







  1. What are the findings?

The article observes that tethered individuals tend more towards narcissism and not towards protean self as debated for long. The article cites acceptance into the online community and to have a socially enjoyable life, presentation of oneself is important. Hence the stress of presentation anxiety leads to vulnerability within the individual to adapt according to requirement, thus moving away from actual self identity. This practice slowly creates an imaginary impression of self devoid of strength and maturity. Others studies also observed the relation between internet addiction and narcissism (Eksi, 2012). Scientists now believe that growing craze of selfies also has its roots in narcissism and addiction. (Martino, 2014).


  1. How does the article further knowledge and debate in the area of critical social psychology?

It was critical social psychologists who brought to the fore the debate whether language is non-dynamic. In his article Tuffin (2005) presented the view that language actually impacts our perceived reality and also our psychological experiences. ‘Growing up tethered’ corroborates that view by presenting cases to highlight the change in perceived reality and how it leads to identity anxiety. This study thus provides an important link that even virtual exchanges is a language and even it can have undesirable effects.