标签存档: 澳洲留学常识



據說,有些孩子能輕鬆地學會兩種或三種語言,而不會傷害到他們內在的認知能力,事實上,他們已經克服了語言的弱點,並在生活中為自己所用。 Lasagabaster(1998)發現精通三種語言的兒童對社會障礙的反應更強,但在他的三語假說研究中,他們並沒有被認為比雙語兒童好。這說明也有例外情況,即孩子們隨意地、恰當地學習兩到三種語言並不會影響他們的整體執行和掌握進度,反而會支持他們在生活中的發展。


The difficulties presented, such as the dysfunction of understanding the duality of languages and the emotions working behind the language, finding it difficult to internalise the necessity of two language and the use of specific language when needed is right on track. The child does make confusions in using words, understanding the association of words with a particular language and this may disturb the otherwise fine and smooth learning that would have appeared had the child learnt only one single language, thereby putting less burden on the cognitive abilities and keeping things sorted for the child to pick up. This is a valid contention supported by Thompson (2000) who have noted that though the bilingual teaching benefits the child and its cognitive abilities and learning, it may damage the attention span, the intensity of attention, and the ability to communicate with clarity and using appropriate and correct word during verbal communication.

It said that there are children who have picked up two and three languages with ease without hurting their internal cognitive energies and have in fact overpowered their weakness of language and used it to their own advantage in life. Lasagabaster (1998) have found that children with proficiency in three languages have been more responsive to social disorders, but they are not assumed to fare well over bilingual children in his research of trilingual hypothesis. This infers that there are exceptions wherein, children when taught at will and appropriately indicates that learning two or three languages at a time does not impact their overall execution and grasping progress, but in fact supports their development in life.



另一种战略是广泛的差异化战略,允许公司通过属性和特性的整合来产生竞争优势。这些特性反过来又使产品和服务完全不同于竞争对手,购买者认为值得购买和有价值(Lynch, 2012)。成本领先战略也可以被公司使用。这种通用的战略旨在为特定的质量水平带来低成本的工业生产者。因为公司注重高质量,低成本不适用,所以这种策略不合适。最适合Wolseley的策略是市场开发策略,它允许公司在一个狭窄的领域进行市场开发,通过这个领域的措施可以达到成本效益或差异化。

关键是公司的需求要通过整个it市场的发展得到更好的服务。使用这种策略的组织通常会获得更高程度的客户忠诚度,而这反过来又会使客户对公司更加忠诚(Morschett et al . 2015)。随着市场发展的不断缩小,那些追求有针对性的战略的组织的交易量就会越来越小,因此讨价还价的能力也就越来越小。该战略提供了更高程度的客户忠诚度,这种根深蒂固的客户忠诚度导致其他组织失去直接竞争的积极性(Lynch, 2012)。


Another strategy is broad differentiation strategy that allows companies to produce an edge competitively through attributes and features incorporation. These features in turn allow to set the product and services completely apart from the competitors in several ways that buyers regard worth paying for and valuable(Lynch, 2012). Cost leadership strategy can also be used by the company. This generic strategy seeks to bring low cost industry producer for a specific quality level. As the company focuses on higher quality, and lower costs do not apply and therefore this strategy is not suitable. The best strategy that seems to be most suitable for Wolseley is market developmentstrategy that allows a company to market developmenton a narrowed segment and across that segment measures can be achieved either for cost benefit or differentiation.

The key is that the company’s needs be serviced better through entire market developmenton it. An organization that uses this strategy often enjoys customer loyalty of higher degree and this in turn leads towards entrenching customer loyalty towards the company (Morschett et al 2015). As there is narrowed market developmentin the market, organizations that pursue a focused strategy have low volumes and henceforth less power of bargaining. The strategy offers customer loyalty of higher degree and this entrenched customer loyalty leads towards demotivating other organizations from directly competing (Lynch, 2012).



我了解自己发展的几个领域。我相信,当人们在他们的领导和团队中有安全感和信任感时,他们会进行最好的沟通。我必须明白,融洽不仅仅是我与人建立互动的方式。相反,我需要遵循一个持续的过程来建立关系,培养分享的视角(Knapp et al., 2014)。如果我把建立融洽的关系作为我的文化价值观的重点,我将成功地与我的团队领导和团队成员进行开诚布公的对话。



I understood several areas of my development. I believe people tend to deliver best communication when they have a sense of safety and trust among their leader and their ream. I must understand that rapport is not just something that I will establish my interacting with people. Instead, I need to follow a continuous process to build relationship and cultivate the perspective of sharing (Knapp et al., 2014). If I establish rapport as the key priority in my cultural value, I will be successful in approaching my team leader and team members with an open dialogue.

If I do not know they and they do not known me, and then the effectiveness of my communication will be surely at stake.My key objective in my career life is to be a professional in human resource management, and hence my work itself will be giving me a lot of opportunities and responsibilities of communicating with other members in my team and the organization. Thus, this depicts the significance of me focusing on the development of communication skills to enhance my effectiveness in communication.

留学 论文代写:空气污染的主要原因

留学 论文代写:空气污染的主要原因

汽车和工厂排放的废气是城市污染的主要原因。空气中颗粒物(PM)的增加是导致北京大部分人口过早死亡、低出生体重和一般健康危害的主要原因,也增加了城市的雾霾。因此,本文将讨论中国人民由于北京空气污染物PM的增加而面临的主要问题。1979年,中国从社会主义转向了自由市场政策,这对数百万从贫困中被救出来的中国人来说是一个福音。但是,经济的这种转变和自由化带来了巨大的代价,即中国自然环境的残酷破坏。目前,中国是世界第二大经济体,但却以牺牲本国国民健康为代价(Anenberg、Horowitz和Tong 1189)。人们已经注意到,在这个城市中,有数百万英亩的农田被污染,污水从工业中流出。中国环境保护部指出,中国三分之二的地下水不适合饮用。

留学 论文代写:空气污染的主要原因

但是,空气污染物对中国生态退化的贡献是巨大的,而且最近几天被认为是环境关注的一个主要问题,而北京是中国污染最严重的城市之一。在全球20个污染最严重的城市中,有16个是中国(OECD)。北京的空气质量已经超过了美国环保局设定的可接受的污染标准。北京有大量的细颗粒物,也被称为PM。颗粒物质可以通过散射和吸收太阳辐射来影响一个地区的气候,从而削弱能见度。这个PM最终导致了与环境和健康相关的几个问题;它也影响着北京和整个中国的天气和气候条件。室外空气污染是中国的一个主要问题(Vautard, Yiou和Van Oldenborgh 117)。汽车尾气排放、工厂烟囱排放的尾气、释放气溶胶的化学处理装置正在结合在一起,产生极高的污染,形成一层厚厚的雾霾,覆盖北京的白天天空。人们观察到,煤是主要的能源来源,它在能源生产中的贡献是其他任何能源的75% (Elizabeth和Kenneth 90)。

留学 论文代写:空气污染的主要原因

Emission from vehicles and factories are highly responsible for city pollution. The increase amount of particulate matter (PM) in the air is a major cause of premature death, low birth weight and general health hazards of majority of the population of Beijing and it is also increasing the city haze. Therefore, the essay will discuss the major issues that the people of China are facing as a result of the increased PM as an air pollutant in Beijing. In the year 1979, there has been a shift from socialism to free market policy which was a boon to the millions of Chinese population as they were rescued from the grinding of poverty. But this shift and liberalization of the economy came by paying a major cost i.e. the brutal killing of the natural environment of China. At present, China is having the world’s second largest economy but at the cost of the lives of its own countrymen’s health (Anenberg, Horowitz and Tong 1189). It has been noticed that millions of acres of farmlands of the country adjoining to the city of Beijing are getting contaminated with the effluent running off from the industries. It has been mentioned by the Ministry of Environmental Protection of China that two-third of the underground water in China is unfit for consumption.

留学 论文代写:空气污染的主要原因
But contribution of air pollutants for degrading the ecology of China is dramatically high and has been considered as a major issue of environmental concern in the recent days and Beijing is one of the most polluted cities of China. Out of the 20 most polluted cities around the globe China is home for 16 of them (OECD). The city of Beijing exceeds the acceptable standard of pollution set by the Environmental Protection Agency, US several.The city of Beijing is crowded with huge quantity of fine particulate matter also known as PM. Particulate matter can influence the climate of a region by scattering itself and by absorbing solar radiation and thus impairs visibility. This PM is eventually leading to several problems associated with environment and health; it is also influencing the weather and climate condition of Beijing and that of China as a whole. Outdoor air pollution is a major concern in China (Vautard, Yiou and Van Oldenborgh 117). Vehicular emissions, emissions from the chimneys of factories, chemical processing units releasing aerosol are combining together to produce pollution which is extremely high and creates a thick layer of haze that covers the day sky of Beijing. It has been observed that coal till date is the major energy source and its contribution in energy generation is 75 % compared with any other sources of energy (Elizabeth and Kenneth 90).






Before I arrived in the United States, I had some preconceptions about the difference between China and education in the United States. Most of these differences are about how high school students can have fun without being burdened with heavy homework or exams. However, after my own experience, I can now say that these views are not entirely correct. Besides interesting students, there are also good teaching methods in American education system, which makes education both interesting and formed. I also experienced this comprehensive development. The main difference I encountered in the education system in China and the United States is that in China, the main emphasis is to teach basic education, while in the United States, the goal is to cultivate students’ personal interests and advantages. The education I received in China helped me study in the United States. I have a strong grasp of mathematics, physics and other subjects, and sometimes help my classmates to understand some concepts.

However, when my counselor asked me what special interests I had in my life, I had to work very hard to find that I had no special interests other than learning. Besides participating in extracurricular activities and sports activities, my American classmates are also interested in learning Musical Instruments and foreign languages. They also participate in voluntary activities and student societies. Talking to several of my classmates and reading articles about our alumni, I realized that I was wrong about the carefree attitude of American students. Especially in the recruitment of American universities and colleges, companies are looking for students with not only good academic ability, but also comprehensive personality development.






The specific focus of our presentation was on discovering the similarities and differences between Norway and Portugal in terms of their HRM practices. We preferred choosing these nations and consider the differences in their nationalities. For identifying the key similarities and differences, we divided the presentation into different parts that were managerial implications, training, performance management, and recruitment and selection. This essay provides a personal reflection of my contribution and experience in the overall group presentation. A number of different resources were used in making this presentation.

These resources were collected in the wider context of HRM and in the specific context of different aspects selected for comparing the two nations. Our main concern was ensuring that maximum facts reported are supported with adequate evidence. The specific evidences used were extracted from journal articles, research papers and documents presented by other institutes. One crucial document we used for the collection of evidence was from OECD (2016). This document “OECD Compendium of Productivity Indicators” provided abundant evidences on the HRM practices of Portugal and Norway (OECD, 2016). Further ahead, several links were provided in the references list at the end of the presentation as well.



社交媒体的出现正在成为新闻的一个重要组成部分,它还控制着公众对信息的感知方式。在Twitter (Hepp和Krotz, 2014)中,“喜欢”的媒体如Facebook或以下的概念已经有所增加。这些都是现代生活方式的一部分。新闻机构越来越多地试图增加网站流量。除此之外,他们还提供即时更新给读者。人们已经注意到,大学的新闻节目现在关注的是网络和不同的媒体传播信息。




Social media prominences are becoming an integral component of the news and it also controls the ways in which the information will be perceived by the public. There has been an increase in the “Liking” media outlets such as Facebook or following concept that is followed on Twitter (Hepp and Krotz, 2014). These are some of the modern ways of staying with the current events. News organizations are increasingly trying to increase the web traffic to their websites. Apart from this, they also provide instantaneous update to the readers. It has been observed that the journalism programs in the colleges are now focusing on the online and different mediums of broadcasting of the information.

Social media is embedded into the journalism models. A new era of journalism has arrived and they have changed the previous dynamics of communication. It is important for the modern-day journalism students to connect with the people using these social media tools. Modern news outline such as the New York Times are found to provide unique internships to develop the social media. Social media in news outlets has become ubiquitous and an integral part of the current news cycles.



组织压力对工作场所的生产效率和激励措施有很大的影响。当面对日益增长的需求时,员工们会面临工作负荷和其他情绪和身体疾病的担忧。此外,研究还发现,随着时间的推移,焦虑和压力水平会导致动机行为的恶化(兄弟idge & Grandey, 2002)。研究工作如Gaines & Jermier(1983)和McDonald & Rosin(1993)认为,随着时间的推移,压力会导致员工认为他们工作的管理是不关心的。现在,除了员工所感受到的压力的物理因素外,他们还会相信长期的压力会导致更大的压力负荷。


当压力的第一个信号没有被识别出来时,就会产生累积的压力,随着时间的推移,会导致更严重的问题(Carver & Scheier, 2012)。从基本的磨损问题,它可能升级到冲突问题,然后关闭业务本身。确定工作场所中压力影响的形式是帮助压力管理的必要步骤(Connor, 2005),这篇文献综述的目的是确定工作场所压力的不同影响。现在,为了识别不同形式的压力和影响,这项工作试图包括压力影响的许多不同,例如组织和压力水平的形式,个人对如何应对压力的影响,工作场所的文化和压力等。


Organizational stress has a strong effect on the production efficiency and motivational practices of the workplace. When facing increasing demands, employees are observed to have faced worries of workloads and other emotional and physical ailments. In addition, it is also observed that the worries and stress levels over time lead to deterioration of motivational practices (Brotheridge & Grandey, 2002).Research works such as Gaines & Jermier (1983) and McDonald & Rosin (1993) argue that stress over time could lead to the situation where employees might perceive the management they work as being uncaring. Now, in addition to the physical elements of stress that an employee feels, they would also believe that cumulative effects of stress over time could result in an even detrimental stress load.

When the first sign of stress is not identified, there could be a cumulative effect of increased stress and with time, it leads to even worse issues (Carver & Scheier, 2012). From basic attrition issues, it could escalate to conflict issues and then the closure of the business itself. Identifying the forms of stress impact in the workplace is a necessary step to assist in stress management (Connor, 2005)The purpose of this literature review is to identify the different impacts of stress in the workplace. Now, to identify different forms of stress and impact, this work attempts to include many differences in stress impact, such as the form of organization and stress levels, the individual impact on how they tackle stress, the workplace culture and stress, etc.







From the British Columbia to the Alberta border, the land is more rugged. It is a region of mountains and plateaus. Rocky Mountains and coastal mountains are the ranges that are found. Inside the mountain ranges, there are Alpine snowfield and valleys. The Prairies are found in this region. This is the area of fields in the region. The areas from Alberta, Saskatchewan are the notable grain producing regions. Based on this, there is traditional farming that is known in these areas. They are also world renowned farming districts that are found in this place. There are areas of agriculture. Canadian Shield area is discussed in the following.

The next areas are the Canadian Shield. This ranges from the Hudson Bay into the middle of Canada. The bay is surrounded by rocky regions. This is known as the Canadian Shield. The rocky region stretches into Labrador and to the south of Kingston. The areas are conventionally for mining. There are large reserves of minerals, goal and zinc that are found in this place. Apart from this, copper and uranium are also found in high reserves. The highly developed regions of Canada are explained below.



本文探讨了远期溢价之谜的概念。它被认为是货币市场中的一种反常现象,被称为“法马迷”。远期溢价之谜暗示了一种实证的发现,在自然界中有很好的记录。当国内货币的名义利率超过国外利率(Aggarwal et al., 2015)时,这一发现预计将被国内货币升值。进一步考虑,异常令人困惑,因为经济理论认为,如果同等的风险存在于所有的货币,投资者会要求更高的利率在特定货币的决心的价值下降。


此外,文章还将找出与这个谜题相关的一些可能的解释(Boudoukh et al., 2016)。因此,各种期刊文章、书籍、经济报告和实证结果将被评估,以确定可能的解释和了解远期溢价之谜。这是为了承认,对于远期溢价之谜的一个广泛的理解可以得到,因为它展示了系统风险(Ho和Mo, 2016)的时间方差的理性溢价。


This essay explores the concept of forward premium puzzle. It is regarded as an anomaly within the currency markets and called as the Fama puzzle. The forward premium puzzle implies an empirical finding that is well documented in nature. This finding is expected by the domestic currency to appreciate as and when the nominal interest rates of the domestic nature outgrow the foreign interest rates (Aggarwal et al., 2015). It is to further take into account that the anomaly is puzzling since the economic theory argues that if the equal risk is present in all the currencies, the investors will demand for the higher interest rates over the specific currencies which are determined to drop in terms of the value.

Furthermore, the essay will identify certain possible explanations related to the puzzle (Boudoukh et al., 2016). Therefore, variety of journal articles, books, economic reports and empirical findings will be evaluated in order to determine the possible explanations and to gain understanding of the forward premium puzzle. It is to acknowledge that one of the extensive understandings about the forward premium puzzle can be gained as it showcases the rational premia of time variance for the systematic risk (Ho and Mo, 2016).