标签存档: 代写thesis



这些东西都来自于买方-供应商关系,可以支持研究进展。它可以产生专利,从而保护知识分子的资本。它还提供了在市场上推出新产品的机会。因此,这种能力通过知识转移来打开买方自身的关系。这可能会受到购买者对创新的需求的影响。因此,在这种关系中,政府的机制过程应该被用于这种关系中,以加强学习,从而有助于在涉及的双方中取得进展。买方内在价值的另一个来源是参考,它的使用可以影响一个组织中消费者的决定,因为它为其供应商创造了一定的市场资产价值,如声誉和公司品牌地位。供应商采用了许多步骤,如访问领导客户、处理活跃客户列表和成功案例(Scho nberger、Kaufmann和Weber, 2013)。它既可以提高可信度,也可以降低对买家风险的认识,从而达到潜在的目标。




The things come from the buyer- supplier relationship which can support the research progress. It can lead to generate patents and protect consequently the capitals which are intellectual. It also provides the opportunities to launch new products in the market. Thus the abilities turn on the relationship of the buyer itself through knowledge transfer. It could have been influenced by the demands of the buyers for innovation. Therefore, in this way, the mechanism process of the government should be used in such relationships to enhance learning that would assist to make progress for both the parties appropriately who are involved. The other source of the buyer’s intrinsic value is references, and the use of it can influence the decision of consumers in an organization as it generates a certain value of market assets for its suppliers, such as reputation and company brand position. The providers use many steps such as the visit to lead customers, processing a list of active customers and successful cases (Schönberger, Kaufmann and Weber, 2013). It can either enhance the credibility or reduce the awareness of the risk of a buyer to achieve a potential target.


The internal relationships are made to observe as the sources of reputation. They have certain characteristics which may lead the positive behavior in various forms on the part of different stakeholders. Different types of stakeholders are such as loyalty, advocacy, also plays a significant part in the supplier’s value, and making decision in the procurement processes that could be the good indicator of the intrinsic value of a supplier. The buyer recognizes the tangible or intangible features as differentiators. Thence, a supplier has compared to his observation in the market. These features influence the customer’s choice. The four identified characteristics of the value are, reliability and technological features, reliability in the dimension of distribution, expertise in the dimension of supporting services and the status and reputation of the supplier’s profile. As the buyer may require new product development, the characteristics would be successfully utilizable that still have been experimented. The differentiated benefits of it are economic, behavior, resources and potential of the relationships.




所选择的业务是涉及贷方和借方的短期资本要求融资。他们按照他们的资本要求在货币市场上借钱或借钱。货币市场是指短期到期的金融工具交易和结算的金融市场。市场参与者由大量借款人和贷款人组成,他们在市场上进行交易以满足其短期资本要求。这些资本要求的期限可能会从几天到不到一年。在货币市场上交易的工具本质上是高度流动的。货币市场工具包括存款证,银行承兑汇票,国库券,商业票据,联邦基金和回购协议。货币市场处理短期到期证券,提供各种投资机会和渠道。它充当了填补借款人和贷款人之间的资金缺口的桥梁。与股票和商品市场相比,货币市场波动较小(ROBERT J. BARRO,1975)。
金融是企业的生命线。资本的注入是建立企业及其后续增长和发展的一个要求。涉及制造业,建筑业,工程业等不同行业的公司既有短期的资金需求,也有长期的资本需求。政府干预货币市场的一些原因是金融稳定,资产价格上涨温和,市场流动性充裕,抑制通货膨胀,调控经济信贷流动。政府也可以为货币市场干预整个经济的增长和发展。为了影响货币市场监管经济中可用的信贷,政府可能会采取一些措施(Salina H. Kassim Turkhan Ali Abdul Manap,2008)。


The chosen business is of financing for short term capital requirements which involves both lenders and borrowers. They borrow or lend money in the money market as per their capital requirements. Money market refers to financial markets wherein trading and settlement of financial instruments with short term maturities take places. The market participant’s comprises of a whole host of borrowers and lenders who transact in the market for meeting their short term capital requirements. The duration of such capital requirements may vary from several days to less than a year. Instruments traded in the money market are highly liquid in nature. Money market instruments consist of Certificate of Deposit, banker’s acceptance, Treasury Bills, commercial paper, federal funds and repurchase agreements. Money market deals with securities of short term maturities, offer various investment opportunities and avenues. It acts as a bridge to fills money deficit gap between borrowers and lenders. Money markets are less volatile in comparison to equity and commodity markets (ROBERT J. BARRO, 1975).
Finance is the lifeline of business. Infusion of capital is a perquisite requirement for setting up of business and its subsequent growth and development. Companies engaged in different sectors involving manufacturing, construction, engineering etc. have both short as well as long term capital requirements. Some causes for intervention of the government in the money market are financial stability, moderation in rise of assets prices, ensuring ample liquidity in the markets, curbing inflation and regulation of credit flow in the economy. The government may also intervene in the money markets for the growth and development of the economy as a whole. The government may restore to several measures in order to influence the money market for regulation of available credit in the economy (Salina H. Kassim Turkhan Ali Abdul Manap, 2008).











This literature review is intended to study the various methods of staff training and its importance in the workplace with respect to motivating the staff and eventually helping in enhancing their performance. Training of workforce is quite integral to the success of any workplace regardless of their background, experience or role.

The review shall begin by exploring the basic concepts of staff training and why it is essential for both the staff and the organization. Further a plan shall be designed on how exactly the training shall be implemented for the employees of this organization and how the staff may be motivated to take active participation in the programme.


The English dictionary plainly defines staff training as the training of the workforce of an organization in order to enhance their knowledge and thereby their performance at work.

Training is the process of transforming an individual to a desired standard of skill and ability through the methods of instruction and practice (Sansone&Harackiewicz, 2000: 201-213). It thereby means that training enhances the inborn talents of the person undergoing it and also enables the addition of new skills and the deletion of unwanted attitudes and behaviours as well.

When an organization employs a staff they would need to induct that person to the business and then train the person before assigning roles and responsibilities to them. The training shall thus involve imparting of knowledge with respect to the functional area of the job and educating the person on other intricate details like the organizational culture, norms and practices and other basic ideas that shall help the employee transform into the given role smoothly from their prior workplace or setting.

Many a time the hired person shall need to be assisted on the new techniques, tools and materials that are in use at the current workplace and also the strategies and objectives of the organization.












The Hearing Rule

For ensuring that respect is being given to these rights, the authority taking decision must provide an opportunity to both for preparing and presenting evidence and for responding to the argumentative statements that are being presented by the opposite side (Hall and Purcell, 2012). When the investigation is conducted with respect to a complaint, it is relevant that the individual against whom the complaint is filed, is suggested to provide maximum level of facts and information, and with respect to the opportunity of replying to the allegations imposed.

The Bias Rule

According to this rule, it has been stated that no one will be making judgements over her or his own case. This has been identified as the basic requirement that the authority making the decision has to be unbiased when the hearing is being accorded or the decision is being made (Barrett, 2000). In addition to this, the decision makers and investigators must act without any biasness within the procedures that are in connection with the process in which decision is made.

The Evidence Rule

This rule is that a decision of administration must be made on the basis of evidence material or logical proof. Decision makers and investigators should have the ability of clearly pointing out the evidence over which the determination or inference is based (Labour Research Department, 2005). In addition to this, it is important to state that the decision must not be made on the basis of mere suspicion or speculation.





There would definitely be growth in employment in the health sector which deals with the chronic diseases, e-health records and providing patient centered healthcare system. According to me the idea of giving a holistic treatment to the patient would be a breakthrough in the healthcare system. This would be something very different from the traditional health care. This would have a huge impact on the lifestyle of an individual as he would have to incorporate certain changes. Since it would be a holistic approach there is a huge scope of increase in employment as it would require separate team of doctors, nurses and medical officers depending on the kind of patient being attended to (Evans, 2014).
The use of Information Technology in the health care system would enable the patient to see his progress and the patient would be involved in his own care. This according to me should be the ideal approach in treating a patient. The patient would have the control over his medication. This is a good sign as it would help the patient to understand how his body works. To meet the demand of this sector, the workforce needs to be trained so that the demand for workers could be meet. Another major point which was mentioned was that the workers need to have flexible working timings and the service provider should also take care of the individual worker’s goals within the workplace (Health Professional Workforce Plan Taskforce, 2012).






Deforestation is one of the most powerful forces in deteriorating the world climate taking place in a sophisticated manner across the world. The purpose of deforestation are many depending on the dominant requirement in a particular country, but its primary purpose is business and to earn money through sale of deforested materials. Indonesia is home to a large forest which is capable of balancing the climate change effect arising of the industrial development, but consistent deforestation in the country has posed a challenge for the political leaders, local communities, traders, environmentalists, and world leaders of nature preservation taking deep interest trying to save the forest from getting destroyed. Indonesia has one of the world’s largest bio-diversity regions which are so helpful in mitigating climate changes and maintaining consistency in attracting rains. One region in Indonesia, Sumatra has been facing a huge deforestation drive since decades and there are a lot of factors which are responsible for it. This paper discusses the deforestation issues in Sumatra and the surrounding region and presents some actions that various autonomous groups have been taking against it.

The business decisions are mostly related to the government policy and regulations, because if the government regulations are strong and disallow commercial logging, there will automatically be a reduction in the deforestation rate to some extent. Besides, if there is a provision for local communities for their everyday sustenance by the government, they also may not indulge deeply in deforestation, indicating the inter-relationship of various factors that leads to deforestation.





According to Beetham and Sharpe, (2013), MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Communities is the open organization which is established in order to provide online teaching and learning facilities to the people. It is the recent development in the distance learning which is useful in promoting the education all over the world. In the support of Beetham and Sharpe, (2013), Leask and Pachler, (2013) explained that online teaching and learning is the approach which is largely used by the students and teachers all over the world. MOOC provide the environment in which students can be able to led online discussion and find different web sources.

Kolesinski, Weaver and Diamond, (2013) discussed that MOOC provide methods such as voice mail and e-mail through which students can be able to make interaction with the faculty and discuss the problems. With the help of this, students do not have to face problem in managing working activities. View of Kolesinski, Weaver and Diamond, (2013) is also supported by Gardner, Kline and Bresciani, (2013) and they explained that online teaching and learning has enhanced the knowledge and skills of students. At the same time, people can learn anything whenever they need and at any age. Trend of Online teaching and learning is increasing because people assume that it will provide more flexibility to them in their busy schedules.