


每一个封面设计都是由一位设计师设计的,他的身份得到了确认,并由简编的传记呈现。与传记有关的资料是从个人通信中收集的。有很多设计师都是排版大师Monasblatter的一部分。一些最受欢迎的设计师包括Friedman, Dan, Graber和Jerman。弗里德曼在美国从事平面设计,并获得了BFA学位。这些封面通常是基于瑞士平面设计。除此之外,还有大量来自知名和不太知名的平面设计作品。其他一些名字可能包括设计师,如埃米尔·鲁德,赫尔穆特·施密德,沃尔夫冈·温加特,约斯特·霍丘里(Malsy et al, 2006)。在每一张印刷字体ische Monasblatter的封面上,都提到了一份谦虚的荣誉,上面写着“概念与设计:Weingart”。这与沃尔夫冈·魏格特(Wolfgang Weingart)的想法如出一辙,魏格特是巴塞尔市Allgemeine Gewerbeschule的老师(Rannem, 2009)。


Each cover design was made by a designer who was identified and was presented by abridged biography. The information related to the biographies was collected from the personal correspondences. There were a large number of designers who were the part of Typographische Monasblatter. Some of the most popular designers included Friedman, Dan, Graber, and Jerman. Friedman was a graphic design based in America and earned the BFA Degree. These covers were generally based on the Swiss Graphic design. In addition to this, there has been a large number of works from the well-known and lesser known graphic designs as well. Some other names may include the designers such as Emil Ruder, Helmut Schmid, and Wolfgang Weingart, Jost Hochuli (Malsy et al, 2006). On each of the Typographische Monasblatter cover, a modest credit was mentioned which stated as “Concept and Design: Weingart”. This replicated the idea of Wolfgang Weingart who was the teacher taught at the Allgemeine Gewerbeschule in Basle (Rannem, 2009).
The cover which was designed by him had been appearing on consistent basis until October 1973. Thus, Weingart was the designer who made the typographic covers in 1973. The Typographische Monasblatter was made in the time period during 1972 and 1973. In the next two years, a total of 14 covers had been designed which consisted of the quotes featured in the form of key figures in the design theory and communication science. These covers revealed the actual meaning of typography with the help of a large number of fresh and compositional ideas.In the cover, the reason for publication of the TM Covers for the time period between 1972 and 1973 had been appeared. It was explained that the composition of the covers were such that it ignored hard setting dogma and a number of challenges which were related to the design ideology. He also stated that the primary reason for the issue was not only to irritate the theoretician but also the practitioner. He also added that the covers were also aimed to provoke the reader and also to confront the definitions at different levels (Designers, 2012).