标签存档: 加拿大论文代写






安大略省的例子帮助人们记住,要建立一个可再生能源使用的政策联盟,不同的是,在实施可再生能源使用项目的同时,需要从公众那里获得支持。在制定可再生能源政策的早期成功方面,这些因素可能不足以在整个实施过程中推动重大利益(Mark 423;Dolter 435)。在这种情况下,政策制定者常常反对导航,而且经常面临外部环境的压力,但在这种时候,需要分析制定的政策是否会导致灵活的结果。与其专注于短期利益,重点应该放在实现长期利益上,而这是大多数政府都倾向于提倡的,实际上应该被抑制的做法。此外,在这些场景中变更管理对于消除对立的断言也是至关重要的。




firstly, if a policy is supported at higher level it does not imply that widespread support of the public will be gained by it especially when deployment of the policy is at a local level.
Secondly, asymmetric information struggle of the government while setting the price leads towards weakening the legitimate policy of the public because of enhanced costs.
Thirdly, when same policy is pursued by several jurisdictions then it leads towards simultaneous political conflict to develop at the international level
The case of Ontario helps in remembering that to build a policy coalition for renewable energy usage, the different lies in the support that is required to be gained from the public while implementing the projects on renewable energy usage. Those factors accounting for early success in policy making of renewable energy may not be enough for propelling significant benefits throughout its implementation (Mark 423; Dolter 435). In such situations, policy makers often oppose the navigation and often face pressures from the external environment but in such time the need is to analyze whether or not the formulated policy will lead towards flexible outcomes or not. Rather than focusing on short term benefits, the focus should be laid on achieving long term benefits and this is a common practice that most governments tend to promote when actually it should be suppressed. Additionally, change management in such scenarios is also crucial for removing the opposing claims.
Each of these tensions have resulted from policy design political choices and challenges that were underappreciated while transitioning the electricity system of Ontario into a zero carbon emitting electricity zone.
Throughout the policy regime development in Ontario’s electricity sector there have been various reforms and considerable changes, however there is no doubt that de-carbonization can be attained in the sector of electricity system by expanding the grid in Ontario. The benefits of the same are explained in the following section.








The detailed calculations have been shown in the annexure enclosed. It is important to understand here is that certain factors that have been provided have been considered in the calculations associated with the investment appraisal that has to be performed. However another assumption that has been made is that the sales are generated at the end of the year whereas the investment is done at the start of the year. So the investment has been considered in year 0 whereas the start of the sales is considered in year 1 onwards. Accordingly the cash flow has been discounted.

Based on the above values it can be said that strategy 2 is a better option as the NPV is higher, it has higher IRR and ARR values. Thus with respect to all the investment appraisal techniques the strategy must be employed by the company. If the cost of the market research agency is considered the NPV of strategy 1 will become negative.

The three investment appraisal techniques have been employed by the company. The value created by the investment in case of NPV method is based on the discounted cash flow. It is important to understand here that although the cash flow may be lower than other investment option, the NPV may be higher due to high cash flow in later years. For example the cash flow in case of strategy 2 may be lower due to lower selling price but since the growth in sales volume will result in higher cash flows (Zvarok, 2007). NPV thus provide comprehensive insight into the profitability made. The various factors having an impact on the cash flow that is generated such as number of years the investment will be operational, cash flows in different years and the cost of capital can be accommodated in the discount rate.

The other investment appraisal technique is annual rate of return which is based on the expected accounting profit and the average investment that is made in the project. The annual rate of return is calculated as average accounting profit made divided by average investment in the project. The average accounting profit is the profit made for over the investment period divided by number of years. Similarly average investment is calculated. In a way accounting rate of return is similar to the return on capital employed or the return on the equity. The advantage of the accounting rate of return is the simplicity and the ability to understand the investment appraisal and it provides the appraisal on the profit based on the investment and the capital employed which is the main point associated with the investment (Brush, 2004).






Neo-classical school of thought operates on the basis of few assumptions. Firstly, it is assumed that rational and well informed economic decisions are made by the firms after fully evaluating the utility of the decisions. Consumers are expected to purchase the goods after comparison which is having highest utility or personal value for them (Gilpin, 2011). The basic aim of consumers is to purchase goods that can provide them maximum personal satisfaction. On the other hand, companies work for achieving maximum profits and when both the concerned parties achieves their goals the market experiences the state of economic equilibrium.
Profits according to neo-classical school of thought is based on various factors such as risk, ability of the managers for attaining higher profits and changes in the economic conditions. The risks can be of two types ones which can be insured by the businesses and another type of risks are those which cannot be insured as no insurance is available for them (Cwik, 2011). Rate of profitability differs due to the conditions of uncertainty prevailing in the market which cannot be insured. The conditions of uncertainty arise due to the dynamic changes in market trends. If the assumption of perfect competition is dropped profits in the market may arise out of number of reasons mainly due to powers of monopoly and monopsony.
Neo-classical economists’ supports normal profits which arise when the firm earns surplus amount of revenue after paying off the costs of financial capital. This situation of profit earning is not the real profit earning situation as firms which are earning just returns on their cost of capital does not count themselves as well doing firms as there are less or no chances for improvement or expansion are seen (Louzek, 2011). Monopoly profits are also favored by the neo-classical economists for the situations in which the firms are dealing with legal and practical barriers of entry into the industry.







There is no doubt that Ontario’s Air Quality has considerable improved in comparison to as it was in the year 1960 (Ontario Smart Grid Forum). There is also no capacity shown by the air quality to further worsen. It was predicted in a cost benefit analysis undertaken confidentially for the government at the province state as a support for GEA that, coal fired power plants closure will lead towards lesser air quality impact which can be taken as negligible.

Power from wind and solar energy involve a fluctuating nature and therefore when adding extra capacity of renewable energy to the electricity grid, it is extremely crucial to have extra power backup gained from the plants of natural gas. Base load generating capacity at Ontario is in surplus but more base load additions in the wind power form or solar energy form may lead towards requiring the removal of a nuclear place from where it is operating to replace it with a combination of renewable and gas fired systems, further leading towards a higher increase in the emissions in air (Stokes 490-500). This implies that rather than de-carbonization, transition is moving towards carbonization which is the major threat.

Air Emission Growth from Expansion of electricity system under the GEA policy is inevitable. The division of Electricity supply system in Ontario is done into 2 categories inclusive of capacity of base load coming from hydroelectric and nuclear sources responsible for delivering power in fixed amounts and the other category is peak capacity wherein scaling is adjustable in accordance to the changing demands of electricity in a day. Ontario consists of abundance of power sources and the base load power of Ontario is strong causing an issue to be created for reliability of the grid to be maintained as expansion of wind power takes place. It is needed for the GEA to spend capital on buying every wind energy available. On the basis of wind condition, a production surge can be created which requires absorption. As evident in the below provided Figure 1, when requirement is lowest wind power often increases and this peaked wind power requires either to be displaced at the production base-load or has to be lost at a loss in the export market (and this is presently taking place).





Villains often have mysterious causes and inappropriate ways (for example damaging opponents). Proper account is unusual for villains as well as can create them profound and more motivating (Synder, Scott, copullo, 2011). The superhero story is regarding the genius US teenager Allan who came from the alien planet to eliminate the evil faces of the earth and he became the crucial superhero of American society based on religious faiths, presented with implausible superpowers as well as plenty of awesome characteristics. He looks supreme in his good of cultural and religious contexts; as the peoples have experienced lot of threats and insecurities from the villain McBath who frightened the peoples and spread evilness in the society. Allan was found by old man in the village in a while he is experiencing unfairness threat by McBath. The Allan came to him to save him. Romance in Monomyth has bowed him from an unoriginal ice-themed punch. It may be valiant if the offense is mainly monstrous and the usual powers are not eager or capable to determine the state. It may be wicked but the character is reacted extremely or else not being wary enough about striking just to make the people dependable. It is based on why the character is willing to differentiate him. Various heroes seem to increase their peer’s respect. On the other hand, increasing recognition may be more menacing depended on whom the character needs to make an impression and what would strike them (cooper, 2003). It is as reprisal, other than frequently less besieged and lethal more vigilantly against the architects. Nevertheless, justice can from time to time be infamous. For instance, the major objective of the antagonists’ machine in Monomyth, movie of robot is to avoid peoples from hurting, as well as they believe that placing arrest human in house is the rational means to carry out as a result. Even though sensible, it is thought this inspiration inclines to be used in a basic means. For a spot more deepness, perhaps the character is noticing incredible the power of money, power in support of someone else. In addition, it is thought that it has formula for antiheroes to be somewhat insatiable as Monomyth is frightened to allow them carry out something in fact disagreeable.



第十九世纪以前的时间期限是有限的艺术。早期的艺术家只对富有的赞助人或教会这样的机构委托艺术品。在大多数情况下,艺术只限于代表宗教和神话故事。在第十九世纪,艺术的范围被扩大,艺术家开始对人们的艺术,地方,或他们感兴趣的想法,他们的经验。艺术成为现实世界和自我想象的再现。美国艺术家Man Ray considered作为一个抽象画家,是一个艺术创造的绘画、照片、拼贴艺术对象(瑞,1983)。


1924,超现实主义是由Andre Breton出版的第一期“La Ré进化着é阿利斯特”正式成立(Foster,2004,p.190)。根据现代艺术的概念、超现实主义等现代艺术运动是Dada a’substitute,其艺术家关注这场革命开始联系。超现实主义艺术家们探索的自动化和梦想的可能性”(同上,p.123),它是在潜意识中创造的,最初是从西格蒙德·弗洛伊德的理论(Tate Modern)。

现成的马塞尔·杜尚理论是艺术作品,是通过使用普通的人造的物体,然后做一些艺术的变化和修改他们的创造,作为一种药物,被称为“视网膜”艺术。做一些改变,使对象中的一个新面貌可称为成衣。这些都是通过倾斜和签名(喷泉),把钉子上(礼物),通过插入一些机械变化等,然后对象成为艺术品(福斯特,2004)。据Andre Breton,现成的是超现实主义的对象实例(André,1969)。定义“现成品”由马塞尔·杜尚提出,也存在与é布列塔尼和保罗É卢亚德的超现实主义的定义“一个简单的对象被提升到新的高度,达到一个艺术作品的尊严,仅仅选择一个艺术家”(马休斯,J. H. 1985)。杜尚年产不超过20成品艺术工作的对象在他的整个生命。成衣的概念正在改变它的理念贯穿了杜尚的生活(Waldberg,1965页)。大约所有的创造,是超现实主义的概念下做出的令人惊讶的组合,不合理的,不合逻辑的艺术作品,包括对象和艺术在一个相似的地方(schneede,M 1974。)。


The time period before 19th century had a limited scope of the term art. The artists earlier were only commissioned towards artwork by wealthy patrons or institutions like the church. In most of the cases, art was only limited to representing religious and mythological stories. During the 19th century, the dimension of art was widened and artists started to make art about people, places, or ideas of their interest, and their experiences. Art became a representation of the realistic world and self imagination. An American artist Man Ray considered as an abstract painter, worked as an artist creating paintings, photographs, collages and art objects (Ray, 1983).

Readymade Theory (Surrealism)

In 1924, Surrealism was officially established by Andre Breton who publishes the first issue of ‘La Révolution Surréaliste’ (Foster, 2004, p.190). According to the concepts of modern art, Surrealism as a modern art movement which was a‘substitute for Dada’, whose artists drew attention from this revolution and started to associate with it. Surrealist artists were ‘exploring the possibilities of automatism and dreams’ (ibid, p.123), it is about creating in the unconscious mind, theories originally from Sigmund Freud (Tate Modern).

The theory of readymade of Marcel Duchamp signifies the art work that is being created through using ordinary manufactured objects and then making some artistic changes and modifications in them, as a remedy which was called “retinal art”. Making some changes that brings a new look in the object can be called readymade. These is being done through slanting and putting a signature on it (Fountain), putting nails on it (The Gift), through inserting some mechanical changes etc, and then the object becomes an artwork (Foster, 2004). According to Andre Breton, the readymade is an example of surrealist object (André, 1969). The definition of “readymade” proposed by Marcel Duchamp and also exists in André Breton and Paul Éluard’s Surrealism that defines “a simple object is being elevated to a level to reach at the dignity of a work of art by the mere choice of an artist” (Matthews, J. H. 1985). Duchamp yearly produces not more than 20 readymade art work objects in his entire life. The concept of readymade was changing its ides throughout the life of Duchamp (Waldberg, P. 1965).  Approximately all the creation that were made under the concept of surrealism was surprising combinations, non sequitur, illogical artworks that includes object and art at a similar place (Schneede, M. U. 1974).






International selling these days doesn’t exist as an option for companies but it is seen as a decisive requirement. Businesses who just aim at targeting the domestic markets are left behind and would not be globally recognized. The rapid growth of Internet has widenedthe scope for international marketing and businesses are getting recognition globally by staying connected through web. Competitive advantage can be gained only when a business makes it presence realized in the international market (Churchill, 2000).  For British Gas Company, the international sales plan will comprise of the following:

  1. A portfolio of its wide product and service offering with emphasis of target customers for each of the products. The portfolio should also draw the advantages and benefits of each of the products in the product line so as to differentiate them and help the sales staff target them to the appropriate customer.
  2. The British Gas Company should target its promotion through various Gas Agency/Utilities fair organized from time to time. They should refer an international exhibition journal to know the time and importance of various trade fairs and their impact on local/global business. This will help them do STP(Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning) of their product portfolio appropriately to the right audience.
  3. It should also use multiple sales channels to target a set of customers. While print media, television and radio are standard wide-scale communication channels; British Gas needs to leverage the modern technology of social and digital selling into its channel as well.
  4. A forecast needs to be set for each channel depending on their strengths and reach. For a business company, channel is as good as the business it generates. Therefore, it is important that the individual channel forecasting is done so that each channel can be prioritized in that way.



在澳大利亚,两大超市Woolworths和Coles;他们供应日常必需品和食物包括面包。澳大利亚的生活被这两个超市(News.com.au,2014)。Woolworths和Coles已经经营澳大利亚多年,直到十二月2013,Woolworths和Coles拥有超过百分之70的市场份额(Roy Morgan,2014)。这两家超市都有较高的市场份额,还开发了超过一千家在澳大利亚(Coles,n.d.)(Woolworths,n.d.)。他们不仅提供完善的必需品和食物,商店的位置也在澳大利亚生活圈;它是消费者购买产品的便利性(News.com.au,2014)。


Health conscious population and the potential market opportunities with females:
There are more and more number of people who pay enough attention towards the food safety and health issues. When people make the decisions regarding the purchase of food products, they check the ingredients weather they are natural or not, and are there any additives. Some people will consider the quality first, they rather choose expensive but harmless for body and beneficial to health. Sonoma supply quality bread not huge quantity products; people who pay more attention on the ingredients, and pursue high quality food might the new target for Sonoma. According to the ‘average Australian’ profile, the Generation ‘Y’ women (25-34) are strongly concerned towards their weight and health. They have been passionate on their works and life and are keen to upgrade their fitness levels. In order to maintain their fitness levels, these women are highly motivated for the exercise and help to pursue health and natural food. These female also have stable economic capacity and they are concerned towards buying the good quality products, and not just the cheap products. Furthermore, even Sonoma cannot decrease their producing cost; Sonoma still can develop their new targets with their high quality and high popularity on bakery products.
In Australia, the two main supermarkets are Woolworths and Coles; they supply daily essentials and food- includes bread. Australian lives are taken over by these two supermarkets (News.com.au, 2014). Woolworths and Coles already operate their business in Australia for many years, until December 2013, Woolworths and Coles owned over 70 percent market share (Roy Morgan research, 2014). These two supermarkets have higher market share and also developed more than one thousand stores in Australia (Coles, n.d.) (Woolworths, n.d.) . They are not only supplying perfect essentials and food, the stores’ location is also nearby the Australian living perimeters; it’s convenience for consumer purchasing products (News.com.au, 2014).






有退路的倾向可能产生积极和消极两方面的影响。而积极方面属于孩子找到精神和平远离嘈杂刺耳的国内环境,真实地边界的负面影响在某些情况下,急性精神分裂症而精神失常也会发生(Bonomi,2006年,页。458 – 466年)。极端爆发的愤怒蒙蔽了凶手,他们行为的后果。这样的愤怒和暴力可以深层根源和长期的负面影响。


Introduction: Sobs in the Night

Many of the individuals have had to be given psychiatric treatment to help them cope with the world (Sillman, 2008). This was because they had developed several peculiar characteristics that could only be attributed to an over occupation with an incident or episode in their lives that held them captive despite having been done and over it. When the child is physically removed from the situation of constant abuse and obtains an opportunity to grow and develop according to his or her inherent talents
The Positive and Negative Aspects of the Escape Route
This proclivity of having an escape route can have both positive and negative aspects. While the positive aspects pertain to the child finding mental peace away from the loud cacophony of the domestic environment, the negative impact veritably borders on schizophrenia while in some cases acute psychotic aberrations have also been known to occur (Bonomi, 2006, pp. 458–466). Extreme bursts of fiery rage that blinded the perpetuator to the consequences of their actions. Such bursts of anger and violence could have deep seated roots and long term adverse impact.
The individual who has been subjected to the domestic environment of continued physical abuse, unsavory language, indignation and frustration at being helpless in the face absolutely intolerable circumstances bears the scars on his or her psyche in later life. Many of the people who have had to be exposed to this form of lifestyle have shown tremendous resilience and tolerance. They have set aside their experiences of adversity and emerged as balanced people who have had the opportunity to advance successfully and making the most of whatever opportunities that they could garner for themselves.






Multicultural festivals are more enjoyed by the nationals and foreigners who come as tourists in Australia. They are the platforms for promoting harmony in diverse cultures of Australia. The positive effects of multicultural festivals are more than the local festivals as they promote integration in Australian population by making the destination of festival and the associated community a major attraction for visitors and urging a desire in them to visit those destinations. In 2009, a survey was done by The Tourism Research Australia, 51% of the tourists participated in the various activities of the festivals (Syed, 2009). Through multicultural festivals the Australian community shows and promotes its respect and appreciation for different cultures in Australia. This positive image of a multicultural society promotes tourism in Australia and increases its revenue from tourism sector. These multicultural festivals prove to be good means of generating foreign exchange in the form of sponsorships from foreign countries (Forrest, 2010). These festivals are proved to be a good platform of recreation, participation, enjoyment and cultural expression for minorities. They have the capability of becoming strong tourist attractions with the spread of word of mouth by relatives and friends of people belonging to other countries. The goodwill of the company will be established for the company that respects cultural diversity (Stratton, 2009). The response of the target market toward the sponsors will be favourable and prompt with positive effects if they could find cultural alignment of the company with the festival. Few examples of multicultural festival that promotes tourism in Australia are The Adelaide Festival Centre’s “Oz Asia Festival”. It is a festival that promotes the cultural and artistic traditions of Asia. Cabramatta’s Moon festival in Australia is an annual festival of people from South-east Asia each year in September.