


爱德华在这幅画中有很多的故事和叙述,四个人坐在餐厅里。这幅画描绘了他们忙于思考自己的城市夜生活。从那时起,社会就朝着自我发现和唯物主义的方向发展。《夜鹰》是他以绘画的形式对1940年美国和城市文化的真实写照。他提到他的画是基于格林威治村真实的餐厅。爱德华描述说,外面的街道很黑,但餐馆很明亮。这个想法被爱德华通过他的绘画所接受。他以清晰的视角观察社会,观察到每个人都有一个共同的现象。他利用这种感觉来表达二十世纪初人们的个性。简化的形状和贯穿整幅画的光线赋予了它美丽和独特。1940年,荧光灯出现了,大多数的餐馆在夜间使用这些荧光灯来照亮街道。这些灯光会吸引顾客,并通过玻璃窗显示餐厅内部的情况。爱德华减少了对入口的所有提及,并通过他的画作(Cook, p. 110)向观众清晰地展示了餐厅的真实情况。在这些画作中,描绘的是没有交流的形式,匿名的夜猫子看起来很遥远,他们彼此分离。



Edward has a lot of storytelling and narrations in this painting in the form of four people sitting inside the restaurant. This painting depicts the night life of the city where they are busy in thinking about themselves. Society from that point has moved towards the direction of self discovery and materialism. Nighthawks is a true depiction over the inside of 1940 America and urban culture in the form of his painting. He mentioned that his painting is based on real restaurant present on the Greenwich Village. Edward depicted that the streets were dark outside but the restaurant was bright. This idea was sold by Edward through his painting. He observed the society from a clear perspective and observed one common phenomenon present among every individual. He used this feeling to express the personalities of people during the beginning of the twentieth century. Simplified shapes and light playing throughout the painting gives it a beauty and uniqueness. During 1940 fluorescent lights came and most of the restaurants used these lights during night for spreading lights though out the streets. These lights would attract the customers and show what is going inside the restaurants through glass windows. Edward reduced all references to the entrance and gave a clear view to the viewer about the real situation of the restaurant through his painting (Cook, p. 110). In the paintings depictions were in the form of un communicated and anonymous night owls were seen to be remote and they were separated from each other.

They were all close but still they were far from each other. Red haired women shown in the painting was modeled by Edwards’s wife Jo. His painting is a symbol of isolation and depiction of current status of man living in the brightness of night but is dark from the inside. This art work was a depiction of whole city because Edward mentioned that urbanization helped in improving the life styles of people but it reduced the possibilities of remaining human. Edward was successful in capturing the night time effects of the city and depicted it on the canvas. Dinner plate glass window caused the light to spill out of the side walk area and brownstones on the far sides of the street. This is not seen in any other paintings because the interior designed by Edward was unique and astonishing. In the painting interior light comes from the single light bulb that was caused by multiple shadows and is casted by the painter for making his work real. Towards the top of painting the line of shadow can be seen that is caused by the upper edge of the dinner window. These windows are lit by the street light that projects the mix of lights and shadows in his work (Say, p. 231).