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One of the necessities along with eating and breathing for human beings is reproduction, so that the can produce off springs of their own kind, which will not bring their lineage to an end. In order to keep the world going and the race evolving, Homo sapiens like other animals reproduce. There is a part of the human brain, the cerebellum which controls all the activities related to sexual behaviour in human beings. In human beings, reproduction takes place through sexual activities (Ayala and Avise). Keeping the female cycles and the age of maturity in mind, individuals from the opposite gender mate in order to produce off-springs who have their genes and are of the same kind. Sex in Homo sapiens includes various aspects. It can only take place when individuals from opposite genders, the male and the female attain maturity after puberty hits them. This also includes the hormonal cycles and the reproductive cycles in females, when both the males and the female sexual organs are mature.