





Excessively high temperature results in early ripening and loss of water in the production while excessive cold conditions impact the quality of grapes. Light breeze is very good for grape production as it prevents rotting and botrytis. Excessive rains effect the production depending upon the time. For example, rainfall couple of weeks before harvest results in swelling of grapes and dilution of juices. The heavy rainfall may also result in rotting of the crop. Rainfall just after the harvest results in dilution of acids and thus impacting wine quality. Apart from this, there can be other factors such as light, level of carbon dioxide and other gases in environment, altered precipitation that can be associated with climate, and can have adverse effect on the crop.

Soil is an important factor as it contains nutrients and water that is essential for the Winemaking. Some of the important soil ingredients are loam, silt clay and chalk. Loam is the soil with high organic matter resulting in nutrient holding capacity. Silt adds nutrients to soil essential for berry quality. Clay increases water by slowing drainage while chalk adds calcium and magnesium to soil. It is important that based on the requirement and the weather conditions at a location, suitable soil can be prepared that can maintain the quality of fruits that are used in wine making. The details of various aspects with respect to the features of soil are shown below.