




This description creates a vivid picture in the minds of the readers that makes them feel the pain of the narrator of her feelings of desolateness and the helplessness. In many scenes the narrator tried to explain true meaning of hope such as “North Star shines” and “Poplar”. North Star is known as the guiding star that provides the direction of the people. Poplar trunk is very straight thus it also provides the people with a way of leading a life that is straight and clear. The religion has been replaced with complete reality of the religion and its meaning in real life. It means for them of hearing any news about their loved ones instead of any churches or hope. In the tenth part the suffering of Christ were shifted and turned towards the emotions of the women who watched the scene of crucifixion.
The identity of the witness gave the authors the task of being more reliable and truthful. They used the power of literature to convey the facts and provide a ray of hope to others that will help them to be free from darkness. The power of these two literatures is lies in the truth they hold and tell in depth about the people though some people still list their lives and families in that period of darkness but they had not lost their hopes and enthusiasm for their freedom. Telling the truth is the way for bringing power of light to people still living in darkness and encourage more people for not losing their hopes as everyone has the right to pursue their freedom.