标签存档: 澳洲留学






In the United States society, democracy is a good and useful political system. Our citizens get used to using their own right to decide which things are good for our community, states, or the whole country. But when we get into 21 Century, our new generation seems like they do not really care about politics. They rather play video games every day than go to political workshop to discuss how to improve our community, states, and even our country. They might not affected by peoples’ expostulation, but we need try out to save them in the future. Because the millenials should know, voting in elections is helping them receive more benefit from our country. Actually voting for a candidate reaps more benefits than harms for the people of the country.Voting in election is helping the millenials live in a better climate environment.

As we know, environment is very important for people since they were children, no matter social environment or climate environment. Now, in the United States, most politicians are from period generation, they might not know or understand what the millenials are really thinking. The millenials should present their own Idea to the government, environment is very important for all of us, especially for the millennials. Millenials think a lot different than the older people of society. They consider the future as no other. CFCs contributing to the hazards of society today might not be beneficial for the future which is why Millenials should consider impact of CFCs on the future of the country (Beier). They are the ones who have to live in a better climate environment therefore they should be the ones responsible for it.





PS开头的问题 往往大家都会说PS的开头是最需要写的很吸引人的部分,所以很多人包括我自己在刚开始写PS的时候都陷入这个窘境,想着如何让评审委员在看到你的开头的时候会有眼前一亮的感觉。


PS主体的问题 我觉得展开PS主体最有效的方式就是说事儿(也就是讲故事),拣上几件自己觉得有意义、对自己未来发展有所贡献的事情介绍一下,可以说一篇PS的雏形基本上就有了。剩下的就是怎样把事情表述清楚,以及你自己从中有何收益了。






RL这个东西,说重要也重要,说不重要也不重要,关键是看谁给你写了。大部分留学生的推荐信都是自己写,然后找老师签字或者跟老师打声招呼找人代签,这应该已经是大家都彼此知道的事情了,所以在某种程度上RL的地位并不是那么的显要,但是这又是必不可少的一样申请材料,一般来说学校会要求2-3封推荐信,有的BT学校会要求4封(比如UC Boulder)




在汉密尔顿的麦克马斯特大学进行的一项研究表明,如果孩子在一岁之前被引入牛奶,对牛奶过敏的可能性就会大大降低。如果一个孩子对牛奶过敏,那么在他以后的生活中过敏的可能性就会增加(healthnewsline.net, 2016)。对于对牛奶过敏的人来说,有几种非乳制品牛奶可供选择。所有这些非乳制品牛奶都含有不同的营养成分,颜色,质地和味道。这些非乳制品牛奶是从种子、坚果等中提取出来的。豆奶被认为是最常见和最受欢迎的替代牛奶,牛奶是从大豆中提取出来的。

这种牛奶有不同的口味,比如巧克力、加糖的、香草的、不加糖的等等。它含有维生素A、D、钙和核黄素,就像牛奶一样。因此,它被认为是牛奶中最相似的替代品。其他替代品包括杏仁奶、椰奶等(McWilliams & Collins, 2014)。牛奶过敏会在婴儿中引起荨麻疹、胃痛、呕吐、血便和过敏等症状。过敏反应是由牛奶引起的一种危险的反应,它会损害呼吸,使身体处于休克状态。因此,对牛奶过敏的人为了避免这种情况的发生,应该采用替代食品和豆奶等非乳制品,以改善他们的营养健康。


A research was conducted in McMaster University in Hamilton represented that if children are introduced with cow’s milk before their 1 year age, it significantly decreases the probability of sensitisation to milk. If a child is sensitive to cow’s milk then the possibility of full-blown allergy increases in later life of that child (healthnewsline.net, 2016). There are several alternative non-dairy milks are available for the people who are allergic to cow’ milk. All these non-dairy milks contain distinct nutritional profile, colour, texture and flavour. These non-dairy milks are extracted from seeds, nuts etc. Soymilk is considered as most common and popular alternative milk of cow’s milk that is derived from bean extort of soybeans.

This milk comes in different flavours like chocolate, sweetened, vanilla, unsweetened etc. It contains vitamin A, D, calcium and riboflavin like cow’s milk. Therefore, it is considered as the most similar alternative of cow’s milk. Other alternatives include almond milk, coconut milk etcetera (McWilliams & Collins, 2014).Milk allergy creates hives, stomach upset, vomiting, bloody stools, and anaphylaxis etcetera among infants. Anaphylaxis is a dangerous reaction caused by milk that can put the body into shock by impairing breathing. Therefore, to avoid such situations, people, who are allergic to cow’s milk, should adopt alternative foods and non-dairy milk like soya milk in order to improve their nutritional health.




维修费用很低,符合业务预算。因此,总的来说,这个工具是预算范围内满足这种需求的最佳工具之一,这是合理的。在此要求中,需要监视ISP在两个公共ip内分配的各种ip,并监视每个系统的网络内的internet数据流。前面描述的所有需要的问题都将通过这个工具解决。首先,最好理解安装非常简单,如下图1所示。这个工具的其他特性也在下面解释。SNMP HP脯氨酸逻辑磁盘传感器控制网络的性能。PRTG核心服务器实际上监视网络监视。


The needs in this case are:Monitoring and alerting of up/down time of servers .System health monitoring of various installed hardware devices .Network device monitoring and bandwidth accounting .Application monitoring. System usages monitoring .Database performance as well as main parameter monitoring .Monitoring the network’s physical environment. Classification of network traffic by source or destination as well as content .Discovering unusual, suspicious, or malicious activity with devices or user.Finding unexpected relationships between your network components to detect potential security issues and assessing the real usage of your network and hardware.This tool will solve all the above mentioned problems as required in this case study for 20 computers. This tool will also help creating networks with internet data flow with effective control. Also, this tool can be installed very easily by anyone who does not even know networking.

The maintenance cost is quite low and fits to the business budget. Therefore, overall it is justified that this tool is one of the best tool for such requirements within the budget. In this requirement, the need is to monitor various IPs assigned within two public IPs by ISP and monitor the internet data flow within the networks for each system. All the required issues mentioned in earlier description will be solved by this tool. First of all, it is better to understand that the installation is very easy as given in the below figure-1. Other features of this tool are also explained below. the SNMP HP ProLiant Logical Disk Sensor controls the performance of the network. The PRTG Core server actually monitors the network monitoring.








The Hay Wain is a very popular romanticism painting of all times. It was created by the painter John Constable. In this landscape painting, the painting has described a rural landscape. It consists of a sun-drenched meadow, which has been offset by the waters of the pool in the fore-ground. The theme of the painting is rural and beauty of the landscape is very attractive.The Hay Wain is a painting which is based on a site closer to the Flat ford on the river Stour, in Suffolk, England. The Hay Wain is actually a cart drawn by a horse which is used as a common piece of agricultural equipment to be used during the artist’s youth. The cottage which was situated on the left of the image has been rented by a farmer and it stands close to the Flatford Mill and is owned by the farmer of the constable.

Across the meadow there is a distance on the right there is a group of working haymakers.The workers of the farm are hard at work but they seem to be contended and surrounded by the beautiful scenery. Each and every aspect illustrates the idyllic view of the home country of Suffolk.The composition of the Hay Wain painting is unlike the symmetrical and classical landscape paintings done by Claude and Lorrain and is widely considered to be a pinnacle of landscape. The Hay Wain painting on the other hand has been portrayed as the real scene and thus the symmetry of this painting is not as important as the realism in the piece. Instead of the same, constable created the sketch of what he saw and ultimately what he knew and lived near the farm as a boy.

留学 论文代写:空气污染的主要原因

留学 论文代写:空气污染的主要原因

汽车和工厂排放的废气是城市污染的主要原因。空气中颗粒物(PM)的增加是导致北京大部分人口过早死亡、低出生体重和一般健康危害的主要原因,也增加了城市的雾霾。因此,本文将讨论中国人民由于北京空气污染物PM的增加而面临的主要问题。1979年,中国从社会主义转向了自由市场政策,这对数百万从贫困中被救出来的中国人来说是一个福音。但是,经济的这种转变和自由化带来了巨大的代价,即中国自然环境的残酷破坏。目前,中国是世界第二大经济体,但却以牺牲本国国民健康为代价(Anenberg、Horowitz和Tong 1189)。人们已经注意到,在这个城市中,有数百万英亩的农田被污染,污水从工业中流出。中国环境保护部指出,中国三分之二的地下水不适合饮用。

留学 论文代写:空气污染的主要原因

但是,空气污染物对中国生态退化的贡献是巨大的,而且最近几天被认为是环境关注的一个主要问题,而北京是中国污染最严重的城市之一。在全球20个污染最严重的城市中,有16个是中国(OECD)。北京的空气质量已经超过了美国环保局设定的可接受的污染标准。北京有大量的细颗粒物,也被称为PM。颗粒物质可以通过散射和吸收太阳辐射来影响一个地区的气候,从而削弱能见度。这个PM最终导致了与环境和健康相关的几个问题;它也影响着北京和整个中国的天气和气候条件。室外空气污染是中国的一个主要问题(Vautard, Yiou和Van Oldenborgh 117)。汽车尾气排放、工厂烟囱排放的尾气、释放气溶胶的化学处理装置正在结合在一起,产生极高的污染,形成一层厚厚的雾霾,覆盖北京的白天天空。人们观察到,煤是主要的能源来源,它在能源生产中的贡献是其他任何能源的75% (Elizabeth和Kenneth 90)。

留学 论文代写:空气污染的主要原因

Emission from vehicles and factories are highly responsible for city pollution. The increase amount of particulate matter (PM) in the air is a major cause of premature death, low birth weight and general health hazards of majority of the population of Beijing and it is also increasing the city haze. Therefore, the essay will discuss the major issues that the people of China are facing as a result of the increased PM as an air pollutant in Beijing. In the year 1979, there has been a shift from socialism to free market policy which was a boon to the millions of Chinese population as they were rescued from the grinding of poverty. But this shift and liberalization of the economy came by paying a major cost i.e. the brutal killing of the natural environment of China. At present, China is having the world’s second largest economy but at the cost of the lives of its own countrymen’s health (Anenberg, Horowitz and Tong 1189). It has been noticed that millions of acres of farmlands of the country adjoining to the city of Beijing are getting contaminated with the effluent running off from the industries. It has been mentioned by the Ministry of Environmental Protection of China that two-third of the underground water in China is unfit for consumption.

留学 论文代写:空气污染的主要原因
But contribution of air pollutants for degrading the ecology of China is dramatically high and has been considered as a major issue of environmental concern in the recent days and Beijing is one of the most polluted cities of China. Out of the 20 most polluted cities around the globe China is home for 16 of them (OECD). The city of Beijing exceeds the acceptable standard of pollution set by the Environmental Protection Agency, US several.The city of Beijing is crowded with huge quantity of fine particulate matter also known as PM. Particulate matter can influence the climate of a region by scattering itself and by absorbing solar radiation and thus impairs visibility. This PM is eventually leading to several problems associated with environment and health; it is also influencing the weather and climate condition of Beijing and that of China as a whole. Outdoor air pollution is a major concern in China (Vautard, Yiou and Van Oldenborgh 117). Vehicular emissions, emissions from the chimneys of factories, chemical processing units releasing aerosol are combining together to produce pollution which is extremely high and creates a thick layer of haze that covers the day sky of Beijing. It has been observed that coal till date is the major energy source and its contribution in energy generation is 75 % compared with any other sources of energy (Elizabeth and Kenneth 90).



本研究旨在了解电子商务的不同方面,并了解消费者对企业的价值。作业分为绪论和结语七个部分。特易购爱尔兰是超级市场巨头特易购国际的爱尔兰分支。根据2015年进行的最新研究,特易购在爱尔兰的食品杂货市场占据了约28.5%的市场份额。特易购爱尔兰公司于2001年10月以特易购的域名将其消费者服务提升至电子商务。即提供整个爱尔兰最方便和最接近的电子商务网站(Tesco)。例如,2016)。在2014 – 15的时期,该公司已预计的收入€29.9亿,其中23%是网络/电子商务业务。竞争环境和关键市场趋势。波特的五种力量分析:波特的五种力量分析是通过买方力量、供应力量、竞争、替代和对新进入者的威胁来理解和评估行业内的竞争环境。波特的五种力量分析也有助于综合适当的战略,需要实施,以获得行业中更有竞争力的优势(Smith, 2010)。买方力量:在爱尔兰市场,买方力量相对较高。自经济衰退以来,消费者寻求非品牌和打折产品的比例急剧上升,这增加了超市行业特别是乐购爱尔兰超市的购买力(Ted, 2015)。


供应能力:特易购爱尔兰(Tesco Ireland)拥有强大的购买力,这反过来又使其供应商获得尽可能少的报酬。因此,供应商对Tesco各种产品的议价能力相对较低。竞争对手:对于特易购(Tesco Ireland)来说,竞争非常激烈,尤其是在网络和零售市场上。最新的调查报告显示,特易购的市场力量已经压倒了爱尔兰的Dunnes商店。替代品:如今,在零售市场上,特易购爱尔兰(Tesco Ireland)并不是唯一一家,还有其他几家大公司和小公司,它们可以被认为是该公司的完美替代品,包括Lidl和Aldi。对新进入者的威胁:进入超级市场行业的门槛相对较低,因为高成本和工业巨头之间几乎存在寡头竞争。由于这个原因,新进入者,它变得极具挑战性。关键的市场趋势:关键的演进的市场趋势包括,消费者对便利性的不断增长的需求正在改变线上和线下企业的策略(Seymor, 2016)。消费者对新鲜有机食品的需求日益增长,因此这是超市行业出现的最新趋势之一。对低价和打折产品的不断增长的需求保证了质量(Philip,2016)。


The study has been developed to understand different aspects of e-business and to understand the value of consumers to a business. The assignment is divided into seven parts including introduction and conclusion. Tesco Ireland is the Irish wing of the supermarket giant Tesco international. According to the latest study conducted in 2015, Tesco Ireland dominates the grocery market in Ireland about 28.5%. Started as a Supermarket chain in the initial period, now Tesco Ireland have enhanced its consumer service to even e-commerce on the October of 2001 in the domain name of Tesco.ie, providing the most convenient and most approached e-commerce site in the whole of Ireland (Tesco.ie, 2016). At the period of 2014-15, the company had estimated revenue of €2.99 Billion in which 23% of them were from the online/e-commerce business. Competitive Environment and Key Market Trends.Porter’s Five Forces Analysis:Porter’s Five Forces Analysis is used to understand and evaluate the competitive environment within an industry through Buyer Power, Supply Power, Rivalry, Substitutes and Threats to New Entrants. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis also help in synthesizing appropriate strategies that need to implemented in order to acquire more competitive edge in the industry (Smith, 2010). Buyer power: The buyer power is comparably higher when it comes to Irish Market. Since the recession the consumer seeking products which are non-branded and discounted are tremendously increasing in its percentage, and this increased buyer power among the supermarket industry especially of Tesco Ireland (Ted, 2015).

Supply Power: Tesco Ireland has one of the powerful buying rates that in turn make the paying to its suppliers as minimum as possible. Hence, the suppliers bargaining power over the Tesco’ various products are comparably low. Rivalry: For Tesco Ireland, the rivalry is very high, especially when it comes to both online as well as retail market. The latest survey report suggests that the Tesco Market power has now overpowered Dunnes stores in Ireland. Substitutes: Today Tesco Ireland is not alone in the market when it comes to retail, there are several other giants and also small players which can count as a perfect substitute for the organization, and this includes Lidl and Aldi. Threats to New Entrants: The barrier to entry is comparably low into the supermarket industry due to the high cost and the presence of almost oligopolistic competition between the industrial giants. For this reason for a new entrant, it has become extremely challenging. Key Market Trends:The key evolving market trends involves, The growing demand of convenience from the consumers are changing the strategies of both online and offline businesses (Seymor, 2016).The growing demand of fresh and organic food among the consumers, hence this one of the latest trends to emerge in the supermarket industry. The growing demand for low priced and discounted products which ensure quality (Philip,2016).



随着电子游戏质量和成本的不断提高,英国电子游戏行业的领导者们面临着越来越大的挑战。这使得该行业的组织在不断的创新和领导的压力下(Northouse, 2004)。即使在这种压力下,英国游戏产业仍将英国最好的创意与领先的技术结合在一起,创造出世界上出口最多的游戏。视频游戏行业系统内的领导力实践包括标准化、专制型、受控化、以利润为驱动的行为作为在组织中取得适当成果的手段(Polanyi, 1974)。最近,领导力学者提出了一种随机应变组织结果的途径。根据Uhl-Bien等人(2008),这一途径可以在一个独特的领导力模型中找到。一个可以在员工之间分享领导力的模型,它导致了规范性的不确定性,促进了共同目标和基本特征的创新(Rose, 2008)。人们认为,这与目前技术日益进步和复杂化的环境有很大的一致性。领导模式一直是自上而下和官僚主义产品的典范。对于一个以数字生产和实物生产为基础的经济体来说,这种模式非常有效。


所有领导的理论,他们采取了一个领导人的个人主义的看法,即使认为学校获得增加识别是领导传播。根据Hitt,(1998),世界正处于新经济时代的悬崖边缘,21世纪的公司面临着复杂的景观竞争,主要是通过技术和全球化的革命。更新的时代是在经济中,知识是一种重要的商品,快速的知识生产和创新对于一个组织的生存至关重要(Argyris et al., 1974)。英国的电子游戏行业也是如此。与这种变化相一致的是,大多数讨论都是在管理文献中讨论转型期组织所面临的挑战。尽管领导力仍然是决定公司是否会遇到这些问题的关键因素,但关于领导力模式的明确性质的讨论较少。根据Davenport(2001)的研究,很明显,旧的领导模式是为了处理非常明显的环境设定而制定的,因此,毫无疑问是与当代工作环境相关的,没有明确的替代出现。根据Osborn等人(2002)的观点,改变激进的领导力视角是超越传统观点的前提,即领导者的运作方式不仅是激进的,而且也是多样化的(Avery, 2004)。


The ever rising video games quality and costs associated with it have continued to challenge the leaders in video games industry of UK. This has made the organizations in the sector to be under constant pressure of innovating and leading (Northouse, 2004). Even after this pressure, the industry of UK Gaming blends the best British creativity at its best with leading technology to create the most leading games being exported across the world. Practices of leadership within the system of video gaming sector include standardization, being autocratic, controlled and behaviours driven through profit as the means to achieve appropriate outcomes in the organizations (Polanyi, 1974). Recently, scholars of leadership have provided that there is a pathway to improvise outcomes of organizations. According to Uhl-Bien et al, (2008), the pathway can be found in a distinct model of leadership. A model wherein the leadership can be shared between employees, it leads towards normative uncertainty, facilitation of mutual goals and foundational characteristics innovations (Rose, 2008). This is believed to have much congruence with the present environment of increasing technology and complications. The models of leadership have been paradigms of top-down and bureaucratic products. Such models are effective eminently for an economy having its basis over digital production and physical production as well.

All the theories of leadership are such that they have taken an individualistic view of leaders, even though a thought school obtaining increased recognition is that of leadership dispersal. In accordance to Hitt, (1998), the world is over the epoch precipice within the new economic age midst wherein 21st century companies are faces with a complicated landscape competition driven majorly through technological and globalization revolution. The newer age is on an economy, wherein knowledge is a key commodity and the rapid knowledge production and innovativeness is essential to survival of an organization (Argyris et al., 1974). This is also the case in the video games industry of UK. In consistency with such changes, most of the discussions have taken place in the literature of management with regard to challenges facing organizations in a world of transition. Despite this fact still that leadership is a key factor for whether companies will meet these issues, lesser discussion of explicit nature with regard to leadership models exist. According to Davenport (2001), it has become apparent that the old leadership model was formulated for dealing with very distinct circumstances set, and therefore is of contemporary work environment relevance questionably with no clear substitute coming along to take its position. According to Osborn et al., (2002), it has been argued that a change of radical perspective on leadership is required for going beyond traditional views acceptance as the perspective, wherein leaders are operating is not only different radically but also diverse (Avery, 2004).

論文 代寫:自由贸易协定

論文 代寫:自由贸易协定

《跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》(Trans-Pacific Partnership,简称tpp)是在12个国家之间达成的一项区域自由协定:文莱、智利、加拿大、澳大利亚、马来西亚、日本、新西兰、墨西哥、新加坡、秘鲁、越南和美国。在《协定》中,中国被排除在外,旨在取消参与国之间的投资贸易的非关税和关税壁垒。它还包括执行共同标准、保护知识产权和外国投资的规则和条例。国会在自由贸易协定的实施和谈判中扮演着重要角色。

論文 代寫:自由贸易协定


論文 代寫:自由贸易协定

The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a projected regional free agreement among twelve countries: Brunei, Chile, Canada, Australia, Malaysia, Japan, New Zealand, Mexico, Singapore, Peru, Vietnam and the United States. In the agreement, China is excluded and aims to dismantle non-tariff and tariff barriers to investment trade between the participant nations. It also includes implementation of common standards, rules and regulations for the protection of intellectual property and foreign investment. Congress plays a significant role in the implementation and negotiation of free trade agreement.

論文 代寫:自由贸易协定
In the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership, the United States has the following objectives: achieving a high standard and comprehensive regional free trade agreement that decreases trade barriers and increases opportunities for investment and trade, developing a wide platform for liberalizing trade and establishing new rules and regulations on trade issues such as supply chain management, increasing opportunities for trade for small and medium sized business, regulatory coherence and state-owned enterprises (Amari, 2016). Enforceable and strong labour provisions of TPP will promote higher standards of labour. The agreement will also promote strong environmental rules, safe workplace and a fair wage.





香港法例和阿联酋法律的比较适用于酒店行业,将有助于更好地了解如何在香港酒店消防安全条例中作出改善。有一些关键的差异可以被理解为导致规则不同步的原因。人们在参观酒店时发现,人们对火灾的天然脆弱性是潜在的问题,原因是1969年发生在Saffron Walden的一些全球酒店,如玫瑰酒店和皇冠酒店火灾。在发生事故和事故之前,应该进行改革。


The work concerns itself with the regulations and issues of Hong Kong. The Codes of Hong Kong were developed around the standards and codes of the previous government and ruler, Great Britain. Under their administration, the safety regulation codes were developed. In the years 1995-96, the codes of practice officially accepted much of the existing fire safety design codes as present at that time. Documents on the adopted code were issued out to the Authorized persons and structural engineers who had to comply to the code. A circular letter was sent to the fire services department showing the formal adoption of the codes. The codes of Hong Kong and the regulations they follow currently come under imminence requirement for regular checks. Since the codes were adopted as formal structures from existing regulations, the form of specific conformance as required for Hong Kong needs to be analysed in detail. For this, a comparative study becomes essential.

A comparison of Hong Kong legislation and UAE legislations as applicable for the Hotel industry would enable a better understanding of how improvements could be created in the Hong Kong Hotel fire safety regulations. There are some critical differences that could be understood as reasons behind regulations being out of sync. The innate vulnerability to the fire by the people when visiting hotels was discovered as a potential issue after some global hotels such as the Rose and Crown hotel fire that took place in Saffron Walden 1969. Reforms should be done before there are incidents and accidents.