


与此同时,前100天是FDR提出的新协议中最令人担忧的问题之一。达成新协议的主要目的是提高价格和限制生产率(Atalay 575-611)。该协议包括最低工资,同时还包括劳工的最高工作时间。除此之外,成立了(农业行政法案)的AAA,并由此产生了WPA (Works Progress Administration),以解决粮食安全、失业、债务、贫困、无家可归甚至自杀等社会问题。

新协议的产生是由于人们担心该国的社会问题很容易得到缓解。后逐渐发展的联邦项目包括黄金储备法案,联邦证券法案,美国证券交易委员会(sec),等等,农民的收入增加了50%以上,他们也鼓励抓住土地生产力取代租户和佃农。这减轻了粮食危机、农民债务、自杀、甚至极度贫困等社会问题。社会问题没有得到控制,因为在1930-1938年期间,有足够的农作物被毁坏,而人们和动物也受到了伤害。在1933年期间,世界经济会议召开,以稳定经济中的货币状况,使国际贸易得以恢复,从而进一步支持人民的福利,并在一定程度上消除社会问题(Liebich 219-238)。


In the meantime, First 100 Days was one of the greatest concerns in New deal that had been proposed by FDR. The main purpose behind the formation of New Deal was to raise the prices and limit the productivity (Atalay 575-611). The agreement included minimum wage and along with it also included maximum working hours for the laborers. Apart from this, AAA that is (Agricultural Administration Act) was created and consequently, WPA (Works Progress Administration) was generated to tackle the social issues of food security, unemployment, debt, poverty, homelessness and even suicides.

The New Deal was created with a concern that the country’s social problems could be easily mitigated. Gradually, after the development of the federal programmes including the Gold Reserve Act, Federal Securities Act, Establishment of the Securities and Exchange Commission, etc., the income of the farmers increased by more than 50 percent and they were also encouraged to grab the land for productivity by replacing the tenants and the sharecroppers. This mitigated the social problems of the food crisis, debts of farmers, suicides, and even acute poverty. The social issues had not been controlled as during 1930-1938 enough crops had been destroyed while people and the animals were also harmed. During that period in 1933, World Economic Conference was held to stabilize the monetary situations within the economy so that the international trade could be revived which could further support the welfare of the people and eradicate the social issues to some extent (Liebich 219-238).