标签存档: 澳洲代写














“关键词”是科技论文的文献检索标识, 是表达文献主题概念的自然语言词汇, 一般是词或词组。多从题名、摘要、层次标题和正文中选取, 以3~8个为宜。关键词选用不当, 会降低文献的被检索率, 甚至检索不到。由此影响文献的被利用率和被引用率。

关键词一般由3类词组成:1) 叙词, 即主题词, 是经过规范化并被收入主题词表中的词或词组, 使用最多;2) 非正式主题词, 即词表中的上位词、下位词、替代词;3) 自由词, 即标引需要但主题词表中找不到的词, 多半是专指的词, 特别是地名、人名、机构名、事件名等专有名词。如“9·11事件”“十一五规划”等。


1) 词语表述不规范 (见典型案例) ;

2) “研究对象”类的关键词容易被遗漏;

3) 使用不具有检索意义的通用词, 如“变化”“评价”“分布”“发展”等。




从题目来看:1) “雾霾”应该是其最重要的关键词, 作者试图以PM2.5替代, 但从学术术语的角度看, 这是不规范的, “雾霾”是指大量悬浮在近地面空气中的微小水滴或水汽凝结物 (雾) 和极细微的干尘颗粒 (霾) , 引起空气水平能见度大大降低的空气浑浊现象;而“PM2.5”仅仅是指直径≤2.5μm的颗粒物。两者是包含的关系, 更确切地说, “PM2.5”只是构成雾霾的主要“原料”之一。

2) “旅游城市”和“城市旅游”是2个完全不同的概念, 前者的中心词是城市, 后者的中心词是旅游, 这种混用可谓“差以毫厘, 谬以千里”;

3) “时空分析”是通用词, 其检索意义明显不大。所以将其选为关键词欠妥;

4) “旅游产品空间结构”已经不是词了, 而是短语, 不能算是规范的关键词。

5) 从研究尺度和研究对象上来讲, 站在全球的视角, “中国”应该是其指定的研究对象或研究尺度, 可以作为关键词之一。




营销度量是一种战略工具,可用于进行战略审计,并形成组织中战略决策的基础(Aaker)。, D.A.和McLoughlin D, 2015)。在BHF的营销背景下,营销指标有着极其重要的作用。营销指标有助于BHF了解其当前的地位,以及创新和产品开发、定制、全球化以及商业模式的其他方面如何帮助组织实现战略性增长。这些因素对于组织能够筹集到所需的资金,并建立一个可以走向全球的强大品牌是非常重要的。对于BHF来说,能够基于市场指标的使用来实现这一点是非常重要的(Hooley G。,桑德斯J。和Piercy N。,2004)。目前在BHF中使用的所有通信方法也发挥着重要作用,因为它是确立其长期地位的一种基本方式。BHF在过去有过成功的营销活动和街头活动,这帮助公司在客户、捐赠者和利益相关者心中保持竞争力和熟悉度。

对于组织来说,能够以有效的方式使用一系列的沟通方法,从而实现更好的商誉、定位和战略增长变得极其重要(Cravens D.和Piercy N.)。,2006)。沟通对于BHF的推广和公共关系非常重要。只有创建非常适合BHF的市场地位和品牌的活动,才能有效地实现这一点。此外,他们有可能创建一个有效的整合营销传播计划的基础上,使用一个强大的营销活动(Blythe J。,2003)。这两个方面对BHF来说都是非常重要的,因为它可以帮助他们确保融资过程得到强有力的执行和维护。对该公司来说,能够筹集资金和获得捐赠具有重要的战略意义。营销和沟通以及战略定位对于公司能够实现这一点变得极其重要。对于BHF来说,能够在筹款和慈善竞争方面获得增长是非常重要的。


Marketing metrics is a strategic tool that can be used for the purpose of conducting a strategic audit and forming the basis for decisions on strategy in an organization (Aaker., D.A. and McLoughlin D, 2015). In the context of marketing of BHF, the marketing metrics has an extremely important role to play. A marketing metrics helps BHF understand its current position and how innovation and product development, customization, globalization and other aspects of the business model can help the organization grow strategically. These elements are important for the organization to be able to raise the required funds and also build a strong brand that can be taken global. It is extremely essential for BHF to be able to achieve this based on the usage of marketing metrics (Hooley G., Saunders J., and Piercy N., 2004). The entire range of communication methods currently being used in BHF also does have an important role to play as it forms an essential way of establishing its position in the long term. BHF has had successful marketing campaigns and street presence in the past, which has helped the firm remain competitive and familiar in the minds of its customers, donors as well as stakeholders.

It becomes extremely important for the organization to be able to use a range of communication methods in an effective manner so that they can achieve better goodwill, positioning and strategic growth (Cravens D. and Piercy N., 2006). Communication is extremely important for promotion and public relations for BHF. This can be achieved effectively only by creating campaigns that are well suited for the market position and branding of BHF. Moreover it is possible for them to create an effective integrated marketing communications plan based on the usage of a strong marketing campaign (Blythe J., 2003). Both of these aspects are extremely important for BHF as it helps them ensure that the fundraising process is strongly conducted and maintained. It is strategically important for the firm to be able to raise funds and get donations. Marketing and communication as well as strategic positioning become extremely essential for the firm to be able to achieve this. It becomes essential for BHF to be able to grow in terms of fundraising and charity competitiveness.






Also in Virginia, the movement of freeing slaves created difficulty by the introduction of new lawful restrictions in the year 1792. It was clear that the revolution had a combined effect on slavery along with contradictory senses for the population of African Americans. However, freedom of slaves was not all that beneficial as freed slaves ended up dealing with a number of issues due to lack of economic strength, social recognition and financial stability in the country. Major issues of health had been faced by freed slaves and the rates of death were so high that many thought that all blacks will die in America. However, the death of slaves was surely embraced by a large population of America supporting slavery.

This essay focused on the thesis statement, and the economic benefit of slavery had been widely overshadowed by the overwhelming inhumanity, immorality and repugnance of slavery. As identified in the essay, slavery was significantly beneficial for the economic development of America. This period of slavery was beneficial for the overall development of America considering the efficiency of slaves especially in the cotton industry. In addition to the cotton industry, the efficiency of slaves was beneficial for other industries as well. Also, it had been noted that colonies within which there was no flourishment of slaves who turned out to be richer and more popular in comparison with the ones where there was flourishment of slavery. However, the abolishment of slavery also had a significant impact as a large population of blacks died out of health issues.





















许多人对色情无处不在感到烦恼,无论是书籍、杂志、视频、电影,还是互联网上的一切。人们觉得色情制品只不过是淫秽的东西。淫秽的定义使我们明白,它是淫秽的,无论是在行为上,还是在品格上,或在任何方面,这不仅会败坏公众的道德,而且会促进淫荡、不道德和猥亵。就色情而言,根据法律和字面上对淫秽的定义,以及某些人使用的定义,它可能与淫秽有关。但是,人们普遍认为不同的人有不同的感知能力(DeCesare, 2014)。有些事情对一个人来说可能是淫秽的,但对另一个人来说却是完全正常的。因此,色情内容被一些人认为是淫秽的,而不是其他人。因此,淫秽的概念仍然是完全内省的,并开放的猜测取决于审查它的人的类型。



Many people have a problem with pornography being available everywhere, whether it is in the form of books, magazines, videos, movies and everything else which is available on the internet. People feel that pornography is nothing but obscenity. The definition of obscenity makes us understand that it is being obscene, in act or in character or in any way, which would not only corrupt the morality of the public but would promote lewdness, immorality and indecency. As far as porn is considered, it can be said that according to the legal and literal definition of the word obscene, and the definition which is used by certain people, it might be something related to obscenity. But, as it is widely believed that different people have different perceptive (DeCesare, 2014). Something might be obscene for one person, which could be completely natural and regular for another. So the pornographic content is considered to be obscene by some people, and not by other. Thus, the concept of obscenity remains complete introspective and open to speculation depending upon the kind of people who are reviewing it.

Lastly many activities, researchers and socialists have been studying the effects of pornography. In a time, where porn is actually being considered good for watching and claims being made for the same, the effects of pornography is rather disturbing.Since pornography is commercially so viable and is a source of easy money in a very short span of time, it encourages the young adults to recklessly join this. This way not only they are exposed to this industry which can be psychologically harmful for them, but they are also engaged in sexual activities with multiple partners which might make them vulnerable to STDs. Further, the porn industry has been related to child abuse in straight and definite way, influences the act of rapes, domestic violence, child sexual abuse, dysfunctional sexual relations and difficulties otherwise. Thus, it can be said that effects of pornography are not at all positive.



我们的学生一般都喜欢写一些个人的故事,关于自己学习研究方面的内容,则常放在简历里面。这也是英语国家的人对Personal Statement的理解造成的。但是我们在任何时候都不要忘了Personal Statement的本义。




英国留学个人陈述第一步是Reflection (反思)。


英国留学个人陈述第二步是Positioning (定位)。



英国留学个人陈述第三步是Choosing a theme(确立文章的主题)。









The study has come across two major consumer pain points, Inconvenience in delivery or collection process is becoming a larger issue for the consumer when they do online grocery shopping, particularly in the final product journey of Delivery or the collection. This becomes a major problem when the grocery contains products which need to be freeze for sustaining. In order to overcome this, the company could open an open delivery system outlets in major parts of the city that would deliver the purchased goods through a counter when consumer comes.

The same strategy can also be used to overcome another pain-point which is the long wait for the grocery to deliver, this happens usually during a cash on delivery system. Hence, a consumer could order and pack the product online, and collect it while giving the cash in these outlets. The main aim of this service is to enhance the customer percentage. The main services include delivering the grocery packages to a range of 10 kilometers within the time of 75 minutes. This includes managing the purchase orders aptly and spontaneously through a strategic network of delivery system.






There had been a polarization of the United States regarding the problem of slavery, for the representation of free and slave stated divided by the line of Mason- Dixon, for the separation of free Pennsylvania from the slave states of Delaware and Maryland. This period of slavery was beneficial for the overall development of America considering the efficiency of slaves. As per Time on the Cross, efficiency can be equated with total factor productivity (TFP). TFP is the output obtained for every unit of input on an average across a firm. As per this measurement, southern farms where there was employment of slave by the use of Gang System delivered 35 percent more efficiency in comparison with Northern farms where there was the use of free labour.

In addition to the cotton industry, the efficiency of slaves was beneficial for other industries as well. Also, it was worth noting that colonies across which there was lack of flourishment of slaves, turned out to be richer and more popular when compared to the ones where there had been flourishment of slavery. In the duration and by the end of American Revolutionary War that was 1777 to 1804, constitutions or laws of anti- slavery had been passed across all of the states in the northern side of Ohio River along with the Mason- Dixon line. By the year 1810, freedom was availed by 75 per cent of the population of African American slaves across the North.



综上所述,可以看出日本人的幽默、风趣和笑声经历了翻天覆地的变化。喜剧是直接针对观众的笑声进行评价的。它在《红地毯》、《莫诺玛》等节目中最为引人注目,在大多数种类繁多的喜剧节目中都有一定程度的表现。在日本,喜剧显然被视为一种文化,近几十年来,幽默之所以被人们所接受,很可能是因为它有两个显著的好处。第一个是社会性的,第二个是个性化的。社会效益被认为是幽默对流畅和温和的交流的贡献(大岛渚,第31-4页)。个人利益是通过笑声减轻个人的压力(上野,81-90页;大岛渚,第65页;山中,页206 – 207)。幽默是一种常见的社交行为,它能拉近人们之间的距离,让他们一起开怀大笑。然而,幽默是一种更复杂的创造有趣情景的方式,它包含了高度的语感和文化能力。



From all the above stated information it is to be noted that humour, wit and laughter have undergone sea changes in Japan. Comedy is being directed towards and assesses in terms of the laughter it can gather from the audience. It is most conspicuous in shows like Red Carpet and the monomane contests and to a certain extent in most of the varied comedy shows. Comedy is apparently appreciated as a culture in Japan and humour has been accepted in the recent decades probably because of the two significant benefits it accords with. The first of this is social and the second being personal. The social benefit is supposedly the contribution that humour gives to smooth and suave communication (Oshima, pp. 31-4). The personal benefit is the relief from the stress that the individual gets through laughter (Ueno, pp. 81-90; Oshima, p. 65; Yamanaka, pp. 206-207). Humor is a common social behaviour that brings people closer in an attempt to share a laugh together. However, humour is a more complex form of making a funny situation and it includes a high sense of linguistic approach combined with cultural competence.

Due to these reasons, expression of humour and appreciation of it can become a challenge in itself in a cross-culture or cross-language communication. Things that are considered funny changes form one culture and to another and a good humours joke from one culture may very well be a subject of taboo in other countries. An act of humour that is funny in one culture may not even quality as humours in some other culture, and it is entirely possible that the particular humour based joke is considered intense, inappropriate and offensive as well. This research project attempts to analyze the cultural presence of humour in Japan and compares its attributes to humour and its uses in western countries. The report will analyze the complete process used by Japanese comedians and other personalities to make people laugh, in order to gain interesting and useful insights in the presence of Japanese humour and their cultural understanding of it. Once nature of humour in Japanese culture is identified, it will then be compared with the general humour attributes as present in western countries like USA.