


在汉密尔顿的麦克马斯特大学进行的一项研究表明,如果孩子在一岁之前被引入牛奶,对牛奶过敏的可能性就会大大降低。如果一个孩子对牛奶过敏,那么在他以后的生活中过敏的可能性就会增加(healthnewsline.net, 2016)。对于对牛奶过敏的人来说,有几种非乳制品牛奶可供选择。所有这些非乳制品牛奶都含有不同的营养成分,颜色,质地和味道。这些非乳制品牛奶是从种子、坚果等中提取出来的。豆奶被认为是最常见和最受欢迎的替代牛奶,牛奶是从大豆中提取出来的。

这种牛奶有不同的口味,比如巧克力、加糖的、香草的、不加糖的等等。它含有维生素A、D、钙和核黄素,就像牛奶一样。因此,它被认为是牛奶中最相似的替代品。其他替代品包括杏仁奶、椰奶等(McWilliams & Collins, 2014)。牛奶过敏会在婴儿中引起荨麻疹、胃痛、呕吐、血便和过敏等症状。过敏反应是由牛奶引起的一种危险的反应,它会损害呼吸,使身体处于休克状态。因此,对牛奶过敏的人为了避免这种情况的发生,应该采用替代食品和豆奶等非乳制品,以改善他们的营养健康。


A research was conducted in McMaster University in Hamilton represented that if children are introduced with cow’s milk before their 1 year age, it significantly decreases the probability of sensitisation to milk. If a child is sensitive to cow’s milk then the possibility of full-blown allergy increases in later life of that child (healthnewsline.net, 2016). There are several alternative non-dairy milks are available for the people who are allergic to cow’ milk. All these non-dairy milks contain distinct nutritional profile, colour, texture and flavour. These non-dairy milks are extracted from seeds, nuts etc. Soymilk is considered as most common and popular alternative milk of cow’s milk that is derived from bean extort of soybeans.

This milk comes in different flavours like chocolate, sweetened, vanilla, unsweetened etc. It contains vitamin A, D, calcium and riboflavin like cow’s milk. Therefore, it is considered as the most similar alternative of cow’s milk. Other alternatives include almond milk, coconut milk etcetera (McWilliams & Collins, 2014).Milk allergy creates hives, stomach upset, vomiting, bloody stools, and anaphylaxis etcetera among infants. Anaphylaxis is a dangerous reaction caused by milk that can put the body into shock by impairing breathing. Therefore, to avoid such situations, people, who are allergic to cow’s milk, should adopt alternative foods and non-dairy milk like soya milk in order to improve their nutritional health.