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(3)指读的习惯: 指读是指用手指、铅笔或尺子等指着文章的一个个词进行阅读,这种阅读限制了大脑的快速活动能力。


















论文写作是很严谨的,不仅要用心思考,还要用心的研究。引用和借鉴别人的观点的时候,一定要仔细鉴别,认真考证。那么论文的结构、语法、句式也要认真对待,不要出现错误。 今天澳洲高阶论文AdvancedThesis网就来和同学们简单讲解一下写作的词句,过渡句怎么写以及观点如何表明。





2.必须表明观点。如果学生把一句无关痛痒的话放在主题句的位置上,很显然无法表明自身观点。比如像“今天是晴天”这样的话没有表明观点;然而 “今天是个好天气”就包含一种感情色彩在里面,给人一种立场明确的感觉。学生应该切记:没有反驳余地的就不可以作为主题句。





















Eugenio Scaffidi是信托的指定人和受益人。Eugenio Scaffidi任命Montevento公司为信托的受托人。Giuseppe Scaffidi也是信托基金的受益人。法律上的争论是由对手的潜在受益人提出的。其理由是该公司不能作为信托的公司受托人。公司本身成为个人任命者,是唯一的股东和董事,也是信托的潜在受益人,而不是公司。因此,法院被要求根据信托契据中的条款对案件进行裁决,该条款规定,如果个人任命者是受益人,那么他们就不能成为受托人。因为作为受益人的被任命人将他拥有的公司作为信托的受托人。这项委托被认为是无效的。


There are different types of trusts. The trust that is being dealt with in this case is that of the discretionary trust. Now the discretionary trust is one which is called a family trust. They are associated with tax planning, and for the protection of assets held by the members of a family. Usually discretionary trust, true to its name, has the trustee decide at its discretion the form of interests in trust income, or capital that has to be given to the beneficiary. In the discretionary trust, the trustee usually has more control and flexibility. There are usually three parties in a trust. The first of them is called the settlor or the maker of the trust. Usually, the settlor does not have a legal interest in trust property. Secondly, there is the trustee and then the beneficiary. The offices of the trustee on who could be trustee are presented in clause 11 and 12 of trust deed. The appointor is given by clause 12 and the guardian of the trust is given by clause 14 and 15.

Eugenio Scaffidi was both the appointor and beneficiary of the trust. Eugenio Scaffidi appointed company Montevento as trustee of the trust. Giuseppe Scaffidi was also a beneficiary of the trust. The legal argument made was by the rival potential beneficiary. The argument made was that the company could not act as a corporate trustee of the trust. Company as such becomes an individual appointor who was to be the sole shareholder and director and was also a potential beneficiary under the trust and not the company. The court was hence called to adjudicate the case based on the clause in the trust deed, which states that if an individual appointor is a beneficiary then they cannot be trustee. Since the appointor who was a beneficiary had made his company which he owned as a trustee of the trust. It was this appointment in trust that was claimed to be invalid.





虚拟团队通过跨组织、文化、时间和地理边界的通信技术实现协作,以实现组织的共同目标。在这种背景下,值得注意的是,信息技术为支持组织新形式的建立提供了必要的基础设施,而虚拟团队就是这样一种形式(HassabElnaby et al., 2012)。可以看出,这种形式明显地革新了工作场所,并为企业提供了前所未有的响应能力和灵活性。此外,可以将它们视为组织考虑的重要机制,以便在不同的环境中利用资源稀缺。现在有了复杂产品的设计,在设计过程中供应商的参与更加协作。然而,通过对当今世界经济竞争的比较,企业有能力快速创建包括人才在内的虚拟团队。这些人被期望对不断变化的商业环境做出快速反应,同时提供了相当大范围的竞争优势(Sheoran, 2012)。虚拟团队以代表广泛的“专有技术产品”而闻名。如此广泛的资金池可以被认为是有希望的创新手段。


Impact of Global Virtual Team on Businesses.With significant changes taking place across the globe, collaboration has turned out to be extremely significant to workplaces operating in global setting. This has changed the setting of teams as well. As per the Society for Human Resource Management, all across the globe, more than 2/3rd of the MNCs can be seen utilizing virtual teams (HassabElnaby et al., 2012). In the market platform of extensive competition, virtual teams have been representing a significant response to the requirement for fasting rapid, low cost, and time-to-market solutions to complex issues of the organization. Global virtual teams have been supporting businesses for pooling the expertise and talents of non-employees and employees by the elimination of space barriers and time barriers. With the rapidly establishing and evolving communication media and electronic information since the past few decades, distribution of work has ended up becoming more efficient, faster and easier. As a response to the increased globalization and decentralization in the processes of work, business organizations consider the introduction of virtual a feasible option.

Virtual teams enable collaboration by the technologies of communication across organizational, cultural, temporal, and geographical boundaries for the achievement of common objective in their outputs for organizations. In this context, it is worth noting that information technology provides the necessary infrastructure for supporting the establishment of new forms of the organization and virtual team is one such form (HassabElnaby et al., 2012). This form can be seen evidently revolutionizing the work place and providing businesses with unprecedented level of responsiveness and flexibility. In addition, these can be identified as a significant mechanism considered by organizations for leveraging resources with scarcity across different settings. Now there is designing of complex products with more collaboration in the involvement of suppliers across the process of design. However, by comparing the competitive global economy of current era, businesses have the capability for rapid creation of virtual teams including talented people. These people are expected to give quick response to the changing environments of business, while offering a significant scope of competitive advantage (Sheoran, 2012). Virtual teams are known for the representation of wide pools of “know-how product”. Such wide pools can be considered as promising means of innovation.



大卫与狮子搏斗的浮雕描绘了国王的战士形象和与动物的明显接触。这些船只上的图片说明了更多的文化,否则很难解释。Stokstad, Cateforis和Addiss(2002)谈到了拜占庭文化与文物之间的不可分割的联系,通过生动的故事、符号和统治者的力量展示了文化。例如,在饮酒器皿上的跳舞女士的视觉展示仍然很难解释,并且被认为描绘了快乐的时间和节日和仪式上的胜利。



The embossing of David fighting a lion depicts the warrior image of the king and the apparent encounters with animals. These pictures on the vessels say much more about the culture, which otherwise would have been difficult to interpret. Stokstad, Cateforis and Addiss (2002) spoke about the inseparable connection between the culture of Byzantium and the artefacts that displayed the culture through picturesque stories, symbols, and show of strength of the rulers. For example, the visual display of dancing ladies on the drinking vessel remains difficult to interpret, and is assumed to be depicting happy times and festivals and ritualistic victory.

Vases, murals, curtains, bed sheets, artistic crockery, wall paintings, embossed coins, etc. all forms the expression of the Byzantium culture and the neighbouring nations. These objects are influential and meaningful that tries to send a message of importance, instead of the meaningless designs of the current period. The designs of objects and art were used primarily to sustain the culture of the period, because it was thought to be worth retaining. The analysis of the fashion objects is endless, but the Byzantine era speaks volumes of the culture practiced which is still alive and interpreted in various ways through the remains of their objects.




这些东西都来自于买方-供应商关系,可以支持研究进展。它可以产生专利,从而保护知识分子的资本。它还提供了在市场上推出新产品的机会。因此,这种能力通过知识转移来打开买方自身的关系。这可能会受到购买者对创新的需求的影响。因此,在这种关系中,政府的机制过程应该被用于这种关系中,以加强学习,从而有助于在涉及的双方中取得进展。买方内在价值的另一个来源是参考,它的使用可以影响一个组织中消费者的决定,因为它为其供应商创造了一定的市场资产价值,如声誉和公司品牌地位。供应商采用了许多步骤,如访问领导客户、处理活跃客户列表和成功案例(Scho nberger、Kaufmann和Weber, 2013)。它既可以提高可信度,也可以降低对买家风险的认识,从而达到潜在的目标。




The things come from the buyer- supplier relationship which can support the research progress. It can lead to generate patents and protect consequently the capitals which are intellectual. It also provides the opportunities to launch new products in the market. Thus the abilities turn on the relationship of the buyer itself through knowledge transfer. It could have been influenced by the demands of the buyers for innovation. Therefore, in this way, the mechanism process of the government should be used in such relationships to enhance learning that would assist to make progress for both the parties appropriately who are involved. The other source of the buyer’s intrinsic value is references, and the use of it can influence the decision of consumers in an organization as it generates a certain value of market assets for its suppliers, such as reputation and company brand position. The providers use many steps such as the visit to lead customers, processing a list of active customers and successful cases (Schönberger, Kaufmann and Weber, 2013). It can either enhance the credibility or reduce the awareness of the risk of a buyer to achieve a potential target.


The internal relationships are made to observe as the sources of reputation. They have certain characteristics which may lead the positive behavior in various forms on the part of different stakeholders. Different types of stakeholders are such as loyalty, advocacy, also plays a significant part in the supplier’s value, and making decision in the procurement processes that could be the good indicator of the intrinsic value of a supplier. The buyer recognizes the tangible or intangible features as differentiators. Thence, a supplier has compared to his observation in the market. These features influence the customer’s choice. The four identified characteristics of the value are, reliability and technological features, reliability in the dimension of distribution, expertise in the dimension of supporting services and the status and reputation of the supplier’s profile. As the buyer may require new product development, the characteristics would be successfully utilizable that still have been experimented. The differentiated benefits of it are economic, behavior, resources and potential of the relationships.




买方和供应商之间的关系是管理部门中非常宝贵和宝贵的关系之一。这种关系对于任何组织来说都是至关重要的。通过这种关系,组织可以了解市场状况。今天,买方的主要战术目标之一是试图减少买方直接交易的供应商数量。这可以通过计算供应商的系统,供应商的不同层次来完成。为了成为第一级的供应商,公司应该有能力为买方提供一些额外的价值。客户希望对他们在市场上销售的商品有一些限制(Turner, 2012)。




The buyer-supplier relationship is one of the very valuable and precious relationships in the management line. This relationship is also crucial for any organization. Through this relationship, the organization can understand the market condition. Today one of the buyer’s major tactical objectives is to attempt to decrease the number of suppliers that the buyer is dealing straightly with. This can be accomplished by figuring systems of suppliers, with suppliers in diverse levels. To become a supplier on the first level, the company should have the ability to supply some additional value to the buyer. The customer wants that there should be some restrictions on the suppliers for the goods they are selling in the market (Turner, 2012).


The buyer is strong and frequently controls the supplier. A majority of the suppliers confirmed that the buyer was the more substantial as well as the main part of the relationship. This was also the estimation of the respondents of the purchaser. For a company to become a supplier on the first level, it is necessary to have right of entry to a serious mass of capital that is of significance to the buyer. The buyer’s basis capability is to provide complete manufactured goods on which customers worldwide can completely depend on. One of the main features of the purchaser’s basis capacity is the technology development. The buyer is incessantly annoying to get better the available products and build up new ones.