




The director of the movie “The red lantern” was Zhang Yimou. In communist China the filmmakers do not enjoy privilege of screening all their movies. This movie focuses on the life of women during the warlord era. In this movie the patriarchal society and their effects of women are showcased. Before the release of this movie many other movies of the directors was released. They were commercial successes this movie was a released later on. This movie portrays the plight of women and how they resorted to back stabbing and manipulation in order to survive. The master of the Chen household, Master Chen’ face is never clearly seen. There was no development of this character because the focus was on the main lead Songlian. Songlian was a young college student who was nineteen years old and she chooses to marry a much older man. As her father passes away at a young age and her stepmother no longer wants her young Songlian marries the older man. Inside the household of Master Chen the previous three wives were already there was vying for his affection. The real reason being only when the master chooses them they get to enjoy basic comforts like food and shelter. The young woman, Singloin was subjected to a lot of emotional trauma and mental agony. She cannot comprehend the atrocities of the ancient customs and she becomes crazy at the end. The plight of the poor women was to marry a much older man and become their concubine. They did not enjoy any privileges and were subjected to customs that served the man. Even though Master Chen’s face was not clearly seen there were always evidences of his control on the Chen household. Every activity depended on his need and women were made to stand in line where he chose any one of his concubines. This demeaning act proves how women were subjected to cruelty. Third wife Meishan was killed because of adultery. The way she was killed because she did not follow the customs was very cruel. On witnessing the ramifications of this act the lead Singloin becomes emotionally perturbed. The punishment effect on the maid shows how poorly the maids of those times were treated with no rights of their own. The act of the Master Chen marrying another women shows how this atrocity continues to happen. This movie was just a depiction of the lives of the women in those eras.