





Ques12: The Six aspects of the Human Rights Act which the HR professional must comply with are as follows:
All the employees in the firm must be presented with an equal opportunity and there must be no discrimination on the basis of either race, gender, religion or age.
 There must be equal pay for the equal work regardless of any discrimination on the basis of sex, race, religion or age.
Must ensure the employees that any case of sexual harassment in the workplace would not be tolerated and required actions would be taken again the accused.
The workplace must be healthy and safe and as per the standards set so as to ensure a good environment for the workers.
Any kind of disputes amongst the employees which is reported must be resolved with due importance in the set time frame.
Within the workforce the roles of volunteers must be developed with due consideration.


Ques 13: The six aspects with the Privacy Act which the HR professionals must comply with are as follows:
Telling the workers for what purpose is the personal information is being asked.
Telling the employees how the information is being collected and what type of information is being collected.
Ensuring that the employees know what type of information is being held by the company and getting the information corrected in case it is incorrect.
By reading out loud the Privacy policy the HR department must tell the workers how the information could be used.
Ensuring that each and every information collected by them is protected and stored properly and is free from misuse and interference.
By ensuring that the collected information is only used for lawful purposes.
Ques14: The six aspects within the Employment Relation Act which the HR professional must comply with are as follows:
Ensuring a safe workplace for the employees.
Paying the employees on time.
Permitting the employees to take leaves which would be paid by the company.
No discrimination amongst the workers.
Providing a written agreement of employment to the workers.
Taking the responsibility of any of the actions of the workers.