



他们在国际贸易中取得了更大的成功。在国际上,该公司获得了更多的旅行者和客户群体,这是他们以前没有预料到的。除此之外,Harrington, Conner & Horney(2010)观察到市场营销和促销对这一领域的帮助非常大,因为他们现在在全世界都享有国际声誉。最近,公司找到了一些忠实的客户和旅行者,他们从公司购买了各种旅游相关的元素。通过这种方式,公司不仅在国内,而且在国际市场上都实现了自己的一套目标和目标。公司的董事们现在决定扩大他们的公司,把他们的网络设施扩大到大量的人。


Under the CFO, there are Director of Tour Planning exist. There are five directors who have been involved in the Tour Planning sections. On the other hand, Director of Human Resources also comes under CFO. There are four Directors of Human Resources, and under them there are various employees who constantly interact with the stakeholders of the company. Additionally, Director of Marketing comes under director of Operations. Under Director of Marketing there are several staffs that look after the promotion of services, marketing of various travel style and attracting consumers. Green (2013) observed that mission refers to the set of goals and objectives of the organization. Thus Global Adventures also have their set of missions and objectives which they always try to meet and achieve high growth. For the last five years, the Global Adventure Company has grown at the rate of 12% per annum.

They have achieved more success in international business. Internationally, the company have gained more travellers and group of clients which they did not expect before. In addition to that, Harrington, Conner & Horney (2010) observed that marketing and promotion helped in this sector very much as they are now internationally reputed company in all over the world. Recently the company have identified some faithful clients and travellers who purchase various travel related elements from the company. In this way the company have achieved their set of goals and objectives not only in domestic but also in international market. The directors of the company now have decided to expand their company and broaden their online facility to a large amount of people.