标签存档: 代写report




在路由器的串行接口上​​出现的每个IP地址都是通过IP地址为255.255.255.252的子集掩码来配置的,这允许两个主机的可能性。中萨默塞特郡的OSEF部分有不同类型的路由器,如切达干酪,切达干酪,康普顿顿,Langport,Street,Butleigh,Overleigh,Glastonbury和Wookey Hole。但是由于某些可扩展性原因,Somerton和Cheddar路由器上的Enternet被配置为最多可容纳6个可用主机(Wijaya,2011)。


IP Addressing for Somerset
This kind of network address in Somerset networks is segmented between four different network addresses. Each of these addresses allows the total of 254 hosts. The address of the Subnet mask is Subnet mask is nothing but a screen of numbers which is used for the process of routing of the traffic within the subnet. When the packet arrives at the connection point or the switch it can be routed to the destination with the help of subnet (Wu,2011).

There are a number of IOS Commands which are used for enabling the configuration of the OSPF and EIGRP for the infrastructure in the central Somerset.
After the completion of design in the network, the next stage includes the creation of a proper schema for the purpose of addressing for the Central Somerset Network from the range of IP Addresses which have been provided.
Each and every IP Addresses which are present on the serial interfaces of the router are configured by the help of the Subset Mask of IP Address, which allows the possibility of two hosts. There are different types of routers used in OSEF section of the Central Somerset such as the Cheddar, Cheddar2, Compton Dun, Langport, Street, Butleigh, Overleigh, Glastonbury and Wookey Hole. But due to certain scalability reasons the enternet which are present on Somerton and Cheddar routers are configured to accommodate a maximum of 6 available hosts (Wijaya, 2011).



非营利组织所需的领导才能应该是这样的:他帮助组织面对各种挑战。领导者应具备的某些特质,使他有助于在财务、方案、组织或其他压力下帮助组织。领导者应该具备的主要能力是:他应该是一个战略思考者,一个关系建设者,一个鼓舞人心的人,应该有创业技能,良好的沟通技巧,协作的领导,应该能够管理变化。 也有一些人格特质,包括正直、对使命的热情、敏捷、敏感和毅力。领导者还应该具备典型的金融方面的知识,行业知识,能够理解存在差异(Kaiser和伊根,2013)。因此,当组织面临困难时,领导组织的人应该能够在巨大的压力下工作,使组织摆脱当前的困难。一个好的领导者是一个在困境中不会失去冷静的人。相反,领导者应该是这样的,在组织的表现和公司的困难时期,他都能以超乎寻常的思路思考问题。



The leadership profile needed for a nonprofit organization should be such that he helps the organization to confront all kinds of challenges. There are certain traits which a leader should have so that he is instrumental in helping the organization during financial, programmatic, constituent based or any other stress. The major competencies which a leader should possess are: he should be a strategic thinker, a relationship builder, an inspiring human being, should have entrepreneurial skills, good communication skills, collaborative leader and should be able to manage change.
There are certain personality traits as well which include integrity, passion for mission, agility, sensitivity and perseverance. The leaders should also possess exemplary financial acumen, industry knowledge and should be able to understand the existent diversities (Kaiser & Egan, 2013). Thus when the organization faces difficulties, the person leading the organizations should be able to work under immense pressure to bring out its organization from the current difficulties. A good leader is someone who does not lose his calm when in distress. On the contrary, the leader should be such that he is able to think beyond normal lines when it comes to the performance of the organization and also during difficult periods of the company.

All this traits can be summed up and the leader with all the mentioned traits can be described as a dynamic leader who changes with the prevailing changes, is not rudimentary and is always ready to embrace difficulties. Leader should never get bogged down when the wind is not in his stride. Everybody performs exemplary in normal situations but a true leader is one who has the potential to reverse the adversities into opportunities.
Thus it can be concluded that a transformational leader is suited for the organization that has the potential to change with the changing scenarios using their knowledge, skills and experience.



本研究旨在分析影响一线员工服务质量的因素。这里开始文献回顾之前的假设是前线员工的挑战虽然可能与一般员工有重叠的挑战,但也会有一些独特的挑战(Bowen&Lawler,2006)。一个组织的公众面临着一些影响其一线员工的独特因素,文献综述将分析现有文献研究这些独特因素如何运作。影响工人服务质量的因素,影响工作场所的熟练程度,影响消费者如何看待组织的因素等(Karatepe,&Kilic,2007)。除了讨论影响一线员工的因素的重要性之外,文献综述还试图介绍管理方法如何帮助缓解这些因素。大多数学术调查都集中在生产力,熟练度角度。只有一些研究人员,比如Brodie等人(2011),主张以多学科的方法来理解这个问题,心理学,社会学等等都应该被纳入其中。这篇文献综述将侧重于生产率 – 效率的角度,以及提高一线员工服务质量的心理学角度。


The research is conducted with the aim of analysing the factors that affect frontline employee’s service quality. Here the assumption made before commencing the literature review was that front line employee challenges although it might have overlapping challenges with general employees, would also have some unique challenges (Bowen, & Lawler, 2006). The public face of an organization faces some unique factors affecting their front line staff and the literature review will analyse existing literature studies on how these unique factors operate. The factors affect the worker service quality, it affects their proficiency in the workplace, affects how consumers might view the organization, and more (Karatepe, & Kilic, 2007). In addition to discussing the significance of the factors affecting front line staff, the literature review also attempts to present how management approaches can help mitigate these factors. Most academic investigations have focused on the issue from the productivity, proficiency angle. Only some researchers, such as Brodie et al (2011), advocate for understanding this issue in a multidisciplinary approach, where psychology, sociology and more should be brought into context. This literature review will focus on both the productivity –proficiency angle, as well as the psychographic angle of improving service quality of the frontline employee.
Services Quality
Hoffman and Bateson (2010) rightly explain the service quality as an attitude. This attitude is formed through the reputation of the firm and the long term associations such reputations will enable the company to create with its customers. A well reputed company will have better products, and hence a high quality of association with its customers (Vargo, & Lusch, 2004). The association will also be long term and this will enable the company to be productive and sustainable. Service quality hence plays a major role and affects the company overtime. Goods quality is very easy to judge by the package, label, style and etc (Malhotra, 2004). However the service quality is difficult to explain and measure because it is intangible and this hence necessitates that frontline staff require adequate training and management to meet the service quality requirements and changes in demands.



从有效的商业市场策略工具的角度选择一个真实的市场营销活动,批判性地评价活动,是可口可乐活动,动漫家居。这项运动的目的在于提高认识,拨款资助世界野生动物基金,重塑可口可乐的形象和增加销售(Artic Home,2013)。这反过来导致公司自我改造,重建自我,然后重新品牌。活动中使用的沟通方式包括广告包装,电视,印刷,手机,互动和社交网络。从这个角度来看,这场运动是一个互惠互利的伙伴关系的例子,这个伙伴关系是负责保护的组织和一个跨国公司(Artic Film,2013)。世界自然基金会通过可口可乐公司大量收集的资金获得了这些收益,而另一方面,通过商业获得公众意识增加了公司的附加值。可口可乐公司的使命是通过对环境友好,负责任的公司来建立信誉。大约1.4罐的运动标签只是表示公司打算建立自己的形象,从而提高产品的需求(Leiss等,2005)。另外,可口可乐在近百年来一直使用北极熊的形象,而北极家则代表着可口可乐自有品牌技术的另一个契机。可口可乐和世界自然基金会通过把重点放在北极熊的谈话上,而不是促进更复杂和更程序化的过程来管理这个地区,从而引起了公众的兴趣,从而得到了他们的支持。


A real life marketing campaign selected to evaluate critically the campaign from the perspective of effective commercial market strategy tool is, Artic Home, Coca Cola Campaign. The objectives of this campaign lie in raising awareness, allocating funds for assisting the world wildlife fund, re-branding the image of Coca-Cola and increasing sales (Artic Home, 2013). This in turn caused the company to revamp itself, re-establish itself and then re-brand itself. The communication approach used in the campaign was comprised on advertisement packaging, TV, printing, mobiles, Interaction and social networking. From this perspective, the campaign acts as an example for a partnership mutually beneficial to the organization responsible for conservation and a corporation which is transnational (Artic Film, 2013). The benefits are obtained by WWF through funds collected substantially by the company Coca-Cola whereas on the other side, the awareness of public through the commercial grew adding value to the company. Coca-Cola has mission to gain advantage through reputation establishment as that company which is friendly towards environment and very responsible. The labels of the campaign on approximately 1.4 cans simply indicated that the company intends to build its image and hence enhance the demand for its products (Leiss, et al., 2005). Additionally, Coca-Cola has been using the image of polar bear for almost a century and Arctic home represents another tie-in with Coca-Cola’s own branding technique. By keeping a focus on conversation of polar bears rather than promoting more complicated and procedural process to manage the region, Coca-Cola and WWF have helped generate the interest of the public and henceforth gain support from them.
From the perspective of successful key factors, 4 main considerations were shared between Coca-Cola and WWF which were inclusive of partnering, championing leadership, being true to equity in brand and innovating as well as risking to learn from risk filled experiences. The lessons learnt after the implication of this campaign were inclusive of always having room to collaborate, deferring with the perspective of the experts, simplifying mechanics for participating and carefully considering the role played by every medium of communication (Littler, 2009).



人力资源管理(Human Resource Management,HRM)通常被视为员工绩效评估的核心,并根据员工的优势和弱点提供适当的责任分配。有动力的员工将更有效地工作,并可能在相同的工作时间内产生更多的利润。这是一个众所周知的事实,人力资源管理团队必须确保所有员工都有合适的动机,并期待高于平均水平的表现。本文研究了有效的人力资源管理实践在员工激励中的作用,以及不同的组织如何利用这些实践来获得利益。

研究的数量认为,人力资源管理实践与员工绩效之间存在着直接的正相关关系(Combs et.al,2006)。近来,人力资源管理实践的重点转向以员工为中心的结果,而不仅仅是为了提高组织绩效(Boxall and Macky,2009)。员工激励被认为是一个组织成功的重要贡献者,并被认为是人力资源管理实践中的重要组成部分。



Human Resource Management (HRM) is often recognised the backbone of employee performance assessment and providing proper allocation of responsibilities depending on the strengths and weaknesses of the workforce. Motivated employees will work more effectively and probably produce more profitable result in the same amount of work time. This is a known fact and the HRM team must ensure proper motivation to all employees of it needs and expects more than average performance. This paper researches the role of effective HRM practices in employee motivation and how different organisations use it for their benefits.

Role of HRM practices in employee motivation
Number of research has concluded that there is a direct and positive relation between HRM practices and employee performance (Combs et.al, 2006). There has been a recent shift to focus the HRM practices on employee centred outcomes and not just to improve organisational performance (Boxall and Macky, 2009). Employee motivation is considered as a significant contributor to the success of an organisation, and it has been regarded as an important division in the HRM practices.

Create a caring workplace: If the workplace is positive and each employee cares for the other, the environment is vibrant and will most often retain all employees. When employees are motivated genuinely, they will feel cared and will strive more to produce better results.
Promote from within: When the time is right and employees are ready, they need to be promoted to higher levels to give them opportunities to grow. This is again an important factor which retains employees.



另一个观点是Jeynes在他的研究(Jeynes 237 – 269)中提供的父母在小学生学习成绩中的角色和参与。结果显示,家长参与学生上学对学生的学业成就有积极的影响。结果还表明,父母的参与对学生的成绩和成绩有显着的影响。这是一个正在被调查和研究的观点,但是在父母双方工作的情况下,全心全意参与孩子的发展变得困难。如果标准化考试可能不能有效地帮助学生学习和获得知识,那么家长参与也是支持学生表现的一个附加优势。家长的存在倾向于给学生更多的信心面对考试,有时候急需的动机可能来自家长而不是老师。埃克尔斯和哈罗德(Eccles and Harold,568 – 587)也同意这个想法。

许多社会科学家曾经争辩说,父母对城市小学的参与以及由于父母双亲工作家庭,高家庭溶解率以及一些独特的社会学压力等因素而日益受到重视(Crane 305 – 314; Green et.al 3 – 13)。这是正确的,因为在今天的经济世界过度竞争的时期,家长忙于管理事业,他们可能很难甚至不可能在家里花时间与他们在一起,更不用说在学校。


Another view is of parents’ role and participation in elementary students’ academic performance provided by Jeynes in his research (Jeynes 237 – 269). The results showed that parents’ participation in students schooling does have a positive effect on students’ academic career and achievement. The results also showed that parents’ involvement has a significant effect on students’ of racial minority in their grades and performance. This is a view which is being surveyed and researched, but in case of both parent working, it becomes difficult to participate whole heartedly in their child’s development. Parental involvement is also an added advantage in supporting the student’s performance when standardized tests may not be very effective in equipping the student to learn and gain knowledge. Parental presence tends to give more confidence to the student in facing the tests, and sometimes the much needed motivation may come from the parent instead of the teacher. This particular thought is also agreed by Eccles and Harold (Eccles and Harold 568 – 587).

Many social scientists have argued about the parental involvement in urban elementary schools and its increasing importance due to factors like two parent working families, high family dissolution rates, and some unique sociological pressures on children (Crane 305 – 314; Green et.al 3 – 13). This is correct because in today’s period of excessive competition in the economic world where parents are busy with steering their career, it may be difficult or even not possible for them to spend time with them at home, let alone at the school.



作者还认为,英语不仅仅是语言代码的掌握,更重要的是,通过记录一个人经历的事例,英语增强了一个人对世界和他/她的社会的理解。用于语言习得的装置并不存在于个人的头脑中,而是位于以对话为基础的互动中(Graddol等,2009)。与作者的观点相反,我认为自传的构建或发展并不是一种以目标为导向的实践,因为个体经历了无数的事例和情境是他/她的生活,因此文本的流动更有可能随着不同的情况而改变或经验。笔者发现作者的文本在这个领域具有影响力,作者直接指出,写作是认识个人的最好方式 – 自我写作过去的经验涉及思想和观点的流动。



The author also argues that English is not just the mastery of linguistic code, but is more than that. English enhances the understanding of an individual regarding world and his / her society through documenting the instances that an individual has been going through. The device used for language acquisition is not present in an individual’s head, but is located in the interaction that is dialogue – based (Graddol et al., 2009). In contrast to the author’s argument, I believe that construction or development of an autobiography is not a goal – directed practice as an individual undergoes numerous instances and situations is his / her life, thus the flow of texts is more likely to change with differing situations or experiences. I find the texts of author to be influential in the area where, author directly states that writing is the best way to know an individual – self as writing the past experiences involve flow of ideas and perspectives.

I understand that the identities of an individual are greatly affected and reshaped by different socio – political and socio – cultural perspectives. The second lesson of the chosen article highlights the scrutiny of author’s racial and linguistic identity. I analyzed a process of renewing in the identity of author with passing years. The purpose of the author, here, is to unveil the significance of goal – directed practices like autobiography, as stated by author. I also found that the theory being practiced within the article is writing as an enquiry method. The author also argued that English is the best approach available for the students to complete their CLA project on time. I am also with the argument that writing is an advantageous pedagogical and methodological method in evaluating the past experiences of individuals, across the globe. However, the advantages are maximal if the author of certain texts strengthens the whole concept with effective power of expression that is past experiences and practical examples.



在生命的早期阶段暴饮暴食,即15岁以前的最低水平,将导致澳大利亚青少年的负面影响。作为短期的消极结果,可能导致暴力行为,意外事故,鲁莽驾驶导致身体受伤,导致学业成绩不佳的学校旷工率上升,药物滥用增加导致自杀企图和抑郁,消极性行为伴有性攻击和意外怀孕。童年是大脑发育的关键时期,因此在这个年龄,大脑容易因高酒精消费而造成的损害,长期以来可能永久性地损害大脑的发育(Heerde,2014)。 18-24岁之间的澳大利亚青年老年人比任何其他年龄组别更容易发生暴饮暴食,导致他们处于更高的短期风险水平。



Binge drinking in early stages of life i.e. minimum before 15 years of age would result in negative effects among Australian adolescents.  As a short term negative outcomes it can result in violent behavior, unintentional accidents, reckless driving leads to physical injuries, higher rates of absenteeism from schools that results in poor academic performances, increased use of drugs leads to suicidal attempts and depression, negative sexual behaviors with sexual assault and unwanted pregnancies.  Childhood is the crucial period for brain development therefore at this age brain is susceptible for the damages caused due to higher alcohol consumption that can in long run permanently impair developments of the brain (Heerde, 2014).    Australian youth ageing between 18-24 years are more prone to binge drinking and that leads them at higher levels of short term risks in comparison to any other age group.

According to the most recent data collected on alcohol consumption states that about 2/3 among the age group of 18-24 years that admitted that they faced a situation of risk of injuries for at least once in the past one year. Binge drinking among youths had resulted in higher mortality rates and hospitalization due to unintentional injuries among Australian youths (Tobin, 2011). Binge drinking by youths had severe economic costs for the Australian community.  According to a study done on Australian youths for binge drinking resulted to an estimated costs of $15.3 billion incurred on efforts of Australian government for preventing youths from their severe damage (MacLean, 2014). On the contrary some researchers argue that the cost incurred on preventive efforts of binge drinking is much higher and is around $36 billion in 2011.  Some other additional costs incurred due to occasional drinking or weekend drinking was estimated about $15 billion and this was associated with the higher risks related to violence, accidents and injuries due to excessive consumption of alcohol.