


客户管理的文献更当代主要集中在服务质量和顾客参与是交织在一起的(Verhoef et al.,2010)。在产品和服务行业中,有与直接接触的客户直接参与服务质量下降的员工。这些员工被称为前线员工。参与的程度,他们与客户和公众直接的方式使这些工作人员更重要的服务质量的影响,对客户的保留,销售和生产力的公司被认为是。一些常用的明确的前线职员,前台或服务台工作的员工在一个组织中谁将被授权处理客户查询,运行一个信息亭或分享公司的服务和产品相关的细节向公众宣传方式(麦克休,1999)。一线员工是一个敬业的客户服务人员,在这种情况下,他们会把客户关系管理的细节,处理愤怒的客户、产品召回和退货等,也可分公司工作人员在销售产品或服务销售点工作。他们可以是一个专门的呼叫中心的工作人员,作为企业和消费者之间的中介,他们也可以是销售人员或重叠的类别,总之前线工作人员的名字表明是在前线直接与消费者互动。在提高员工生产力的背景下,提高他们的能力已经有很多员工的管理和培训计划,文献中提出的(signh,2000;Bowen &劳勒,1995)。然而,这些计划集中在员工一般。知识管理方法通常从高级管理层到管理层员工,但一线员工可能需要不同的方法。


Customer management literature of more contemporary times is focused on how service quality and customer engagement is intertwined (Verhoef et al., 2010). In both the product and the service industry there are employees involved in direct interaction with the customers on whom the direct responsibly of service quality would fall. These employees are termed the front-line staff. The levels of engagement that they share with the customers and the public in a direct manner makes these staff more significant when the impact of service quality on customer retention, sales and productivity for the company are considered. Some of the commonly defined front line staffers are that of the front-desk or the service desk staff in an organization who would be authorized to handle customer queries, run an information booth or share the services and product related details of the company to the public in a promotional manner (McHugh, 1999). The frontline staff could be a dedicated customer service staff in which case they would handle details of the customer relationship management, dealing with irate customers, products recalls and returns etc. They can also be branch staff working in the point of sales of products or the point of sales of services. They could be a dedicated call centre staff that work as an intermediary between businesses and the consumer, they could also be sales staff or overlapping categories, in short the frontline staff as the name indicates are at the front of the line directly interacting with the consumers. In the context of improving employee productivity and increasing their proficiency there have been many employee management and training programs proposed in literature (Signh, 2000; Bowen, & Lawler, 1995). These programs however focus on employees in general. Knowledge management approaches most often work from senior management to managerial level employees, however frontline employees might require a different approach.