


建筑物的原有结构在今天不存在,但建筑结构的细节和规划在许多其他来源中都有。这座寺庙直到十六世纪才被保存下来。现在所有的原始寺庙的遗体是凯撒被埋葬的地方,里贾纳,蓖麻,波利斯,大教堂Aemilla。原有结构的遗迹,寺庙结构无法承受历史事件。建筑风格是意大利风格。结构位于“opus caementicium”的高台阶上。寺庙在建筑物的两侧都可以进入楼梯。建筑物的结构基本上是专业风格和十六进制风格,两侧在两侧称为pronaos。这些专栏不能像现在这样,预计这种风格将是哥林多原始的秩序。在前言的正面,里面有一个小半球形的祭坛。由于改变的存在,预计凯撒的葬礼发生在那个地方。这个祭坛周围有一个保护墙,表明奥古斯都做了这个补充。在寺前是名为Rostra Julia的讲台。这个结构实际上类似于一个扬声器平台,以表示奥古斯都的战争的成功。奥古斯都的许多结构基本上都将其成就证明给了世界和后代。这座位于寺庙前面的罗斯特·朱莉娅已经建成了完全相同的理由。与这座建筑大教堂朱莉娅和库里亚朱莉娅一起,“绅士朱莉娅”建筑在过去。 “茱莉亚”建设的原因是向世界展示奥古斯都的政治优势及其在战争和政治领域的成就。 。所有这些结构都已被毁坏,只有建筑物正面部分的碎片才能保留在当前时间。


The original structure of the building does not exist today however the detailing and the planning of the building structure is found in many other sources. The temple had been preserved right up to the 16th century. Now all that remains of the original temple is the place where Caesar was buried, the Regina, Temple of Castor, Pollux, Basilica Aemilla. There are remnants of the original structure however the temple structure could not withstand the historical events. The style of the building is Italian style. The structure rested on a tall pedestal in “opus caementicium” The temple had access staircases on both the sides of the building. The structure of the building was basically pro style and hex style with two columns on the sides called pronaos. The columns do not stand as of now it is expected that the style would have been the original Corinthian order. In frontage of the pronaos, there were remnants of a small hemispherical altar inside. Owing to the presence of alter it is predicted that the funeral of Caesar had taken place in that location. There was a protective wall surrounding this altar indicating that Augustus did this addition. In front of the temple is a podium called Rostra Julia. This structure is actually resembles a speakers platform to signify the success of the war by Augustus. Many of the structure of Augustus were to basically leave proof of his accomplishments to the world and the future generations. This Rostra Julia in front of the temple had been constructed for exactly the same reason. Together with this building Basilica Julia and Curia Julia the “Gens Julia” construction stood in the past. The reason for the “Gens Julia” construction is to showcase to the world the political preeminence of Augustus and his achievements in war and in the political arena. . All these structures have been destroyed and only fragments of the frontal part of the building remains in the current time.