


抖动是像素艺术中的一个概念,它主要由两种颜色构成。这两种颜色是混合而成的,不需要额外的颜色(Chen, 2001)。在以前的时代,这是由于缺乏技术来实现这些设计。在现代,艺术家们用这种风格来表达自己。这与Stipling (Chen, 2001)的概念相似。踩高跷是一种由小点组成图案的概念。它被发现使用不同程度的相同色调。这是像素艺术的另一种表现形式。另一种技术是抗混叠。反混叠是一种像素与背景混合的样式。使用不同的像素点颜色来与背景混合(Peters, 2009)。在这个反混叠概念中使用了许多表示方法。通常高分辨率的图片被制成低分辨率的像素点图像,以便图像与背景融为一体(Chen, 2001)。使用这些技术可以创建许多有影响力的图像。在现代,有许多Photoshop图像有助于创建反混叠(彼得斯,2009)。利用这个概念,各种像素艺术的媒介可以发展成不同的类型。
等距像素艺术是对传统像素艺术的一种新的修正。这种等距像素艺术通常使用类似小立方体的结构来创建像素艺术。这与3d成像有很大的不同,比常规的二维像素图像复杂得多。等距或二度像素艺术的创作要复杂得多,需要大量的关注。在这种艺术形式中,空间布局的描绘是从一个全新的角度进行的。在过去的20年里,极简主义像素艺术越来越受到重视。从2000年末开始,像素艺术的抽象元素有了长足的发展。它代替了与现代性相关的最新趋势(Reale, Liu, Yin & Canavan, 2013)。关于像素艺术的形成,在当代已经有了很多的讨论。当分析马列维奇的黑十字画时,可以看到,有许多变化已经发展到原始艺术家的绘画。这种极简主义的概念渗透在像素艺术中。


Dithering is a concept in pixel art, which is created primarily from two colours. These two colours are made to amalgam without having to involve extra colours (Chen, 2001). In the previous era this was used due to lack of technology to implement these designs. In the modern day artists use this style as a way of expressing themselves. This is similar to the concept of Stipling (Chen, 2001). Stilping is a concept where patterns are formed by small dots. It is found to be using varying degrees of the same hue. This is found to be another version of expression of pixel art. Another technique is anti-aliasing. Anti-aliasing is a style where the pixels are made to blend with the background. Varying pixel dot colours are used in order to blend with the background (Peters, 2009). There are a number of means of expression that is used in this Anti-aliasing concept. Typically high resolutions pictures are made into low-resolution pixel dot images in order for the image to blend in with the background (Chen, 2001). Using these techniques a number of impactful images can be created. In the modern day there are a number of Photoshop images that aid in creation of anti-aliasing (Peters, 2009). Using this concept various mediums of pixels art can be develop into different types.
Isometric pixel art is a new revised version of the traditional pixel art. This isometric pixel art typically uses like small cube like structure in order to create pixel art. This is quite different from 3d imaging and is a lot more complex than the regular 2-D pixel art. Creation of Isometric or dimetric pixel art is lot more complex and requires a lot of focus. Delineation of spatial arrangement is done from a whole new perspective in this art form. Minimalist pixel art has been gaining prominence in the last two decades. From late 2000 onwards there has been considerable development in abstraction elements of the pixel art. It is in lieu with the latest trends pertaining to modernity (Reale, Liu, Yin & Canavan, 2013). There has been a lot of discussion in the current times with regard to pixel art formation. When analyzing Malevich black cross painting it can be seen that there a number of variations that have been developed to the original artist painting. This minimalistic concept in exuded in the pixel art.
