


全球化确实正在发生,并在各个领域引发了根本性的变革。它有助于社会、政治和组织模式的融合。它在各个国家的运行中采取了重要的立场(Henson et al, 2011)。这种全球化不同于现代化,是一种同质化的全球文化的形成。在政治方面,对新自由化政策的考虑有所增加。各国在维持生计方面正日益相互依赖,因此有必要发表更积极的言论。关于和平谈判的讨论越来越多,这是全球化的积极影响之一。世界各地的新兴国家都得到了在世界舞台上竞争的机会。



Globalization has been really happening and causing radical transformation across the spectrum. It helps in convergence of the social, political and organizational pattern. It has taken an important stance in the running of the individual nations (Henson et al, 2011). This globalization is different form modernization, and there is a formation of a global culture taking a homogenous approach. In the political front, there has been increased consideration of the neo liberalization policies. Nations are increasing dependent on each other for the sustenance and hence there is a need for a more positive rhetoric. There is more discussion of peace talks and this is one of the positive impacts of globalization. Emerging countries across the world have been given a chance to compete in the world arena.

There has been significant development of the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China), owing to this there is an increased economic cash flow in these nations. The target market demography has increased for the business enterprises. The research literature from 1980 to 1995 shows that there has been an increase in the foreign investment, increase in international tourism and also rise in international cries. One of the important connotations that have been understood from the globalization is that unlike convergence there has been increased importance given to diversity. Another important change in the organization is the rising number of people using business English. English has emerged as a dominant language in this process of globalization. There has been a considerable shift of ideologies even in the English speaking communities of England and United States.