标签存档: 澳洲论文代写推荐



正如宜必思(IBIS)和一篇媒体文章所报道的那样,英国plus size clothing市场突显出,它不只是一个利基业务领域。根据消费者调查显示,英国的平均服装尺码是16号。因此,英国plus size市场约占服装销售的12.4%。它价值£50亿(拉特,2016)。该业务是一个潜在的有利可图的业务,因此有必要研究什么样的消费者特征、态度和看法可以驱动这里的大规模定制。此外,研究表明,企业不想冒险在这一领域扩张,也对大规模定制这一有利可图的领域保持警惕。因此,对消费者的了解可以帮助他们规划制造(Oskamp, & Schultz, 2005)。一种消费市场态度存在于消费群体认为“大”是不健康的地方。因为这种信念,他们不愿意去寻找加号。这种态度在一定程度上受到当前媒体的推动。

零售商还认为,加大尺码营销的使用可能会导致一个看似边缘化女性的标签(Haswell, 2010)。基于零售商的研究表明,她们认为女性已经因为她们的身体而被边缘化。然而,并不是所有的消费者都支持这种同理心,消费者认为像英国封面故事或河岛这样的新产品必须引起他们的注意。事实上,一些消费者认为,当零售商以单独的加码服装和定制的方式给予他们这种关注时,他们不会面临有限的选择(Rutter, 2016)。正如研究表明的那样,关于加码服装和定制需求的污名需要在消费者和零售商两方面得到解决。在此之前,在英国,大码服装的大规模定制可能是一个挑战(Haswell, 2010)。


The UK plus size clothing market as reported in IBIS and a media article, highlights that it is more than a niche business area. Average dress size in the United Kingdom as presented from consumer surveys shows that it was UK size 16. The UK plus size market is hence around 12.4% of clothing sales. It is valued at £5 billion (Rutter, 2016). The business is a potentially lucrative one, and hence there is a necessity to study what form of consumer characteristics, attitude, and perception could drive mass customization here. Furthermore, studies show that businesses do not want to risk in terms of expanding in this segment, and are also wary of mass customization with respect to this lucrative segment. An understanding of the consumer could hence help them in plan their manufacturing (Oskamp, & Schultz, 2005). A consumer market attitude exists where the consumer segments believe that being plus size is unhealthy. They are reluctant to seek out plus sizes because of this belief.This attitude is partially driven by current media.

Retailers also believe that the use of plus size marketing could result in a label that seemingly marginalizes women (Haswell, 2010). Retailer based research shows that they believe that women are already marginalized because of their bodies. However, not all consumers support this empathy, consumers believe that newer line ups such as Cover story or River Island in the United Kingdom must be brought to their attention. Some consumers in fact believe that when retailers give them this attention in the form of separate plus size clothing and customization option to go with it, they would not face limited choices (Rutter, 2016). As studies indicate the stigma around plus size clothing and the need for customization needs to be addressed at both consumer end and retailer end. Until this happens mass customization for plus size clothing in UK could be challenging (Haswell, 2010).



一开始,歌剧(音乐和表演)以最优雅的方式编排,传达着尊贵的特权,类似于其他类型的演出,歌剧的开始也类似于其他类型的演出i。e在上流社会中以最优雅的方式布置和交流。在十七世纪的意大利(歌剧的发源地),为了庆祝皇室婚礼或欢迎华丽的皇室访客,人们使用了盛大的兴奋和耸人听闻的影响,如鞭炮、演讲、音乐和舞蹈。歌剧是人类表达、音乐表演和舞蹈共同努力的综合娱乐(Abbate et al., 2015)。

大约在1600年,佛罗伦萨的作家和作家聚集在佛罗伦萨,开始复兴希腊舞台上巨大的惯例,在这个舞台上,音乐和戏剧相互加强。在这个时代的末期,作者们创作出了可以独唱的音乐段落,没有修饰来表达内容。早期的音乐表演在很大程度上是建立在幻想的主题基础上的,有受人尊敬的角色和先进的特权标准。尽管歌剧的关键元素是音乐和表演、视觉冲击,但布景和戏剧装置的创作者们不时得到比17世纪和18世纪作曲人更多的好评(Abbate et al., 2015)。


In its beginning, opera (music and show) was arranged in most elegant fashion, communicated honorable privileges, similar to other sort of performances Onset of opera was similar to other sort of performances i.e arranged in most elegant fashion and communicated in high class society. In seventeenth-century, Italy (from where opera was originated), in order to celebrate regal weddings or to welcome magnificent royal visitors, extravagant excitements and sensational impacts were used such as firecrackers, speeches, music and dance. Operas are the integrated amusements which are the joint effort of human expressions, musical shows and dance (Abbate et al., 2015).

The Florentine Camerata, a gathering of authors and writers dynamic in Florence around 1600, set out to resuscitate the colossal conventions of the established Greek stage, in which music and dramatization strengthened each other. At the end of this era, authors created musical passages, which could be sung in solo voice and were not decorated to express the content. Early musical shows, to a great extent, were based on fanciful subjects and inhabited with respectable characters and advanced privileged standards.In spite of the fact that crucial elements of opera were music and show, visual impacts, the creators of sets and dramatic apparatus now and again got more prominent praise than the authors who composed the music in 17 and 18 centuries (Abbate et al., 2015).



它被认为是全世界最难以负担的住房市场。可以预期的是,目前没有任何价格回升的迹象。我们预测的最佳预期是,第二季度CCL指数可能也会跌至120点左右(Lam, 2016)。不过,尽管如此,香港政府还是推迟了任何形式的放松。过去数年,香港的房地产市场在不同的物业供应情况下,出现了一系列与楼市走软有关的迹象。可能会有不同的假设,即中国的短期利率会上升,整体增长会放缓。



It has been regarded as the least affordable housing market in the entire world. It can also be expected that there isn’t any sign of recovery of the prices. The best expectation which has been forecasted is that the CCL index may also fall to around 120 points in the second quarter(Lam, 2016). Though, in spite of the same, the government in Hong Kong has deferred from providing any kind of relaxation. In the past years, the property market of Hong Kong has been showing a number of signs related to the weakening amidst different supplies of property. There may be different kind of assumptions that there will be an increase in the short-term rate of interests and slowing of the overall growth in China.

The developers had also been quite slower while making the decisions with respects to the price cut downs. Also the different buyers may also be delaying the purchases more and more as they are anticipating a further decline in the prices. As a result of the declination of the property prices, there may be a negative impact on the wealth because of the consumption by the prompting buyers to cut down their purchases. This may also have a great blow in the economy which is already at a vulnerable state in which around half of the total population owns a home. The consumption also accounts for around two third of the overall domestic product.



卡萨特出生在一个经济条件优越的家庭。她的父亲是一位成功的银行家,她的母亲也来自一个银行家庭。在家庭教育起步很早的时候,旅行被认为是教育不可或缺的一部分。正是因为她的家庭财富和影响力,卡萨特在欧洲多年来一直接受来自不同同事和导师的绘画、音乐、德语和法语课程的教育。这种曝光一定是促使卡萨特追求职业艺术家事业的原因,从这个意义上说,她在费城宾夕法尼亚美术学院(Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in Philadelphia)攻读绘画专业(Mary Cassatt传记,2016年)。



Cassatt was born in a family that was well to do in terms of finances. Her father was a successful banker and her mother was also from a banking family. In the family schooling started at a very early age and travelling was considered as being integral to education. It was because of her family affluence and influence that Cassatt spent years in Europe being educated in lessons in drawing, music, German and French from different colleagues and mentors. This exposure was what must have motivated Cassatt to pursue her career as a professional artist, and to that extent she pursued her painting learning in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in Philadelphia (Mary Cassatt Biography, 2016).

Cassatt’s psychology could be as best being understood as that of a rebel. For instance, in the Academy she studied there were 20 percent women and others were men. Most of the women were seen to view a career in art as a socially recognized talent, but lacked the motivation to study it as a profession. On the other hand compared to her peers, Cassatt was seen to stand apart as she wanted to ensure she became a professional artist. This shows how Cassatt was a rebel in her own times and she was different compared to her peers. Her parents did not want her to pursue music as a career and yet that did not convince her to choose a different career.



在投機泡沫的背景下,存在著向買家提供槓桿的過度許可,以產生不可持續的供求水平,或者在整個低迷的市場中,相反,有效需求遠遠低於國家的生產能力。要真正反映出均衡之外的有效社會治理,市場價格應該反映的是實際的社會成本,即服務和商品對社會的整體估值的因素。此外,需求應在不利用貸款人或借款人不當的融資槓桿的情況下對可持續需求進行反思(Argyrous和Stilwell, 2011)。這些因素包括短期需求和長期需求。然而,市場參與者並沒有在市場價格中決定什麼是收益和成本。


相反,這些成本和收益的決定可以由政府決定,通常也可以由立法機關決定。馬克思認為資本主義是一種特定於歷史的生產方式。因此,這涉及到生產財產在所有權和控制下的方式,並結合個人之間的社會關係,根據他們與開始生產的整個過程的聯繫(Barber, 1967)。按照亞當·斯密的觀點,馬克思主義有助於區分使用商品的價值和市場內的交換價值。根據馬克思主義的經濟理論,通過購買商品來創造資本,目的是創造新的商品,其交換價值超過實際購買總額(Beaud, 1984)。


In context with speculative bubbles, there are excessive permits of leveraging provided to buyers for the generation of unsustainable levels of supply or demand, or, across depressed markets, on the contrary in which effective demand is far below the capacity of nation for production. For actually reflecting effective social governance out of equilibrium, prices of market should be reflecting the actual social costs that mean factors for the valuation of services and goods to society on the whole. In addition, demand should provide reflection on the sustainable demand without utilizing undue leverage of finance by the lender or the borrower (Argyrous and Stilwell, 2011). These are inclusive of factors in the short term demands and long term demands. However, market actors do not play the role of decision what benefits and costs should be included within the price of market.

Rather, those decisions of cost and benefit can be shaped by government, and typically, by the involvement of legislatures. Marx showed consideration of capitalism for being a mode of production that is specific to history. Thus, this involves the ways in which property of production is under ownership and control, in combination with the corresponding relations of society between individuals on the basis of their connection with the overall process to initiate production (Barber, 1967). Following the perspective of Adam Smith, Marxism helps in distinguishing the value of using commodity from the value of exchange within the market. As per the Marxist theory of economy, there is creation of capital by purchasing commodities with the purpose to create new commodities with a value of exchange more than the total of actual purchases (Beaud, 1984).






Cinema is all about displaying and showcasing fictitious stories, stories of inspiration, stories of triumph, emotion, stress, winning, losing, action, and life in general, etc. It is a way of mass marketing or mass spreading of a message which is thought to be of value and beneficial to the society in general. History has been used ever since there grew a craze of remembering the historical events because it teaches the current society about the importance of ancient values, incidents, and makes one remember about those old days and learn from them as it is considered to be absolutely important in the current life. History is intriguing and interesting as there are innumerable interpretations about it and some of it has been remaining only in the books with multiple theories and discussions about the same. It is studied by scholars, cinema producers, and movie makers, who tend to bring out interesting subjects from these old books and display it in a mega styled way which is broadcast across the world and sends a message and moves people to change their perception.

This essay will undertake the discussion about the conversion and display of historical events into cinematic language and how it is presented in the present context and the study of its effects in general.Cinematic language is more accustomed to what the current trend of communication is dominant in society and this enables the current generation of people to catch the essence of the historical events that is showed through the movies. The language is rather different, simplified, and tuned to the level of understanding of the current period and keeps on changing with time and with the extent of growth in the maturity of the market. The representation is always converted keeping the current period in mind or else it would never be accepted if the older and identical approach and event is taken in the movie and the language is the same as the ancient one which, by itself, is very complex and difficult for the current generation to understand and interpret (Adair, 1999).



城市土地规划中的腐败问题呈上升趋势,Chiodelli & Moroni(2015)的研究试图将腐败问题作为规划的一个挑战。在土地利用中,土地规划系统是最重要的问题之一。如果土地规划系统因腐败而受到挑战,那么它可能导致多种生计问题。在理论上提出的和在一些现有土地管理系统中使用的反腐败措施被视为其发展和管理基础设施的一部分。然而,正如本研究所指出的,土地规划作为规划系统本身的一部分,需要严格地实行。在土地规划方面有许多机会可能助长腐败,例如分配发展权利、使用土地规则等等。在这方面,非常有必要考虑将反腐败措施作为规划系统本身的一部分。作者的研究工作分为几个关键部分。初步探讨了预防土地规划腐败的原则和技术。通常使用的一些技术是透明谈判,例如在谈判中保持公开。这也使得腐败水平非常低。



Corruption in urban land planning is on the rise and this research work by Chiodelli & Moroni (2015) attempts to present the issue of corruption as a challenge to planning. In land use, one of the prime things to be dealt with is land planning systems. Where land planning systems are challenged by means of corruption, then it could lead to multiple issues of sustenance. Anti-corruption measures as presented in theory and as used in some of the existing land management systems are seen to be part of its development and management infrastructure. However, land planning needs to be critically instituted as part of the planning system itself as this research points out. There are many opportunities in land planning which could encourage corruption such as that of allocation of developmental rights, the use of land rules and more. In this context, it is extremely necessary to consider for anti-corruption measures to be part of the planning system itself. The research work of authors is divided into some key sections. The principles and techniques that would go into corruption prevention for land planning is discussed primarily. Some of the techniques that are commonly used are that of transparent negotiations, as in the case of having openness in negotiations. This also enables corruption levels to be really low.

Then, there are auction of development rights where the auction is conducted in a very fair fashion, so as to ensure nobody can take advantage of the urban planning system. Then there is the framework for the recovery of land rent which would ensure that the issues in the case of land rent, corruption related to issues of profit and more are averted. Elimination of corruption is the outcome expected at all extents here.The authors present a clear argument on why it is necessary to clear corruption completely and in this some of the reasons that the authors have argued for are that of having planned theorists to resolve the issues directly and thoroughly. Planned theorists are more often seen to be involved in land use planning perse and in theory. However, the issue is seen to be more than that of the involvement in theory, as reflected in many cases in current times. For instance, as seen in the issues of land management from even developed nations such as Australia and Canada, it has been established that there are more issues because of corruption being an endemic entity in land planning. If this is not first addressed, then there would be no way to address the issues in land management holistically. As authors argue, this should be more than a starting point both in theory and in practice, it is very critical that the issue be considered as more than just a norm and implementation action needs to be taken.






在国外,推荐信很多是老师亲笔完成,而且要求学生Waive the right to access the recommendation (放弃看到推荐信的权利)。也有一部分教授,因为向其索取推荐信的学生很多,那么教授就让学生先写成推荐信的初稿,然后教授进行修改并最终定稿。而在中国,学生写完推荐信后找老师签字是一种普遍的做法。老师很少有时间帮助学生写作,更何况英语写作对于很多老师来说也绝对是一种挑战。





















由于Zopa为员工或客户提供了如此重要的意义,他们不时地寻求审视公司(Casu et al., 2015)。佐帕加入了他们,要么作为借款人,要么作为贷款集团。然而,越来越多的客户加入公司的关键原因是他们发现公司为他们提供的利率是最低的。系统还为出借人和借款人提供了最高的安全性(Milne et al., 2016)。该公司还利用英国零售银行使用的Equifax提供的类似信用评级对借款人的信用评分进行了评估,贷款机构和服务只向达到A -阴性或B -阴性评级的借款人提供。这就确保了钱是给可靠的借款人的。


The company stood for possible agreement zone which is a concept from theory of businesses. It has a reference to overlapping between bottom line of a person and top line of another person. Within such a practice, the approach led towards underpinning negotiations over the key kinds of services and products (Milne et al., 2016). The Zopa idea was born from research in the market conducted through the founding team of a company which depicted that there was a potential free former market required to be tapped within the industry of retail financial services. Free-formers were given the status of individually employed, based on project or workers working as freelancers with no standard employment in the full time. Their incomes and living styles, consequently was not regular even though they still were assessed as worthy of credit.

Due to such significance provided to the people or customers at Zopa, they sought to look at the company every now and then (Casu et al., 2015). Zopa was joined by them either as borrowers or as lending groups. However, the key reason for more and more customers joining the company was that they found the company provides them with the lowest rates of interest. Also, the system provided lenders and the borrowers with maximum security (Milne et al., 2016). The company also assessed the borrower’s credit scores using the similar credit ratings based on Equifax as used through retail banks in UK as well as lenders and services were offered only to the borrowers achieving rating of either A negative or B negative. This ensured that the money is given to reliable borrowers.