





Author states that re-scaling of the strategic territories serve to articulate the new system that is responsible for the urbanization and development of cities in the modern era. Privatization and deregulation have contributed to weaken the nationals and authorities of state organization. Capitalism is being promoted by the operation of privatization associated forces. According to the writer, strengthening of globalization can be attributed to the deregulation of state organizations and economic integration among countries at international level. Writer states that, “Among these conditions of globalization are the sub-national, notably cities and regions; crossborder regions encompassing two or more sub-national entities; and supra-national entities, i.e. global digitalized markets and free trade blocs”. Organizational structure has been changed all over the world and the major reason behind this dynamic change is the globalization of economic activity.

New informational technologies and the power of transnational corporations have become a reason to increase the trend of globalization, accompanied with global coordination in operations. Role of distance has been totally neutralized because of increased availability of information technology facilities all over the world. Not only developed countries but also the low developed and under developed nations of the world have experienced information technology booms resulting in the more cooperation and coordination among cities and countries. So, it can be concluded that author considers information technology boom to be the reason of globalization. Hyper mobility of industry outcomes has become possible because of the joint operation of improved communication and transportation facilities both at local and international levels. Growth of cross-border dynamics includes both negative and positive variables like that of political, cultural, economic and criminal aspects.