英国温彻斯特大学论文代写: 传媒营销


英国温彻斯特大学论文代写: 传媒营销


英国温彻斯特大学论文代写: 传媒营销

Audi had launched a 24 hour Audi Channel in UK against the traditional way of advertising. This channel will provide the customers of UK with general entertainment programs and would also features information about the various products offered by Audi (Voith-Wittmann, 2010). The basic aim of this media strategy for mass marketing by Audi was to build long-term relationships with its current customers and even building extended relationships to its potential customers.
Audi’s Sunday strategy was also an effective means for selling its high –end luxury cars through increased weekend sales. The weekend sales were expected to increase through its media plan associated with prime-time TV shows on Thursday nights that will drive huge traffic of customers in Audi stores on weekends (Vardy, 2012). This strategy proved effective as the results revealed that customers are more receptive towards messages on Sundays as they are more engaged to media on Sundays due to more personal and free times. This ‘Sunday Strategy’ of Audi through its media communication plan of once a week was successful to enrol customers in messages by the company through newspapers, TV shows and digital media platforms.
Audi has an uninventive Facebook strategy which is still not as successful as of BMW having 8.5 m fans. On Audi’s Instagram Page the content is not repeated anywhere else. By following this channel customers are able to view the images of Audi’s wide range of products since its historic times. Audi’s ‘PaidMyDues’ campaign caused some consternation within the customers (Gutzmer, 2011). Audi promoted its products by asking for suggestions from followers about their real-life adversity triumphs on Instagram and Twitter etc. from which the selective suggestions were reinterpreted by various artists during a six hour live show.