


小型企业通常是私营企业,独资企业或合伙企业,员工人数少,年收入少于规模企业。一家公司在能够申请政府支持并且有资格享受优惠税收政策方面被称为小型公司(Lechner and Gudmundsson,2012)。管理内部运营实力和充分认识企业外部的威胁和机遇是企业成功的关键。

小企业的内部环境包含了组织内影响坚持运作的成功和方法的因素。首先,从内部因素的角度来看,领导在组织中的作用是显着的;领导风格以及管理层对工作文化的影响(Hove and Tarisai,2013)。其次,员工的力量是至关重要的。有才华,勤奋和积极进取的员工会产生理想的结果。业务流程和不同部门之间以及员工之间存在的关系影响了业务的有效性。高绩效的工作场所拥有才华横溢的员工,他们能够在合作期间协作解决方案和想法(Asa and Prasad,2014)。第三,组织文化依赖于内部沟通,如培训材料,人际关系,政策,哲学陈述和通讯。第四,业务的日常运营受其结构的影响。此外,结构还会影响员工数量,层级,部门与员工之间的协作以及员工的角色(Muchiri and McMurray,2015)。


Small firms are typically privately owned, sole proprietorship or partnership in nature that have less number of employees and the annual revenue is less than a business of regular size. A firm is termed as small in regard to being able to apply for the support from the government and qualify for tax policy that is preferential (Lechner and Gudmundsson, 2012). Management of the internal operational strength and adequate recognition of threats and opportunities external to the business is the key to success in business.

Internal Factors
The internal environment of a small firm is inclusive of factors that are within the organisation impacting the success and approaches of the adhered operations. Firstly, in the perspective of internal factors, role of leadership within the organisation is significant; the style of leadership and also the management impact the culture at work (Hove and Tarisai, 2013). Secondly, the employee strength is crucial. Workers who are talented, hard – working and motivated produce desired results. The process of business and the existent relation among different departments and among the employees impact the effectiveness of business. A workplace that is high in performance has talented employees who are able to collaborate resolutions and ideas while working in cooperation (Asa and Prasad, 2014). Thirdly, the organisational culture is dependent on internal communication such as training material, interpersonal relation, policies, philosophical statement and newsletters. Fourthly, the daily operations of the business are impacted on by its structure. In addition, structure has an impact on number of employees, hierarchical levels, collaboration between departments and employees and the employee’s role (Muchiri and McMurray, 2015).