



现在我们将分析视觉营销策略的有效性的帮助下一个简短的研究在路易威登。这项研究旨在揭示现代品牌如何维持其地位在一个高度竞争和动荡的行业在不影响其全球形象和企业价值( 赖特,2014)。


A brand cannot expect an acknowledgement of acceptance in the world if it fails to charm the world not only with quality products and services, but also with its overall brand image (Berger, 1973). Social psychologist, Andrew Bradbury, in his book “Successful Presentation Skills” opined that it is imperative for a business to understand their customers from every possible facet and not just on the basis of their purchasing habits or capabilities (Vuitton, 2014). Bradbury emphasized on the importance of knowing the body language, the thought process that is initiated and the overall impact that is created when a person is exposed to a new visual delight. The author further opines that by knowing all of this, it is more likely for a company to come up with favourable marketing techniques that can directly or indirectly impact their total sales and revenue earned.

We will now analysis the effectiveness of visual marketing strategies with the help of a short study on Louis Vuitton. The study aims to reveal how a modern brand can sustain its stature in a highly competitive and volatile industry without compromising on its global image and corporate values (Wright, 2014).