


考虑到报道的标准,这篇文章的主要目的是得出结论,公众的选择不应该完全忽视公众利益投票或公众利益。内容的覆盖似乎是恰当的,因为已经考虑了与关键主题领域和理论应用相关的许多不同事实。作者对公众的看法、公众的看法以及其他几位作者的看法都有自己的见解。然而,参考文献列表并不是很多样化,作者给出的观点更多,事实来自缺乏研究的领域(Naghi, 2007)。考虑到准确性的标准,作者适当地突出了自己的事实,支持了各种例子和比例表示。

数据可以通过研究注释部分提供的某些来源进行交叉检查。然而,在这种情况下,准确率可以认为很低。作者的证件是适当的,以供进一步考虑。考虑到货币的标准,这篇文章发表于1999年。可以认为它适合于本研究的目的,并且已经被认定为Kluwer学术出版社的财产(Hanan, 2009)。考虑到可靠性的标准,本文作者Frans Van Winden是阿姆斯特丹经济学院经济学教学教授,也是位于阿姆斯特丹大学认知科学中心的个人兴趣(Stewart, 2014)。


Considering the criteria of coverage, the key purpose of the article was on concluding that the choice of public should not be completely ignoring public interest voting or public interest. The coverage of content seems to be appropriate as a number of different facts that related to the key subject area and theoretical application has been considered. The author has provided his own opinions on the public, the perception of public, and the views of several other authors. However, the list of references was not very diversified and depicted more opinions from the author, with facts stated from areas with lack of research (Naghi, 2007). Considering the criteria of accuracy, the author has highlighted his own facts appropriately, supporting various examples and proportional representations.

The data can be cross checked through certain sources provided in the notes section of the research. However, the level of accuracy can be considered as low in this case. The credentials of the author are appropriate for further consideration. Considering the criteria of currency, the article was published in the year 1999. It can be considered appropriate for the purpose of this research, and it has been identified as the property of Kluwer Academic Publishing (Hanan, 2009). Considering the criteria of reliability, the author of this article Frans Van Winden is a professor of Amsterdam School of Economics teaching economics, and is also the personal interest at the Cognitive Science Centre that is located at the University of Amsterdam (Stewart, 2014).