标签存档: 澳洲作业代写


当代企业迫切需要从不同的地理位置聘用员工。全球化促进了竞争的加剧,并为企业不断发展创新创造了必要条件。它们还必须满足不断变化的消费者需求。在这个过程中,企业需要雇佣来自不同文化背景的员工(Luo, 2007)。来自母国的文化差异和不同的经营模式是员工选择辞职的原因。这样的营业额对公司来说可能是昂贵的。他们需要雇佣新的资源,并从一开始就对他们进行培训。在这一过程中,降低员工流失率变得越来越困难。移居到新目的地的外籍人士在适应新环境方面存在困难。由于文化和个人问题的不同,他们被发现要搬回自己的祖国。这个过程对公司来说可能是昂贵的(Luo, 2007)。招聘和开发资源是一个耗时的过程。为防止员工流失,人力资源(HR)管理者必须具备必要的工具和能力,以确保防止员工流失。本文旨在探讨在华外籍人士接受跨文化培训的细微差别。澳大利亚代写-不同文化背景的员工管理分析中,东道国是中国。

Companies, for providing guidance, hire expatriates skilled in technical knowledge. From this, they can comprehend best practices followed in another country and understand the cross cultures. Expatriates who choose to work in Chinese corporations can be broadly classified as follows. Some of the employees choose to work for short-term or long-term projects. In short term projects, employees typically adjust to new surroundings better. Nevertheless, the costs involved in the processes are found to be higher. In cases where the employees work shorter term, higher pay is given to the employees (Farndale, Scullion and Sparrow 2010). This depends on the duration of the project and subsequent requirements. It is for these issues that the employees are made to work in longer-term assignments. Commuter assignments are found to gain prominence in the current era. Inherent advantage in this process is the greater agility and the flexibility it offers. People need not leave their home country in this situation. Disadvantages of this process are the loss of productive working hours during the process of commuting (Farndale, Scullion and Sparrow 2010). It is found to be disruptive for long-term processes. Mobile cadre assignments involve travelling by the personnel to learn about the different cultural notions and processes. In this process again, there is a lot of flexibility and agility. It allows the personnel to gain holistic understanding of the issues to develop solutions. This is also found to be disruptive for families and companies when it is operational for longer durations. Hence, this is considered for short-term durations. Young people usually follow self-initiated projects. In this, they prefer to travel the world and choose assignments where they can understand about the world. In this process, the remuneration offered to the personnel will not be in lieu of their sacrificed. Corporations initiate Inpatriate assignments (Marx, 2011). In this process, personnel from one country are made to travel to another a country within the same project. Advantage of this process is knowledge transfer of the actual elements and technical knowledge. There is also more understanding of the psyche and the culture of the other country (Marx, 2011). Virtual assignments people from different geographical locations are made to work together. In this process, the other will compensate redundancy of operations by a certain team (Marx, 2011). Coordination issues and time zone difference are found to be issues in this management.
From analysis of all the worker types operating, it has been found that there is a need for proper personnel management by the HR to avoid issues. HR should have the right candidate and ensure that they have a model to prevent employee turnover.

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因此,百事成功地說服了這些消費者,並努力瞄准他們,使他們成為自己的消費者。百事可樂一直在用兩種發展模式構建品牌資產,一種是認知模式,即品牌意識的深度和廣度;第二個是關注,關注的問題是當人們想到百事可樂時是什麼感覺?(Kish, Riskey and Kerin, 2001)。百事瞄準了人們正確的心理共鳴,並在將其打造成一個擁有一系列信仰和經驗的全球品牌方面取得了重大進展。有些消費者喝百事可樂僅僅是因為想要體驗百事可樂所展示的體驗,這表明品牌有能力說服個體消費者改變他們的感知,他們的決定,做出不同的選擇,違背他們之前的意願和決定(Kotler and Armstrong, 2012)。 Thompson, Rindfleisch and Arsel(2006)談到了情感品牌,以及如何在創造一個與之相似的品牌形象時出錯,同時也破壞了情感品牌的潛力。情感品牌策略被耐克、IBM、麥當勞、蘋果和星巴克等多個品牌所使用,許多學者已經開始接受情感品牌策略的好處,以及它的反應能夠產生的後續效應(Atkin, 2004;羅伯茨,2004)。


Thus, Pepsi wins in convincing such consumers and makes a striving effort of targeting them and then make them their consumers. Pepsi has been building its brand equity with two models of development, one is recognition, which asks how deep and broad the brand awareness is; and second is regard, which asks how do people feel when thinking about Pepsi? (Kish, Riskey and Kerin, 2001). Pepsi has targeted the right psychological chord of people and have made significant progress into making it a global brand with a set of beliefs and experiences. There are consumers how have drunk Pepsi only because the wanted to feel the experience that was displayed by Pepsi, indicating that brands have the power to convince individual consumers to change their perception, their decision, and make different choices against their previous will and decision (Kotler and Armstrong, 2012). Thompson, Rindfleisch and Arsel (2006) speaks about emotional branding and how it can go wrong in creating a doppelganger brand image and also undermine the potential of emotional branding. Emotional branding strategies are used by multiple brands such as Nike, IBM, McDonalds, Apple, and Starbucks among many and academic scholars have come to accept the benefits of emotional branding strategies and the after effects it is able to create with its response (Atkin, 2004; Roberts, 2004).
These branding strategies work when the brands message becomes integrated with the consumers’ identity and lives. The branding enters the individual consumers’ life by touching the value systems, the everyday feeling of love, hatred, emotions, care, passion, and get intimate with those feelings to arouse a strong response with consumers. These brands have been successful in arousing sharp interest from individual consumers and they tend to associated with them for long term. However the association often changes depending on the value system changes that take place in consumers and the brand getting into a mode which is seen as a violation of some kind of ethical or a moral code. Brands are global machines of arousing emotional response and by doing thus, they win in their motto of garnering more sales and profit from the sales. They are built to last for long and enter into the lives of people who then associated with these brands. They are able to convince them with their usage of psychological theory inputs and emotional branding.



McKercher, B.(2002)在他們的研究中試圖了解旅遊市場的文化部分如何基於不同的維度做出選擇。為了理解這一點,作者建立了一個模型,並對模型進行了測試。研究發現,不同的文化旅遊要素需要考慮,其中5個要素表現出不同的離散行為。本作品定義中的文化旅遊者是指至少參加一項文化活動的人。因此,考慮到這種至少參與一項旅遊活動的情況,如果要了解遊客的細分情況,就會發現遊客的生活方式和體驗深度很重要。這與Kim等人(2007)較早提出的研究相似,該研究表明,生活水平和高檔生活將表明遊客更喜歡文化旅遊。除了生活方式,經驗的深度也會起到重要作用。所以一個文化遊客,如果曾經去過一個旅遊景點,他會願意去另一個文化景點。因此,這裡創建了一種關聯形式。因此,文化旅遊產品具有子類型,單憑一個要素不能完全理解。計算p值是為了了解相關係數的概率。在這種情況下,計算了研究中所有李克特風格問題的相關係數概率。
在5%的常規值下,如果P<0.05,則相關係數稱為有統計學意義。在這個上下文中,對於第一個語句,是否將事件作為轉義處理,可以確定p值大於0.39,因此不能接受該語句為true。在參與者表示他們參加活動只是為了和志同道合的人呆在一起的情況下,以及對活動感到滿意的情況下,也觀察到較高的p值。因此,在這些情況下,不能假定參與者給出的答案具有統計學意義。所有這些陳述的平均值表明,參與者的回答範圍從中立到同意。對於這樣的陳述,他們說他們參加這個活動是為了和朋友們共度時光,作為一種獨特的文化體驗,對於食物和葡萄酒的體驗,以及下一次參加展覽,參與者的回答在統計上是有意義的。現在多數參與者的年齡群31-40也大多數參與者的薪資範圍50 k到100 k美元和超過150 k美元,這個推斷可能是年齡和收入可能與尋找文化體驗。然而,需要更多的研究支持才能得出這一觀點。


McKercher, B. (2002) in their research attempt to understand how the cultural segment of the tourism market would make choices based on different dimensions. A model was developed by the authors in order to understand this, and the model was tested. It was found that there are different cultural tourism elements to be considered and five of them in particular presented varying discrete behaviours. A cultural tourist as taken in the definitions of this work is one, who would participate in at least one cultural activity. So given this participation in at least one tourist activity, if one was to understand the segmentation of tourists it was found that the lifestyles and the depth of experience of the tourist would matter. This is similar to the research Kim et al (2007) that was presented earlier, which indicated the level of living and the upscale life would indicate where a tourist would prefer cultural tourism. In addition to the life style, the depth of experience would play a major role. So a cultural tourist, who would have visited a tourism place, once would be willing to visit another cultural place. A form of association is hence created here. Cultural tourism products are hence seen to have sub types, and one element alone cannot be used to understand it completely.The P-value is calculated in order to understand the probability for correlation coefficient. In this case, the probability of correlation coefficient is calculated for all the Likert style questions that are in the study.
At a conventional value of 5 percent, if the P<0.05 then the correlation coefficient will be called statistically significant. In this context, for the first statement, whether the event was attended to as an escape, it was identified that the p value is greater at 0.39 and hence the statement cannot be accepted as being true. A higher p value is also observed in the cases, where the participant stated that they attended the event only to spend time with likeminded people, and in the case of satisfaction with event. So in these cases, it cannot be assumed that the answers participants gave would be statistically significance. The mean for all these statements show that the participant answers range from being neutral to agreeing. Now for such statements where they stated that they attended the event to spend time with friends, as a distinct cultural experience, for the food and wine experience, and for attending the show next time, participant answers are statistically significant. Now with majority of the participants are in the age group of 31-40 and also the majority of participants are in the salary range of 50k to 100k USD and more than 150K USD, an inference that could be made is that age and income could correlate with the search for a cultural experience. However, more research support is required to conclude on this viewpoint.




抖动是像素艺术中的一个概念,它主要由两种颜色构成。这两种颜色是混合而成的,不需要额外的颜色(Chen, 2001)。在以前的时代,这是由于缺乏技术来实现这些设计。在现代,艺术家们用这种风格来表达自己。这与Stipling (Chen, 2001)的概念相似。踩高跷是一种由小点组成图案的概念。它被发现使用不同程度的相同色调。这是像素艺术的另一种表现形式。另一种技术是抗混叠。反混叠是一种像素与背景混合的样式。使用不同的像素点颜色来与背景混合(Peters, 2009)。在这个反混叠概念中使用了许多表示方法。通常高分辨率的图片被制成低分辨率的像素点图像,以便图像与背景融为一体(Chen, 2001)。使用这些技术可以创建许多有影响力的图像。在现代,有许多Photoshop图像有助于创建反混叠(彼得斯,2009)。利用这个概念,各种像素艺术的媒介可以发展成不同的类型。
等距像素艺术是对传统像素艺术的一种新的修正。这种等距像素艺术通常使用类似小立方体的结构来创建像素艺术。这与3d成像有很大的不同,比常规的二维像素图像复杂得多。等距或二度像素艺术的创作要复杂得多,需要大量的关注。在这种艺术形式中,空间布局的描绘是从一个全新的角度进行的。在过去的20年里,极简主义像素艺术越来越受到重视。从2000年末开始,像素艺术的抽象元素有了长足的发展。它代替了与现代性相关的最新趋势(Reale, Liu, Yin & Canavan, 2013)。关于像素艺术的形成,在当代已经有了很多的讨论。当分析马列维奇的黑十字画时,可以看到,有许多变化已经发展到原始艺术家的绘画。这种极简主义的概念渗透在像素艺术中。


Dithering is a concept in pixel art, which is created primarily from two colours. These two colours are made to amalgam without having to involve extra colours (Chen, 2001). In the previous era this was used due to lack of technology to implement these designs. In the modern day artists use this style as a way of expressing themselves. This is similar to the concept of Stipling (Chen, 2001). Stilping is a concept where patterns are formed by small dots. It is found to be using varying degrees of the same hue. This is found to be another version of expression of pixel art. Another technique is anti-aliasing. Anti-aliasing is a style where the pixels are made to blend with the background. Varying pixel dot colours are used in order to blend with the background (Peters, 2009). There are a number of means of expression that is used in this Anti-aliasing concept. Typically high resolutions pictures are made into low-resolution pixel dot images in order for the image to blend in with the background (Chen, 2001). Using these techniques a number of impactful images can be created. In the modern day there are a number of Photoshop images that aid in creation of anti-aliasing (Peters, 2009). Using this concept various mediums of pixels art can be develop into different types.
Isometric pixel art is a new revised version of the traditional pixel art. This isometric pixel art typically uses like small cube like structure in order to create pixel art. This is quite different from 3d imaging and is a lot more complex than the regular 2-D pixel art. Creation of Isometric or dimetric pixel art is lot more complex and requires a lot of focus. Delineation of spatial arrangement is done from a whole new perspective in this art form. Minimalist pixel art has been gaining prominence in the last two decades. From late 2000 onwards there has been considerable development in abstraction elements of the pixel art. It is in lieu with the latest trends pertaining to modernity (Reale, Liu, Yin & Canavan, 2013). There has been a lot of discussion in the current times with regard to pixel art formation. When analyzing Malevich black cross painting it can be seen that there a number of variations that have been developed to the original artist painting. This minimalistic concept in exuded in the pixel art.




另一个重要的考虑是,人力资源需要做的是,他们是否能够在中国找到有效的人才。这一点很重要,因为苹果将需要中国的熟练工人。因此,公司需要确保他们能够找到人才并招募当地的候选人(Doh, Jonathan 2005,691)。除此之外,招聘人员还需要关注中国的本土文化。无论是语言还是文化,中国都与世界其他地方有很大的不同。因此,苹果需要适应中国文化是很重要的。这可能包括定制产品或服务,以满足客户的需求。中国市场最相关的行为之一是达成交易。在中国,销售的过程中包含了一种文化,在这种文化中,成本非常高,时间也很长,有时甚至无法达成销售协议。因此,人力资源需要确保在中国有合适的市场和客户,这样才能轻松实现足够的销售。虽然苹果是全球手机领域的领导者,但人力资源部门需要确保他们领先于中国的竞争对手。
HR需要弄清楚公司可能面临的竞争对手是什么。重要的是,苹果的人力资源部门要对竞争对手有一个相当全面的了解。为了在中国进行扩张,苹果需要确保以合适的方式安排员工。目前在苹果公司,每个员工都需要了解自己的角色,为强大的品牌提供高效的服务。这需要品牌、业务和目标的认真协调(Dowling &Peter, 2008)。苹果公司的员工战略之一就是让世界变得有意义。苹果的员工对他们要做的工作有清晰的概念。员工以最好的方式发挥自己的作用是很重要的。在中国,苹果需要在当地招聘员工,尤其是在门店。人力资源管理需要确保员工能够保持健康的客户关系,让他们在进入中国的商店后变得越来越舒适。


Another important consideration is that do HR needs to make is that will they be able to find effective talent in China. This is important as Apple will be requiring a skilled labour in China. Thus, the company need to ensure that they can find talent and recruit local candidates (Doh, Jonathan 2005, 691). In addition to this, the recruiters also need to take care about the local culture of China. Be it the language or the culture, China is very different from the rest of the world. Thus, it is important that the Apple need adapt itself to the culture of China. This may include the customization of the product or service in order to meet the needs of the customers. One of the most relevant behaviours of the market of China is closing of a deal. The process of sales in China includes the culture in which it is very costly and long and there are times when the sales deal is not completed. Thus, the HR needs to be assured about the proper market and customers in China where it can make sufficient sales easily. Though Apple is the global leader in terms of mobile phones, the HR needs to ensure that they are ahead of their competitors in China.
The HR needs to figure out that what are the competitors from which the company may face stiff competition. It is important that the HR at Apple has a sizeable overview of its competitors.In order to make an expansion in China, Apple needs to ensure that it should do staffing in a proper manner. In Apple at present, every employee needs to understand his/ her role which he/ she need play in order to deliver efficient service for the powerful brand. This requires the serious alignment of the brand, business and the goal (Dowling &Peter, 2008). One of the staffing strategies which Apple takes care of is to make the world meaningful. The employees at Apple have the clear idea of the work which they have to do. It is important that the employees do their role in the best manner. In China, Apple needs to do the local staffing particularly at the stores. The HR management needs to ensure that the employees are able to maintain a healthy customer relationship and make them more and more comfortable once they enter a store in China.



对于营销人员来说,理解与内容相关的观点是很重要的。就twitter而言,用户只能使用140个字符。在这一进程中,在制订宣传内容的同时,应确保这一进程的完整性。人们应该意识到,所呈现的词语并不是误导,一般人应该能够理解真正的相关性(Thompson, 2013)。在社交媒体和数字媒体上推广产品时,必须了解推广和诽谤的细微差别。人们不应该用任何形式的虚假内容来推销产品。允许促销产品。然而,不应该错误地指责另一个品牌的质量低劣或提供一个信息,会导致人们相信虚假的声明。这个过程应该是完整的。这可以通过过程的透明性和准确性来实现。如果品牌决定使用欺骗性的内容,他们将失去他们的声誉和产品的品牌形象将受到玷污。这将导致最终的业务损失(Thompson, 2013)。


It is important for the marketing people to understand the perspective associated with the content. In the case of twitter the people are allowed only 140 characters. In this process, while developing a promotional content it should be ensured that the integrity of the process remained. The people should be aware that the words that are presented are not misguided and that the people in general should be able to understand the true relevance (Thompson, 2013). While promotion of products in the social media and the digital media, it is imperative to understand the nuances of promotions and defamation. There should not be any form of false content that the people should use to market a product. Promotion of a product is allowed. Nevertheless should not falsely accuse another brand of being inferior in quality or present a message that would cause the people to believe the false statement. There should be integrity in the process. This can be achieved by transparency and accuracy of the processes. If the brand decides to use deceptive content they would lose their reputation and the brand image of the product would be tarnished. This would lead to the eventual loss of business (Thompson, 2013).
These are the broad factors that the PR agents must consider apart from IPR rights, exemplification of their services and deceptive ads that do not show the original price of the products. The laws are continually changing based on the development of technology and the trends in the people. It is imperative to understand the latest laws and ensure that any content is properly vetted before it is published in the media portals. Media laws are continually changing, and this is reflected in the Defamation act of 2013. Defamation act of 1996 was considered to be obsolete hence the newer laws have come into force. It is imperative to ensure that any content that is published is thoroughly vetted before the publication. PR agents should have a vetting process in place to ensure that any content that is published by them has been fact checked. There should not be any nebulous content or any ambitious statement. In some portals such as Twitter only limited characters are used, care should be taken to ensure that the data that is presented to the people are clear and that there is transparency and accountability of the processes.



澳大利亚政府近年来投入了大量资金,这从上面的数字可以看出。很明显,政府开支每年增长10%。综合支出包括家庭支出和政府支出。从上图可以看出,从2013年到2016年,政府的支出有了很大的增长(澳大利亚统计局,2016)。国内生产总值(GDP)和国家经济的增长随着总支出的增加而增加。在澳大利亚经济中,财政支出主要是利用政府的收入来征收税收。这笔开支是为了更好地为国家的目的影响经济。财政支出是政府支出的一部分。上图显示,去年财政支出有所增加,说明政府已经完成了足够的支出。这意味着该国的国内生产总值(GDP)和经济增长了很多(澳大利亚统计局,2016)。通过实际国内生产总值(GDP)的下降,澳大利亚经济有了很大的改善。这是一个明确的指标,表明综合消费如何帮助增长的国内生产总值(GDP)和澳大利亚的经济(ABS, 2016b)。


The Australian consumer spending has increased over the years to a great extent and impacted the gross domestic product (GDP) growth of the Australian economy in various ways. As, Australian consumers spending have increased over time, and this is a great sign to the great expenditure and contribution to the Australian economy (Australian bureau of statistics, 2016). The Australian consumer spending has been doubled in last 5 years, even though its effect on gross domestic product is different from other government spending. The increase in Australian consumer spending has led to various new growths to the country by contributing to the country’s Gross domestic product (GDP) also the country’s economy (Australian bureau of statistics, 2016). The growth in GDP is the indicator of the country’s growth and hence this is highly important that aggregator expenditure increase over the time. The above chart completely indicates that after 2013 the gross domestic product started fallen but again raised after the end of 2015. This all depends on the various expenditure factors including household, government and firms as discussed with the help of below statistical charts. GDP growth is proportional to the expenditure hence reduction in overall expenditure in the last few years and had led to reduction to the GDP growth rate over the years. GDP Growth impacts various economies in the country (Australian bureau of statistics, 2016).
The Australian government is spending a lot in recent years and that is visible from the above figure. This is clear that government spending has increased by 10% each year. The aggregator expenditure consists of household spending as well as government spending. The above figure is an indicator that from 2013 to 2016, the government spending has increased to great extent (Australian bureau of statistics, 2016).The growth of Gross domestic product (GDP) and country’s economy increases with the increase in aggregator expenditure. In Australian economy, fiscal expenditure is the use of government revenue collection mainly taxes. This expenditure is done to influence the economy for better purposes for the country. The fiscal expenditure is part of government spending itself. The above graph illustrates that the fiscal expenditure has increased in the last year and this is an indicator that enough spending is done by the government. This means that the gross domestic product (GDP) and economy of the country has grown lot (Australian bureau of statistics, 2016). The Australian economy has improved a lot through decline in the real gross domestic product (GDP). This is a clear indicator of how aggregator expenditure helped in growing gross domestic product (GDP) and Australia’s economy (ABS, 2016b).





Crane and Bovone (pg. 319) analyse the symbolic value of texts and their attachment to the material culture, the communication of the symbolic values associated with the material culture and its dissemination to consumers, and the consumers’ attribution of symbolic values to material culture. The authors’ note that the symbols and the attribution of meaning attached is targeted to attract more interest and desire from purchasers and not to identify a particular material or an immaterial culture. The sociology of fashion is directly linked with the sociology of consumption as it defines the very nature of societal functioning and the way consumers make known their desires of acquisitions. The authors point out the lack of sociologists to identify a consensus in reaching a universal value, which is a function of humans first and then about material objects. The question arises here about the motivation of people to attribute a meaning to the material culture and the actual underlying reason behind such actions. When sociologists will identify the reason for such motivation, the process of attribution and the changing meaning of people can be studied and identified giving clear indications of peoples’ attribution to material cultures.

Kac (pg. 1) brings in a new perspective about things and that is of the clones, the biotechnology led inventions and the internal organs of humans such as genes as being able to transfer and get utilised according to one’s wish. The biotechnology led inventions has experienced unprecedented growth and possibilities for art when genetically processed foods, and stuff is sold to society indicating an artistic attachment to the process of attributing genetic elements to the product of desires and what is being sought for by people. This however can generate possibilities of objectification of lives and a disregard of subjects and humans. Therefore as much as it brings more possibilities of attributing value to the new formed genetically inclined material culture, it also brings in more possibilities of degrading the importance of human life and how it ruins the very inherent value of humans. The author speaks about the minutest ingredients of the body being possible to externalise with selective chromosomes, selective genes, etc. The article has not provided solutions to the much hyped about advancement of technology which will destroy the intangible value of humans. This is bound to commodify the very existence of humans and their existence would be possibly traded.





The issue of stereotyping and discrimination occurs in the workplace. In the modern times the people understand that it is fair to judge a person based on their socio linguistic skills or their ethnicity. However they continue to exists in nuanced forms in the real time environment. These have been probed in great detail by Lippi-Green. The analysis below is a response to the analogies made by the author. These have been probed in the following.While reading the article, it was felt that the implicit bias and the stereotyping of other cultures in my mind were also found. There is a tendency to gauge a person and their ability based on their socio-linguistic skills. It is on the primal way in gauging the ability of the person and not all stereotypes can be ominous. However it is imperative to understand that the people are all different and have their own perspective.
My reaction to the articles was surprise as it explored and helped in the retrospection of generalizing people based on their culture. On retrospection about the article it is determined that the most important fact is making judgments about a person should be done after knowing the person. Sociolinguistic skills and it was also understood that the need to develop socio linguistic skills to fit into the mainstream societies. To summarize Lippi-Green (2004) has explored the real time dynamics and the ways in which the people are gauged based on their ability to speak in the societies. The reaction to this article is surprise and developing of empathy. There is implicit bias and a tendency to stereotype people. Any stereotype positive or negative impedes a person from understanding the real situation. This article is thought provoking and enables a person to develop basic empathy while talking with people. It also put into focus the imperative need people to develop their socio linguistic skills if they want to fit into the mainstream society. These are the important factors that are obtained from reading the article.





Social values have been submerged into the well of capitalism which is nothing, but using man as means and not an end in itself. Social values in social structure have not remained the original, but are a cloned substitute of a pure capitalistic mode of living. Religion proposes man to forgive and be benevolent, but capitalism makes him selfish and greedy, for no successful capitalist has an answer for the question “How much is too much for you? When will you stop making money for yourself? Thus, social values that breed compassion, absence of racism, gender inequality, income inequality, and even social progress are all lost in oblivion (Harris 1-42). The influence of religion on capitalism is a farce and is based on wrong interpretations of religious preaching, which in fact preaches contrary to how a man is supposed to behave in life far from the claim of economic possession.
As per Marx, the advent of capitalism has converted more genuine workers into abstract labours, who tend to submit all they have, physical and intellectual strengths to their capitalist masters (Schwarz 62-67). Is this what religion preaches? No, certainly not. If work ethics is said to be influenced by religion and is meant for the eternal salvation of man, they social life and social values are irrelevant for him. Is he then to behave as per his animal instincts which know no morality or humanity ethics? Far from the claim of its religious influence, Weber completely missed what capitalism has done for people and what it is capable of doing, and hence he despises man as man and takes him as a machine.