


正如英国政治和政策研究中所注意到的那样,利用压力集团有许多好处。例如,研究人员认为,政党不能总是提供一个非常多样化的人口所需要的适当代表。当为了形成一个连贯的政治体系而对总体利益进行比较时,少数群体的意见是不会被听到的(Rowbottom, 2010)。因此,可以避免代表性不足。此外,多元主义的倡导者认为,民主赤字是在政府组建的投票期间和压力团体帮助填补赤字之间产生的。第三,压力集团将导致公众参与的增加,这是不可能仅政府结构(Trueman, 2015)。增加参与的压力团体也会增加沟通,因此政府可以做出更有效的决策(Burkett, 2013)。自由政府的关键原则是结社自由,而压力集团则强化了这一理想。



There are many advantages in using pressure groups as noticed in research on UK politics and policies. For instance, researcher argues that political parties cannot always provide the proper representation that is required by a population that is very diverse. Where aggregate interests are collated in order to bring about a coherent political system, the opinions of the minorities would not be heard (Rowbottom, 2010). Underrepresentation is therefore avoided. Also the advocates for the pluralism believe that a democratic deficit is created between the voting period for a government formation and pressure groups helps to meet the deficit. Thirdly, pressure groups would lead to increased participation of the public which is not possible to the government structure alone (Trueman, 2015). Pressure groups in increasing participation will also increase the communication and hence government can make more efficient decisions (Burkett, 2013). The key principle of a liberal government is the freedom of association and pressure groups enhances this ideal.

They facilitate social progress because they prevent social stagnation by raising newer issues regularly. A social cohesion and a political stability is created. In addition to these elements, the pressure groups also function as the whistle blowers of society exposing through their actions the inadequacy of the government and thus increase their accountability.While there are positive elements in which the pressure groups help to build the democracy of Great Britain, in some ways the pressure groups are also seen to undermine the democratic process, distorting the principles of liberal democracy. For instance, consider from the viewpoint of the Marxists whose argument is that the liberal government ends up favoring some in a disproportionate manner. The pro-capitalist pressure groups that are the core of this argument are those that are very well funded. The Government has to reply on the capital structure of this group and this leads to Governments’ favoring policies and resolutions that would be helpful for the pro-capitalists.