without any gain in the project. In such instance, the relations of buyer-supplier relationship help in avoiding such circumstances.