标签存档: 代写留学生论文



喜树碱是一种植物生物碱,最初被从喜树碱中分离出来。喜树的树皮、叶子和茎中都含有喜树碱。喜树碱是中国特有的品种。这些被认为对喜树碱的抗癌特性很重要。这被认为是已经使用了好几个世纪的传统药物。这种喜树碱化合物在治疗多种疾病中起着重要作用,包括治疗癌症的纳米药物。在S期有丝分裂期间,这种喜树碱化合物被发现阻止细胞生长。它被发现具有纳米级的效力,以处理对人类肿瘤细胞系(如HT29, LOX)的细胞毒性问题。



Camptothecin is found to be plant alkaloid that is initially isolated from Camptotheca acuminate. Camptothecin is found in the bark, leaves and stem in the Chinese happy tree. Camptotheca acuminate is a native breed to China. These are considered to be important for the anticancer properties of Camptothecin. This is considered to be the traditional medicine that has been used for many centuries. This Camptothecin compound is found to have an important role in curing of a number of diseases including Nano medicine treatment for cancer. This Camptothecin compound is found to halt the cell during the S phase mitosis. It is found to have nanomolar potency to address the issues of cytotoxicity against the human tumor cell lines such as HT29, LOX to name a few.

In combination with the TNF, it is found to induce apoptosis. A number of feasible drugs that are developed from the Camptothecin analogues are used in the development of anti-cancer drugs. Some of them are topotecan and irinotecan. These have been commercially sold as anti-cancer drugs and in chemotherapy. These compounds are now being used in Nano medicine. They are found to have long circulation half-lives and localize the tumor cells. The nanoparticles address the tumor cells only and release the CPT and cause them to disassemble the individual polymer chains. These are found to be smaller and cleared renally. IT-101 is one such drug that is currently investigated. Hence, this compound with a lot of potential is found to originate from natural sources. Its complete potential in Nano medicine is yet to be utilized completely.



这些东西都来自于买方-供应商关系,可以支持研究进展。它可以产生专利,从而保护知识分子的资本。它还提供了在市场上推出新产品的机会。因此,这种能力通过知识转移来打开买方自身的关系。这可能会受到购买者对创新的需求的影响。因此,在这种关系中,政府的机制过程应该被用于这种关系中,以加强学习,从而有助于在涉及的双方中取得进展。买方内在价值的另一个来源是参考,它的使用可以影响一个组织中消费者的决定,因为它为其供应商创造了一定的市场资产价值,如声誉和公司品牌地位。供应商采用了许多步骤,如访问领导客户、处理活跃客户列表和成功案例(Scho nberger、Kaufmann和Weber, 2013)。它既可以提高可信度,也可以降低对买家风险的认识,从而达到潜在的目标。




The things come from the buyer- supplier relationship which can support the research progress. It can lead to generate patents and protect consequently the capitals which are intellectual. It also provides the opportunities to launch new products in the market. Thus the abilities turn on the relationship of the buyer itself through knowledge transfer. It could have been influenced by the demands of the buyers for innovation. Therefore, in this way, the mechanism process of the government should be used in such relationships to enhance learning that would assist to make progress for both the parties appropriately who are involved. The other source of the buyer’s intrinsic value is references, and the use of it can influence the decision of consumers in an organization as it generates a certain value of market assets for its suppliers, such as reputation and company brand position. The providers use many steps such as the visit to lead customers, processing a list of active customers and successful cases (Schönberger, Kaufmann and Weber, 2013). It can either enhance the credibility or reduce the awareness of the risk of a buyer to achieve a potential target.


The internal relationships are made to observe as the sources of reputation. They have certain characteristics which may lead the positive behavior in various forms on the part of different stakeholders. Different types of stakeholders are such as loyalty, advocacy, also plays a significant part in the supplier’s value, and making decision in the procurement processes that could be the good indicator of the intrinsic value of a supplier. The buyer recognizes the tangible or intangible features as differentiators. Thence, a supplier has compared to his observation in the market. These features influence the customer’s choice. The four identified characteristics of the value are, reliability and technological features, reliability in the dimension of distribution, expertise in the dimension of supporting services and the status and reputation of the supplier’s profile. As the buyer may require new product development, the characteristics would be successfully utilizable that still have been experimented. The differentiated benefits of it are economic, behavior, resources and potential of the relationships.




采购对组织来说非常重要,它也是买方与供应商关系的重要组成部分。采购用于安全、健全的货物、服务和外部来源的工作。这也是一个收获的过程(Chick和Handfield, 2015)。外部来源必须是适当的,以协助组织的管理,以解决他们的困难。在选择之后,价格或成本需要令人满意。巨大的公众和企业组织喜欢通过采购和获得项目来促进选择和更大的竞争。选择和优势在商业中大有作为。最后,每个人都能从中受益。


促进选择和更大的竞争。选择和优势在商业中大有作为。最后,每个人都能从中受益。外包是买方供应商管理的一种表现。个人或组织执行任务、提供服务或为其他公司角色生产产品,这些角色本可以通过外包的性能来完成或由内部完成。外包是信息技术和其他行业的普遍趋势。外包自然被公司用来节约成本(Germeten, 2016)。业务外包服务被视为组织的一个重要方面,也有助于内部和外部客户。在少数情况下,公司的整个信息管理是外包的,例如计划和实施项目和战略、技术、人力资源等。


Procurement is very much important for the organizations and it is also a significant part of the buyer-supplier relation. Procurement is used for safe and sound goods, services and works from outside sources. It is also a gaining process (Chick and Handfield, 2015). The outer source must be suitable that assist the management of the organization with a solution to their difficulty. Following that choice, price or cost requires being satisfactory. Huge public and corporate organizations like to promote option and greater competition with procurement and gaining programs. Choice and superiority go a long way in business. In the end, everyone can benefit.


Outsourcing is a performance in the buyer-supplier management. An individual or organization executes tasks, supply services or produces products for additional company roles that could have been or is done in-house by the performance of the outsourcing. Outsourcing is a general trend in information technology and other industries. Outsourcing is naturally used by companies to save costs (Germeten, 2016). Businesses outsource for services that are seen as an important aspect of an organizations and also helps internal and external customers. In a few cases, the entire information management of a company is outsourced, such as planning and implementing projects and strategies, technology, human resources etc.






The government for regulating the direct action has released the official documents that have the details about this policy and the principles of fund for reducing the emission rates. The labour force of China as well as the coalition gave the full support to direct action plan over the policies of carbon tax. Contrary to the carbon taxes, the policy emphasizes on gaining the incentives by reducing the carbon emission in environment. The policy is drafted for the benefits of business as it also has the provision for compensation payment to tax payers for reducing the increase in prices. It directs the industries of China to work towards the emission reducing projects (Peters, 2008).
China is one of the largest contributors from Asian continent towards the carbon emission. The direct action plan as implemented will be helpful not only for China but for the entire world as the carbon emission will be reduced without impacting the cost of production. The main feature of the direct action policy is creation of emission reduction fund, which will be Chinese Yuan 2 billion for four years. The fund will be based on the industrial tenders for the emission reduction projects. This will create a kind of reverse action and the industries will strive to reduce the degree of carbon emission for gaining the incentive program. China has declared that these auctions will be held twice in a year.
This policy has ensured the positive results in terms of reduction in greenhouse gas emission (Laffont, 2008)
The government is sure about the positive outcomes of the policy in terms of reduction in carbon emission.





For example, due to international financial standards the superannuation fees in Australia is high and there are limited chances in superannuation sector of strong-fees based competition. The debts levels in superannuation systems are rising (Frost, 2014). On the other hand, there exists lack of debts in the superannuation system in Australia which is beneficial for the global financial system. The settings for the super policy are unstable which leads to addition in the costs and reduction in the confidence and trust in the system for long-run.
Globalization in environment and society of Australia:
The environment is adversely affected by globalization although it has provided advantages of global trade and easy foreign exchange policies. On the other hand, globalization is termed as a major contributor of feature of global warming as due to globalization internal travel and trade are at booming levels and even there is immense growth in the industrial sector as they got global platform for conducting their business activities. It is seen that emission of carbon dioxide had increased four times in 2000 in comparison to the 1950’s (Breslin, 2003). The governments of various nations are taking steps for the protection of environment by framing new policies such as the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 that included delegates of 150 countries for discussing over the crucial issue of reducing the effective of emission of green house gases.
Globalization has affected each aspect of human life such as religion, food habits, transportation system, clothing patterns and languages etc. This greatly affects the society as a whole though it affects the individuals differently based on the various factors such as location, education and income etc. Local levels of the society are not limited to local cuisine instead are enjoying international fast food chains such as McDonalds and Dominos etc. Globalization has greatly affected the languages of local communities and they no longer exist in some places as the traditional clothing of local communities in some countries.
Globalization is bringing the world closer but at the same time it is having some harmful effects due to which it is even dividing the world. Citizens of developing nations are at much disadvantageous position even in comparison to poor people of developed nations as they are being exploited due to cheap labor and limited and no excess to the technology. Some have access to technology but are unable to read and write or not even able to communicate in English which has emerged as a new dominant global language.



在短篇小说中,主题,背景,角度,冲突和性格等所有元素都是重要的,但最重要的是角色。在Alice Munro的“离家出走”中,她把角色的基本要素放在最前面。她具有故事中的所有重要元素:安大略省农村地区的一个工人阶级的年轻女性,依赖于爱情,随之而来的是绝望和危险,随着时间的推移向前和向后的运动,使她成为一个老式的翻版。另外,在逃亡中,她利用了一个有智力的老年女性的某种情绪问题的处理(Munro)。



In a short story, all elements such as theme, setting, point of view, conflict, and character are important but the most important is the character. In “Runaway” by Alice Munro, she puts the basic essential element of character at the forefront. She has all the important elements in the story: a working class, young woman in rural Ontario who is dependent on love and is followed by despair and danger with movements both backward and forward in time, to make her an old fashioned page turner. Also, in Runaway she makes use of a stock character which is intellectual, older woman with certain emotional issues to deal with (Munro).

The goat is also one of the characters of Runaway which was kept by the couple whose marriage was not working and this goat kept them together. Before the disappearance of the goat and the return, it was a bonding symbol for the family and an important character. This goat created the never ending bond between Sylvia, the widow, and Carla, who was the physical, not emotionally established woman who had these complexities about her husband. Sylvia not only helps Carla but declares her crush for Carla and eventually forces her to leave her husband. In Alice Munro’s stories characters are very important (Munro).








殖民地在殖民世界的根源深深扎根,西方殖民列强在发展中地区滞后。 1957年的黄金海岸是非洲撒哈拉以南非洲地区第一个独立于欧洲殖民统治的国家。从那时起的35年间,非洲独立的国家继续保持着独立。独立运动开始后,在各种情况下导致过渡秩序,独立斗争开始拉长和暴力。然而,这种情况不仅对非洲国家,而且还在起初处于欧洲殖民统治下的世界其他地区略有改善。 “然而,考虑在于西方世界在殖民时期最初征服和治理的领域仍然遥遥领先”(Ellswood,212)。这篇论文是为了着眼于全球政治和西方列强的非殖民化已经变得更少而且今天仍在执政的论点。这个论题已经被开发出来,对理想发展的论点陈述有不同的看法。重点还在于从包括民族主义在内的四本不同的书籍中承认事实,对全球化的非无感指导和利奥波德国王。

在这本书中,全球化的“无废话”指南已经奠定了10年来导致全球化的努力。世界上已经有了惊人的变化。全球化这个词在几年前就已经是新的了,但现在已经不复存在了。全球化在当今世界是显而易见的,每个国家都关注如何加强全球化。这可以通过大多数国家不承认的各种各样的忧虑来实现。 “西方世界确实占了一段时间,但是全球化已经导致了高度多样化和高度活跃的市场的扩散,垄断不被任何特定的公司所接受”(Ellswood,225)。


Colonization was deep settled in the roots of colonial worlds with western colonial powers growing while the developing regions lagged behind. Gold Coast in 1957 was the first nation in African Sub-Saharan region to become independent from the colonial rule of Europe. Throughout 35 years from then, the number of African states gaining independence continued. After the start of independence movement’s spurt, which in various situations led to transitional order, the independence struggle started to protract and be violent as well. However, the situation improved slightly not only for the African nations but the rest of the world which was initially under colonial rule of Europe. “The consideration, however, lies in the fact that western worlds have remained to be ahead of the areas that they conquered and governed initially at the colonial times” (Ellswood, 212). This essay has been developed in order to focus on the thesis statement that decolonization has changed less in global politics and western powers ruled before and have continued ruling even today. The thesis has been developed to explore in disagreement to the thesis statement ideally developed. The focus furthermore lies in acknowledging facts from 4 separate books which are inclusive of Nationalism, No-non sense guide to globalization and King Leopold’s Ghost.

In the book, the No-Nonsense guide to globalization, focus by authors has been laid to the 10 years of efforts that led towards globalization. There have been stunning changes apparent in the world. The word, globalization, was new some years back but not anymore. Globalization is apparent in the world today and each country focuses on how globalization can be enhanced. This can be done with varied and diverse apprehensions that most nations fail to acknowledge. “The western worlds did rule some time back but globalization has led towards the spread of highly diverse and highly dynamic markets wherein monopoly is not enjoyed by any particular company” (Ellswood, 225).







The fire forecast system FWI, which is used primarily in Canada and UK has its base on two intermediate Fire Behavior Indices values: The buildup index (BUI) and the Initial Spread Index (ISI). The ISI indices provide estimated value of the combined impact of wind speed and the FFMC on the projected spread of forest fire. The developed equation is a simple exponential function which provides double the value of FWI for the wind speed increment of about 20 Km per hour. The second indices, the buildup index are a combined form of DMC and the Drought Code (DC), and it refers to the availability of deeper or large amounts of fuel for the forest fire. The FWI value is calculated by the combination of the ISI and BUI values, and it represents the highest daily intensity by which the fire can spread, in terms of the energy output rate for the per unit length of the fire.
Here, the FFDI system and the FWI systems are compared with each other. Various similarities between the two systems and the differences between these two systems are analyzed in this part of the paper. As a result of the comparison, a relationship would be identified between these two types of forest fire indices systems. The relationship amongst the FWI and FFDI systems is developed in order to generate an indication of the fire danger threshold value of the FWI system for its implementation in the Australian forests (basing the implementation of the FFDI thresholds which were shown in the table 1)(Berry, 1974). Once the relationship has been established, scatter plots are used to further investigate the accuracy of the relationship identified between the two indices, by an analysis of the days when the two indices provide large difference between their values.



会有一个创意团队,要进行整合营销沟通活动相关的活动建立(Enright 2007)。这个团队将是一个重大的贡献,该项目的管理和互动营销随着过程的发展,应考虑一些策略,时间表和预算,并跟踪竞争力分析,适当的变化和启动相关创意的活动在整个项目启动。


Skills of Technicality in the Members of Creative TeamAs stated above, it has been seen that the current market position of the brand is not stable at all. This refers to the fact that the brand of Marks & Spencers has been losing its share within the market of clothing at a faster rate in comparison with the rival organizations (Carter 2005). With the help of this particular campaign of communication, the brand will be able to retain its position within the market and there is scope that the organization will be able to retain its position by being the top most organization in the industry retail within the United Kingdom. There are chances if maximum level of benefits is not availed by the organization with the help of this particular campaign of integrated communication, the smaller organization in competition that is Next, has been showing huge degree of interest for overtaking the organization of Marks & Spencers (Carter 2007). Within a small duration of time, this organization of Next had been able to become the organization with the highest share holder within the entire market of clothing with a rise of approximately 7.5 per cent in the duration of a week only.
The Creative Team of the Campaign
There will be an establishment of a creative team that shall be performing the activities related to integrate marketing communication campaign (Enright 2007). This particular team shall be a major contribution in the management of this project and the interactive marketing along with the processes involved that shall be developing and considering a number of strategies, timelines, and budgets, analysis and tracking of competitiveness, initiation of appropriate changes and initiating the activities related to creativity within the entire program.
This particular team shall be focusing on the development of a collaborative procedure with respect to connections, digital platforms as well as the global platforms for an increased holistic approach with respect to social marketing as well as digital marketing and for the implementation of these strategies. The members of the team shall be performing cross functions for the development of superior positions within the entire industry (Grande 2007). The team shall be selected on the basis of appropriate skills as well as experience within the industry. There shall be a need of members having a number of different skills that in combination shall be a major contribution for the success of the organization as well as the entire campaign.




Marks & Spencer的目前的市场地位
品牌,已被选为本文的完成是Marks & Spencer。这个特殊的品牌之所以被选择是因为它一直面临着持续时间长的不幸。玛莎已经被确定为英国最古老的组织。品牌的名声是通过提供负担得起的基础上建立的组织及各种高质量和高质量的产品和食品(卡特2005)。一个重要的问题,应该面临的运动是选择的类型,促进销售,以便使用。如上所述的技术有很多,所选择的技术是广告。作为广告的来源,还有一些其他的选择,以及可以使用。这些包括钱,奖金包,保费金额,忠诚卡,通过价格促销,以及更多。销售的比例应该是相当大的,考虑到包括价格折扣,折扣,免费商品和竞争在内的交易。


This should be done with respect to the fact that there is complete avoidance within the wastage of valuable resources of the organization along with the efforts that are being put in for the development of the campaign of integrated marketing communications. Hence, the planning and evaluation should be done in an appropriate manner (Cane 2005). There are a number of stages that are involved within this particular stage.
This particular process shall begin by considering the overall strategy of marketing being followed by the organization, the strategy for positioning itself and the audiences being targeted. There is a need for setting out the goals and objectives in the most appropriate manner that shall contribute in increasing the level of sales. Only after the completion of the stages, the company should start considering the message that has been decided. There is also a need for the consideration of an appropriate budget with respect to the needs of the campaign that shall be used till the final point. Finally, the strategy that has been chosen for the purpose of this paper is advertising (Cane 2005). Advertising is referred to as any form of communication that is paid as well as non- personal with respect to a certain product or an idea within the primary sources of media such as radio, cinema, posters, press and television.
Current Market Position of Marks &Spencer
The brand that has been chosen for the completion of this paper is Marks & Spencer. This particular brand has been chosen due to the fact that it has been facing duration of misfortunes since a long duration of time. Marks & Spencers has been identified as the most venerable organization in the United Kingdom. The reputation of the brand had been built by the organization on the basis of provision of affordable apparels with high quality and products of food with high quality as well (Carter 2005). One significant issue that shall be faced within the campaign is the selection of the type for the promotion of sales in order to be used. There are wide number of techniques as stated above and the chosen technique is advertisement. As a source of advertisement, there are a number of other options as well that can be used. These include money, packs of bonus, amounts of premium, loyalty cards, promotion through price, and many more. There proportion of the sales being done should be sizeable as in consideration with the trade that shall be including discounts of price, allowances, free goods and competitions.