


The humanitarian relief aid providers are to adopt a new method of sensing difficult situations where there may arise higher probability of disaster or a man-made situation where victims become captive and requires to be free and provided the requisite aid (Tomasini & Wassenhove, 2009). The aid providers work in constant communication with multiple agencies working on terrorism network detection and disaster network possibilities and constantly feed aid providers about probable areas and regions where any event requiring relief aid is likely to occur. Remaining in these informed detection network makes the stakeholders more alert, and they can make better decisions about relief aid provisions.
These and other recommendations that may be of any use to the humanitarian relief aid providers, and they may support the system of delivery more reliable and result oriented.

Humanitarian supply chain is one of the most flexible supply chains owing to its mandatory response to all kinds of unpredictable situations under which the supply has to be supplied. Humanitarian relief is different from a normal logistics supply chain, because the condition under which the supply operates and is to be delivered is always under threat and that too fatal. The humanitarian relief teams operate under extremely unhuman environment and are to undergo challenges of different kinds.

Humanitarian supply chain is a complex network of different stakeholders and unpredictable situations that make the delivery process all the more important to focus. When multiple agencies are involved in relief aid providers, the strength and mainstream focus on the primary result of delivering the relief aid to the victims becomes obscure. The humanitarian needs is unfortunately becoming constant in different parts of the world, and this requires more agencies and stakeholders to come together to accomplish the end result of supporting the victims. The aid providers must ensure a sublime and agile delivery network that works on result as its primary motive so that the differences do not outweigh the similarities. The humanitarian aid providers must make the process more engaging with all stakeholders so that the end result of victim protection is gained with efficiency. It is recommended that the aid providers make the most of the distribution methods which are equitable, and the processes more natural and not rigidly strategized. It is also suggested that information network is supremely contained within the context of sensing probabilities of disaster events, so that the prime aim of reaching out to all the victims is possible with minimum intervention of backward disruption.

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