





These incentives of the company are to encourage the employees for friendly competition and to improve the overall job performance. The use of the monetary rewards is to motivate the employees to product optimally. Added to this, the other intangibles are used to keep the employees of the company motivated. The intangibles incentives reward employee and keep their morale high (Joshi and Rajput, 2016). These would include providing the employees to receive recognition for their accomplishments to have positive workplace attitudes. The Workplace recognition rewards are found to occur frequently at the end of the day. The employee assistance programs are provided by the companies to maintain a balance. These employee assistance programs are observed to encourage the people to have other interests other than work related productivity. This is to show the employees that they genuinely care for the people. Some companies provide the employees with aiding in day-care and other activities for the kids of the employees. The purpose is to reduce the stress of the employees and create a stress free environment to increase the productivity.

Collaboration has been gaining precedence in the current times. These have been collated by the authors. This is used to prove that the employees spend time for collaboration. This has increased to 50% or more in the current times. A progressive and positive development is observed in the companies. Four major themes are answered in the article. They are the ways in which the companies build team to meet the company goals and to leverage individual interests.