标签存档: 澳洲论文怎么写




学习型组织可以定义为定期审核其过程并确保最大生产力的组织(Clarke, 2001),而不是对他们试图基于共同的价值观和信仰建立公司的过程或员工进行挑剔。他们有能力理解新出现的范式,并能够确认他们原有的价值观和信仰体系与现有的组织信仰(Clarke, 2001)。人们发现,学习型组织是那些能够吸收新成员的新想法的公司。他们能够调动公司的工作方法与新的创新的想法。在这个特定的组织中,管理层为员工提供了在当前的工作模式中高效的工具。对员工进行了充分的培训,并询问了培训模块的反馈。


Alexiou (2010) there is an inherent contradiction that is found in the learning organizational discourse. This is based on the underlying gender assumptions and the way in which the work is delegated to the employees based on the gender. It has been found in many organizations there is an inherent gender bias that is based on the social conformities and the cultural context of the company. Ironically, the companies that foster or discuss in detail about gender equality make a decision of not promoting female employees to power in light of this underlying patriarchal notion. This is often an oversight that is not addressed by many companies. This should be changed even though it is an important aspect of the culture of the society. Alexiou (2010) has stated that the organizations in order to be productive should ensure that these inherent gender discriminations should be avoided. The organizational culture should be centred on creation of a learning organization that overcomes some of the detrimental social conformities, but also factors in the relevant social and cultural context while creating a discourse for the employees of the company.

Learning organization can be defined as the organization that has regularly audits their processes and ensure that there is maximum productivity (Clarke, 2001) Rather than find fault with the processes or the employees they try to build the company based on shared values and beliefs. They have the ability to understand newer emerging paradigms and are able to confirm their original values and beliefs systems to the existing organizational beliefs (Clarke, 2001). It has been found that the learning organizations are the companies that are able to take in newer ideas of the newcomers into the organization. They are able to manoeuvre the companies working methodologies with the newer innovative ideas.In the case of this particular organization, it was found that the management provided the employees with the tools to be efficient in their current working model. The employees were given adequate training and were asked about the feedback of the training module.



通过对银行内部风险的衡量,后续的资本收费要求各银行准确反映真实的风险敞口。显然,这种方法与以往的监管实践有很大的不同,以往的监管实践既没有考虑到银行风险特征的差异,也没有考虑到适用于每家银行的一般监管标准的差异。这可以看作是监管实践的本质变化。这一变化需要作出很大的努力,才能成功地设计和实施。内部模型的方法与监督利益从风险度量的焦点转移到对整个风险管理的更清晰的综合评价上是一致的(Crouhy et al., 2000)。在过去的许多年里,监督者更加注重银行的内部程序,以衡量风险,并确保各组织的风险状况有足够的流动性、资本和其他财政资源。

正如美联储(Federal Reserve)最近在一封监管信中承认的那样,监管机构需要评估银行资本充足率的内部分析是否与机构资本需求在风险衡量、识别、监控和评估方面有实际联系。由于模型是研究这类问题的自然方式,监管者和银行机构已经开始朝着这一方向努力(Crouhy et al., 2000)。由于市场上的风险可以很容易地量化,并且可以进行分析,这也是这个模型可以应用的初始领域。因此,市场风险具有比相关风险更为成熟的度量方法。因此,需要这种操作上的影响。


Through using measurements of internal risk within banks, the subsequent charges of capital require having accurate individual banks reflection with regard to true exposures of risk. It is evidently noted that such approach is quite different from prior practice of regulation, which did not consider either the contrasts in bank risk features or applicable general standard of regulation to every bank. This can be considered an essential change in practice of regulation and supervision. The change needs to have much grave efforts for designing and implementing in a successful manner. The approach of internal models has consistency with the supervisory interest shift from a risk measurement focus to a much clearer evaluation comprehensively of the risk management overall (Crouhy et al., 2000). Over the previous many years, more focus has been placed by supervisors over internal processes of banks to measure risks and to ensure liquidity, capital and other resources of finances are enough with regard to the risk profiles of organizations.

As acknowledged in a recent supervisory letter by Federal Reserve, supervisors required evaluating whether internal analysis of capital adequacy in a bank is connected meaningfully with institutional capital needs with regard to risk measurement, identifying, monitoring and evaluating. As models are natural ways of examining such issues, supervisors and also the banking institutions have taken to move towards such a direction (Crouhy et al., 2000). As risk in the market is quantified readily and its analysis can be done, this was also the initial area wherein this modelling could be put into position. Market risk, hence has measures which are presently much developed than the related risks. And therefore, such operational implications are required.



美国过去使用的会计准则与国际财务报告准则不同。它是为了适应世界各国财务报告制度的统一而制定的。2007年,美国证券交易委员会政府和在美国市场交易的非美国公司授权使用IFRS (Legotte, 2012)。最终在2008年,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)修订了一项决定,即美国所有上市公司在评估财务报告时,都必须采用国际财务报告准则(IFRS)体系。因此,国际财务报表准则的接受应运而生。这是美国经济中的一个历史性事件,因为国际财务报表准则的接受消除了外国投资者进入美国市场的障碍。不仅如此,就连纽约证交所和SEC的高管也支持在美国经济体系中采用国际财务报告准则。

对比百事可乐等主要竞争对手所采取的会计政策,可以看出对其财务实力和薄弱环节的评估略有不同。可口可乐的会计政策分为合并原则、所得税原则、养老金计划估值原则、流动资产和非流动资产的可收回性原则和收入确认原则(Pepsi Co., 2013)。另一方面,百事公司(Pepsi Co.)估计了它们的报告涉及商誉和其他无形资产、所得税支出和应计项目、退休金和退休人员医疗计划以及收入确认。这些估计数是根据可能产生未来结果的当前行动和事件作出的。


The accounting standards used in the US in the past were different from IFRS. It was made to meet the uniformity in financial reporting system of the countries across the world. In 2007, it was mandated for the use of IFRS by US SEC governments and non-US firms which were trading in the US market (Legotte, 2012). Eventually in the year 2008, there was a revision in the decision by the US SEC that all the public listed companies of the US will have to adopt the IFRS system in evaluating their financial report. Thus, the acceptance of IFRS came into existence. It was a historic event in the US economy because the acceptance of IFRS eliminates the barriers to entering the US market by the foreign investors. Not only this, even the top corporate leaders of NYSE and SEC Gov. supported the adoption of IFRS implementation in the US economy system.

On comparing the accounting policies adopted by key competitors like Pepsi Co. it can be seen that there is a slight difference in the assessment of their financial strength and weakness. With respect to Coca-cola, the accounting policies were segregated into principles of consolidation, income taxes, pension plan valuation, recoverability of current and non-current assets and revenue recognitions (Pepsi Co., 2013). On the other hand, Pepsi Co. had estimated their report into goodwill and other intangible assets, income tax expense and accruals, pension and retiree medical plans and revenue recognitions. These estimations are made under current actions and events which may undertake future results.



由于掩盖剧院的传统尚不存在,参加宫廷展览的人聚集在一起的规模非常庞大。穿着考究的观众们井然有序地坐着欣赏了几个小时的歌剧,为了更好地理解演出,他们会阅读印刷好的歌词。过去,歌词是用来印刷的,换句话说,使歌剧无论是人还是机器看起来都很好看的所有元素都受到了高度赞扬。e但是在更早的时代,通过音乐表演的戏剧;libretto基本上描绘了设计师和蚀刻师的能力,他们也同样被吸引来庆祝欢乐。《仆人变情妇》是一部由乔瓦尼·巴蒂斯塔·帕格莱西(1710 – 1736)创作的音乐剧。

它的歌词是由Gennaro Antonio Federico和Jacopo Angello Nelli演奏的。这部音乐剧只有45分钟的长度,最初是作为一个更大的真实音乐剧演示之间的中间环节来执行的(Abbate et al., 2015)。(同样的歌词是由乔瓦尼·帕西洛(Giovanni Paisiello)在1781年创作的。)帕多罗纳最初是Pergolesi音乐剧《seria, Il prigionier superbo》(《骄傲的囚徒》)的中场。那不勒斯地震后的第一场演出是1733年9月5日这两部歌剧的首演,也是哈布斯堡皇后生日庆典的一部分。


The gatherings of people for court exhibitions were on the lavish scale, since the tradition of obscuring the theater did not yet exist. Well-dressed audiences seated in orderly fashion enjoyed the opera for several hours and they use to read the printed lyrics for better understanding of the performances. Printed lyrics were used to for .In other words, all the elements that made the opera look good either human or machine were praised a lot. Today the word libretto indicates the content of the musical show i.e a play which is executed through music, however in earlier times; libretto basically depicted the abilities of designers and etchers, who were likewise drawn in to celebrate the merriments. La serva padrona (The Servant Turned Mistress) is a musical drama buffa created by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi (1710 – 1736) .

Its lyrics were given by Gennaro Antonio Federico and after the play by Jacopo Angello Nelli. The musical show is just 45 minutes in length and was initially executed as an intermezzo between the demonstrations of a bigger genuine musical drama (Abbate et al., 2015). (The same lyrics were set by Giovanni Paisiello in 1781.) La serva padrona was initially an intermezzo to Pergolesi’s musical show seria, Il prigionier superbo (The Proud Prisoner).The first performance after the earthquake in Naples was the premier of these 2 operas dated 5 September 1733 and they were part of the birthday celebration of Empress of Habsburg.

阿 德 莱 德 大学:流行文化的概念

阿 德 莱 德 大学:流行文化的概念

流行文化的概念随着时代的变化而变化。这主要是因为随着时间的推移,技术的变化和不同领域重新发明流行文化的意义(Bennett, 2001)。流行文化观念的变化可以在音乐、电视甚至新媒体中看到。流行文化或流行文化总是与非精英的逻辑联系在一起。目前对“大众文化”一词的理解源于工业化及其庞大的中产阶级人口。大众传播和艺术形式在解释共同的文化实践和创造它们的人方面起了很大作用。根据Storey的观点,大众文化是由工业革命的城市化发展而来的(Storey, 2006)。流行文化一直与穷人和他们的低教育水平联系在一起。在前现代社会,娱乐和文化活动是日常生活的过去(Storey, 2006)。人们的生活已经转移到工业化阶段。

阿 德 莱 德 大学:流行文化的概念
农业不再是一种基本的生活方式。莎士比亚对戏剧的研究(如魏曼、巴伯或布里斯托尔的研究)体现了文艺复兴流行文化的特征(罗伯特,2007)。因此,大众文化不是人类学研究的主题,它也被用于大众传媒、文化研究、社会学、历史学、文学等领域。工业革命改变了人们的生活水平。由于技术的变化,通讯和运输领域出现了新的创新。这也导致了工作方式和工作类型的改变。工业革命带来了希望、创新和变革。工业革命也带来了艺术和音乐领域的变化(Storey, 2006)。欲望和生活水平可以提高。随着交通和通讯的改善,它给人们的生活带来了很大的变化。

阿 德 莱 德 大学:流行文化的概念

The concept of popular culture has changed with the changing time. This is mainly due to the technological changes and the different fields re-invent the meaning of popular culture over time (Bennett, 2001). The changes in the concept of popular culture can be seen in music, television and even in new media. Popular culture or pop culture has always been associated with logic of being non-elite. The current understanding of the term “popular culture” has been generated from the Industrialization and its extensive middle class population. Popular forms of communication and arts had a great hand in explaining the common cultural practices and the people who created them.According to Storey, the popular culture has been evolved from the urbanization of Industrial revolution (Storey, 2006). The popular culture has been associated with poor people and their poor education level. In the pre modern societies, entertainment and cultural activities were the past of everyday life (Storey, 2006). The life of people had been shifted to the phase of industrialization.

阿 德 莱 德 大学:流行文化的概念
Agriculture was no more a basic way of living. The studies of the drama written by Shakespeare (by Weimann, Barber or Bristol, for example) display the characteristics of the Renaissance popular culture (Robert, 2007). Thus popular culture is not the subject of anthropological studies, but it is also used in mass media, cultural studies, sociology, history, literature, etc. The standard of living of the people had changed due to the industrial revolution. There were new innovations in the field of communication and transportation as the result of technological changes. This also resulted in changing the way of working and also the types of jobs. The industrial revolution brought hopes, innovations and changes. The industrial revolution also brought changes in the field of art and music (Storey, 2006). The desires and living standard could be increased. As the transportation and communication improved, it brought major changes in people’s lives.





Nonetheless, with the approaching of the 21st century, it is not possible for ignoring the international scope within which there is occurrence of national regulation, as international problems have ended up growing in terms of influence and prominence since recent years. This is due to both, the extraordinarily interdependent countries in the arena of trade, along with an increased recognition with respect to national government. This can be considered as the obligation or the need for setting up own standards, prepared within each and every auspice of international business organizations. Efforts for looking for solutions in questioning the global insecurity of food and for providing substance towards the key concepts like the rights towards appropriate food have ended up bolstering some interest to collaborate within the international arena. A plethora of non- governmental, inter- governmental, and governmental organizations show activeness at varying levels in the establishment of food standards and discovery of solutions towards global food issues. Agencies of the United Nations, common system organizations of UN, NGOs, treaty bodies and advocacy groups have been devoting their expertise and resources to one or many of the problems exercising industries and governments in context with food trade, food safety and food control.

Pre-packaged products of beverage and food in export to China identify the need for obtaining a certificate of sanitary and being in compliance with the requirements of labelling among the others. Each and every imported beverages and food products have key subjectivity to be inspected by the entry- exit inspection of China and Bureau of Quarantine. The import procedures of China can be complicated and lengthy for the initial shipment, but once shipments have ended up becoming extremely regular and local officials of CIQ have some familiarity with the product, and hence, there must be relative straightforwardness of the process. Disruptions that are not expected towards usual procedures nevertheless involve frequency. Employing local agent that can be trusted for the navigation of these types of inconsistencies are recommended at a higher rate. It always seems to be of a broader context for having a representative of organization on hand across all of the stages related to the process. Before the process of import, small and medium enterprises of European Union must make a registration under the Ministry of Commerce in China and there have been adequate advises for checking them up with the Certification and Accreditation Administration of China. This can be considered as the case if their products hold the requirement for making registration of the producer.






The interaction with the teacher was more of listening and trying to think by stressing on the subject of maths. This thinking eventually made me realise that many things are simple if I had just paid attention to the teaching and tried to seek the answer. In the second incident, the critical thinking was apparent because when one listens to another, and then frames his answers. It is more likely that the conversation will pass many hurdles and reach the highest point of intelligence, because all doubts and concerns are being cleared in one another’s answers, as they accommodate the doubts and answers them pushing the conversation to the peak and not wasting time in an intellectual combat. The practice of listening and applying critical thinking to the heard content gives more meaningful and intellectual answers and revelations, which could not have emerged if there was no application of critical thinking.

This particular idea coincides with that of Bush (2011) who consistently stresses the need of pausing, thinking, and applying critical thinking approach to what the family member or the speaker says, on making a genuine effort of understanding the intention behind the sayings, and on interpreting what is constructive instead of destructive to lead the talk to resolution. The third incident indicates that most people take everything or most of the things, events, people, and incidents at face value, and never try to investigate the real reason behind such an act. This teaches more about the way one should react or respond and rather remain indifferent in rare situations where the interpretation is mostly against those who are raising the question of framing a reaction or a response.






Scope and Purpose of the CPG.Every pregnant woman should have a minimum for four assessments of antenatal care under or by the supervision of an attendant that is highly skilful. At the minimum level, these should be inclusive of each and every intervention in the new model of antenatal care by WHO and spacing has been done at intervals on regular basis during the entire phase of stroke, with commencement as soon as possible during the first trimester (Wu, 2005). For preventing, alleviating or treating health issues having direct relation with stroke are known to be having unfavourable result on stroke. Rigor of Development.All across the diversified population of women making up the population of Australia, greater disadvantage is faced with respect to the accessibility of health care services and may end up experiencing perinatal poor outcomes.

These are inclusive of women from linguistically and culturally diversified background, women living across remote and rural areas, and adolescent women (Terrace, 2003). In reference with the case, the group of culturally diversified women will be of huge significance. The standard maintains quality in defining best clinical practice across the topic area. It will help in providing concise and specific statements of quality, descriptors of audience and measures for the provision of social care, health and public professionals, and service providers while defining care in high quality. This standard of quality will cover the antenatal care of each and every pregnant woman who has completed 42 weeks, in each and every setting with the provision of antenatal care on routine basis that include hospital, community and primary based care.






After determining to do my internship in Huawei International Enterprise, I tried to contact with the company by sending emails. A few days later, I received a positive reply from the company, in which they explained that there would be a half of the employees leaving for summer holiday. Therefore, they were willing to recruit new trainees to assist and share the work. I was required to submit my CV and personal statement directly to the Human Resource Department and then wait for the candidate screening. Nearly after three weeks, I received a notification from the Human Resource Department which informed me to participate in a job interview.In order to overcome my deficiency in language using, I searched the internet for information about the standard questions in job interviews and formed my own answers so as to make sufficient preparations.

Then I tried to remember them by repeating and practicing the sentences fluently. However, in the formal job interview, I was still asked some new questions. Due to the long-time response and anxiety, a few of my answers were faltering. Fortunately, the interviewer did not express any dissatisfaction. After waiting for several days, the Human Resource Department contacted with me again. They introduced the major structure of their organisation and the different functions of their departments. Then, when I was asked which team I was interested in, I chose to join in the marketing team considering both my capability and expectations.


敘事可以被看作是一系列事件的鏈條,隨著它們在空間和時間上的發生而與因果聯繫在一起。一個敘述可以被認為是一個故事,即使它與故事的原則有些不同(Bordwell, 80)。在典型的意義上,一個敘述是由一個單一的情況開始的。有一些變化是按照效果和原因的模式發生的。在最後的設置中,可能會出現一個新的情況,以結束整體的敘述。一個人對故事的參與高度依賴於他們對穩定和變化的模式,空間和時間,以及因果關係的理解。所有這些組成部分都可以被認為是重要的敘述在大多數的媒體來源,但似乎有集中的時間和因果關係。

通過對事件的重大識別,可以從敘述中獲得意義,同時通過空間、時間和因果關係建立聯繫。在敘事中,每一個事件的集合,包括觀眾的推斷和明確的陳述,都傾向於構成這個特定的故事。整個故事情節的報導有時被稱為電影劇本(Hansen, 61)。作為一個重要的例子,當考慮電影中的一些場景時,在屏幕之外可以被認為是飲食,因為有一個假設,它們存在於全球,就像電影的設定一樣。在前面,情節被用來描述所有在電影中可以聽到和看到的事物。故事情節包含了每一個提供直接描述的故事事件。


Narrative can be referred to as a chain of a number of events in having link with causality along with its occurrence in space and time. A narrative can be considered as a story, even if it is somewhat different from the principle of story (Bordwell, 80). In the typical sense, a narrative is initiated by a single situation. There is occurrence of a number of changes in accordance with the pattern of effect and cause. In the final setting, there can be a rise of a new situation in order to end the overall narrative. The engagement of someone with the story is highly dependent on their understanding with respect to the pattern of stability and change, space and time, and causality. All of these components can be considered as significant to narrative in majority of the sources of media, but there seems to be a centralization of time and causality.

Sense can be made out of narration by the significant identification of its events, while creating a link by space, time, and causality. In a narrative, the set of each and every event, including both, the ones with inference of viewer and explicit presentation, tends to constitute this particular story. The entire coverage for the action of story is at times referred to as the diegesis of films (Hansen, 61). As a significant example when considering some scene from a film, off-screen can be considered as diegetic, as there is an assumption for their existence across the globe as depicted in the setting of a film. Further ahead, plot is used for describing everything audibly and visibly present within the film. The plots are inclusive of each and every story event providing direct depiction.