标签存档: 澳洲代写毕业论文


澳洲代写-essay的论文组成结构和写作格式分析。留学生们想要写出一篇高分的essay,首先就要了解essay的写作方法,其中包括essay组成结构的内容安排和写作格式要求,了解这些基本的写作方法后,留学生们在平时的学习中还要提高英语写作能力,课堂上多做笔记,多查阅些文献资料等,这些都是为essay高分写作所做的努力。接下来澳洲高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis辅导老师着重为留学生们讲解essay的论文组成结构和写作格式分析。


1、Introduction 包括Topic的背景介绍和文章主要解决的主要问题,澳洲悠悠论文老师提醒大家一般是占字数的10%左右,相当于摘要的一部分。

2、Main body 作为论文的最主要部分,占字数的80%左右,如果题目中作了具体要求,就要根据题目提到的几个方面来逐一讨论,如果没有就要自己构思,但必须要有逻辑性。主体部分是最能体现学生的知识、学识和见识,还有思维逻辑能力的。

3、Conclusion 字数大概是10%,在一段在文章内容的结尾部分,但是也是文章的最核心,把主要观点用一两句话概括出来。

4、Reference 这一部分是导师比较看重的,因此要很注意,该部分一般包括in-text reference(文章里的reference)和reference list(文章后的reference).文章有要求的就根据要求把握,没有说明的就按照每千字3-4个操作。














澳洲代写-essay的论文组成结构和写作格式就为留学生分析到这里。有关更多澳洲essay代写的问题,留学生们可以在线咨询澳洲论文代写Advanced Thesis平台客服,此论文代写平台机构为留学生们提供专业的毕业论文代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,专业的代写信誉和丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生们选择和信赖!


論文代寫-論文寫作搜集篩選文獻資料的技巧。搜集篩選文獻資料是留學生們論文寫作前的准備,而且搜集的文獻資料要進行整理和篩選,為自己的論文提供有力的論據支持,突顯出自己論文的中心觀點。在搜集篩選時還要掌握一定的方法和技巧,接下來澳洲高階論文代寫Advanced Thesis輔導老師為留學生們做以下講解。




3. 寫批注或做標記法。所謂批注,即在文獻參考資料處寫上自己的見解,或者評論,或者解釋、質 疑.而記號是讀者在重點、難點、精彩之處或自己感興趣之處畫上自己可識別的一些標記符號,如 直線、曲線、紅線、圓圈、括號等等。要提醒一點,此方法僅限於在書籍上使用。

4. 摘錄法。即記下原文重要、精彩的內容,以便在今後撰寫畢業論文時可直接作為論證、引證之用. 但要注意的是,摘錄時要注明參考資料的來源,如作者姓名、書名或論文題目、出版地、出版社、 版本、出版時間等等。這樣做是以便學生隨時查詢,又可為論文寫作中的注釋和參考文獻做好准 備。

5.提要法。所謂提要,系把原文的基本內容、主題思想、觀點、獨到之處或其他數據,用自己的話 加以概括概括一定要忠於原文作者的觀點。 總之,記筆記可以在筆記上記或自己特別准備的一些小卡片來完成,最終要使得日後使用資料的不會 使資料失真走樣,同時又可以節省時間和精力,以便我們在最後畢業論文撰寫時方便提取且快捷。 資料的分析和整理 對於以上收集過來的所有參考資料, 學生們需要在實際的寫作過程中對它進一步學習並分析和整理。它是一個由粗到細、由多到少的過程。即從你收集到的大量文獻資料中攝取和你畢 業論文最有用的信息資料,所以必須對所獲資料再做一番去粗取精、去偽存真、由表及裏、分類編排的分 析和整理的工作。對整理後准備利用的文獻資料,需要最後對其可靠性進行鑒別和評價,對那些不完全可 靠的則要剔除。






以上就是論文代寫-論文寫作搜集篩選文獻資料的技巧。最後澳洲高階論文代寫Advanced Thesis輔導老師提醒一下留學生們,在論文中運用到其他文獻的時候,必須嚴格做好引用,否則會有論文抄襲的嫌疑。

如果留學生論文不會寫怎麼辦?澳洲論文代寫推薦澳洲高階論文代寫Advanced Thesis平台機構,此代寫平台還有一些畢業論文代寫、essay代寫、assignment代寫等論文服務,良好的口碑和豐富的論文代寫經驗值得留學生選擇和信賴!



When factoring in the need to buying a real estate properly, the buyers typically look for certain variables to make their determinations. These include political stability, crime rate, pollution levels, access to technology, other people living in the area and the feasibility of buying a property. There should be integrated reasoning for the people to choose to buy in the particular state. Each variable needs to be probed in detail in order to understand the reasoning of the investment choice. Each factor has been explained in greater detail in the following.
Political Framework

From the perspective of political environment, there are many new foreign investments that are encouraged by the government. There has been a surge in the foreign tourists into the state and this has brought on newer investments. The government is a democratic stable government that makes the place ideal to welcoming foreigners into the states. Compared to other foreign government, the New Zealand government laws are more flexible. They are willing to bring in foreign investment into the state. The country also adopts fair trading laws. These give the perception that the government will be fair and transparency will be maintained in this process. Due to this factor, in general, the people are motivated to have business undertaking or financial interest in the state.
From this, the educational perspective is important variables that add to the political stability of the region. These have been explained in the following section.
Educational Perspective

New Zealand is an urban country and it has 72% of the population living in the urban centres of the city (Pow, 2016). The county’s population is located and focused on the urban centres. It is viewed to be a young nation of the developed nation. 20% of the country has young people below the age of 24 years. This population is more education and adapting to the newer cultures. The surge of educated foreigners choosing adds to the existing paradigm of education (Aizenman, Jinjarak and Zheng, 2015).

The nation invests in a number of infrastructure developments and promotion of education. This makes it ideal for foreign investors. There are a number of green energy efforts taken in the nation as a result of this education. This makes New Zealand an educated cosmopolitan city. The important decisive factor is the safety associated with the area. This is explained in the following.

论文范文墨尔本代写-中国人投资新西兰的动机因素就为留学生分享到这里。留学生论文不会写怎么办,可以找澳洲论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此代写论文平台为留学生们提供essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,而且论文代写价格公平合理,不会出现论文抄袭的情况发生,如此良好的口碑和丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!




在本篇澳洲毕业论文代写-食品行业的竞争分析中,以食品行业前景为重点运用SWOT、PESTLE、Porter ‘s five forces等工具对食品行业进行了竞争分析和行业分析。在此基础上,提出了建议的要点。分析认为,食品必须考虑采取顾客至上的策略,将顾客的信息与智能优惠券联系起来。食品的顾客会根据他们的喜好、口味和兴趣收到邮件。他们的主要想法是提供“他们在商店里真正买到的东西,而不是销售和推销他们从未买过的东西”。为了实施这一行动,食品必须考虑应用先进的工具来分析大量的客户数据,这些优惠必须根据客户的实际历史和购物行为来定制。在当前的时代,经常光顾食品商店的顾客应该能够获得50%的折扣券。接下来论文范文澳洲毕业论文代写-食品行业的竞争分析分享给留学生阅读。

With key focus on the business outlook of Foodstuffs, this report conducted a competitive and industrial analysis of the business by using different tools like SWOT, PESTLE, and Porter’s five forces. Key points of recommendations are drafted based on this analysis. As identified by the analysis, Foodstuffs must consider adopting a customer first strategy with the belief to tie information of customer with offers of smart coupon. The customers of Foodstuffs will get mails as per their preferences, taste and interest. The main idea is focused on offering them “what they actually buy at the storerather than selling and promoting things they have never bought”. For the implementation of this action, Foodstuffs must consider the application of advanced tools to analyse vast data of customer and these offers must be tailored for the customers as per their actual history and behaviour of shopping. In the current era, customers visiting Foodstuffs on regular basis should be able to gain the redemption of 50 per cent of the coupons sent out to the retailer.

Having a better understanding about the market will help in making more informed decision, while consequently make a better investment in the company. The retail industry of New Zealand seems to be seeking advantage out of an improvement in international market outlook with commodity pricesestablishing different competitive strengths for business. New Zealand is among the most concentrated sectors of supermarket across the globe. Supermarkets have been wielding substantial power to bargain among the key suppliers and there is a threat that this power might be used in a way of harming the viability of competitive and vibrant market of supplier being detrimental to the consumers. As the suppliers have key reliability to sell their production by supermarkets, the power to bargain among suppliers and supermarkets deals with a substantial imbalance. This brief will be elaborated further ahead in the report, using different tools to draft out key conclusion.

Foodstuffs have started to scale back its plans of expansion as they face failures in entering major markets and are within the scope of experiencing several law suits. However, it is quiet unfortunate that even after it faced criticism from the public regarding the key practices of business, Foodstuffs had been refusing to change the ways in which it practiced the business. Irrespective of the major efforts put in to improve the experience of customer shopping and broaden loyal customer base, sales of the same store do not seem to meet the broader expectations of Foodstuffs.

有关论文范文澳洲毕业论文代写-食品行业的竞争分析就为留学生分享这里。留学生论文不会写怎么办,可以找澳洲论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此代写论文平台为留学生们提供essay代写、report代写、assignment代写等论文服务,而且论文代写价格公平合理,不会出现论文抄袭的情况发生,如此良好的口碑和丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!




Mrs. Higgins cookies started with a target market and then moved onto other target markets. Research studies indicate that this form of moving from one market segment to another happens because of expanding business. True to that Mrs. Higgins is also seen to be expanding currently, from its point of sales outlet to more outlets. Currently the market for Mrs. Higgins as stated on their website is the school children to the elderly. Such a market exists for them because of the unique fresh and moist taste that they bring to the cookies. An expanded target base was also possible for Mrs. Higgins because of the different variety of products they sell, from chocolate Macadamia nut fudges to shortbread and more. Slabs and slices and other homemade products are also being developed here at Mrs. Higgins specifically catering to different market or consumer segments. Kotler (2013) argues that the reason for market segmentation exists because of the nature of buyers to be different. Their characteristics and behaviors would mean that one product or one marketing approach for the same product might not be taken up that well. The usual was for segmenting consumers in the market is by dividing them based on the variables of geography, psychographics, and other behavioral variables. Mrs. Higgins as of present does seem to take this market segmentation into account.
In terms of the market segmentation, it is seen that the sociographic segmentation indicates that people might like to have tea in more relaxed environments. Also the research shows that women buying large cookies to go have been decreasing. However, since the age group of 35 to 49 are seen to visit a café, this would be a good target group for Mrs. Higgins to focus on. It would be a niche segment for Mrs. Higgins. If Mrs. Higgins was to develop a marketing plan for this consumer segment that spends more leisure time in tea and coffee shops, then it would be easier for Mrs. Higgins to sell their product to. At one end the age group being identified are women in the age category of 35 to 49 and at another end the cookie market is also good for the age group of teenagers between the age of 14-25 and also in the case of young adults. The percentages as indicated in the Roy Morgan research was 4.6% and 5.1%. So Mrs Higgins should rely on teenager markets to design advertising campaign or promotion. These two market segments are hence critical market segments for the company. Mrs. Higgins has to ensure that these two market segments are tapped into and the marketing communication plan proposed for Mrs. Higgins will also argue the case for approaching these marketing segments. Studies indicate that when tapping into niche segments it is necessary for marketing to be specific to the segment. However, the purpose of this integrated marketing plan is to present the coffee/tea with cookie concept and messages in a more generalized way in order to check for appeal with male customers, customers bringing in their family and children etc.

有关论文范文毕业论文代写-希金斯夫人饼干的市场细分就为留学生们分享到这里。留学生论文写作提升,可以找澳洲论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此论文代写平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的澳洲论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、澳洲代写、essay代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!




The methods of achieving customer satisfaction are ample, and they may not be all useful in case of Woolworths because its position is something more different than the one used in the research. There is a broad consensus about understanding the customers’ idea and quality and try and perceive the same in order to be aligned with their expectations and thus deliver what is most expected in the current situation. It must overturn the current situation by getting customer oriented and keeping in mind their expectations and perception about quality to be able to deliver the same. When customers are satisfied, they will be tempted to be loyal and when the same procedures of satisfaction gets repetitive, there are high chances for the customer to turn loyal for a significant length of time.

The literature will be selective and will include those that has ample information and details about the remedial action that is considered best during such situations and saves the company from failure. The majority of literature used will be journals, books, and conference proceedings. The literature gathered will support in identifying the necessary actions that is possible for Woolworths to arrest the decline and make a comeback to regain its superior position.

In addition, the processes and the implementation procedures have also been recommended to be directly linked with the way in which the customers perceive the quality of service. This is why Woolworths is recommended to immediately turnaround the procedures it employs and make it more customer oriented so that it is at least able to retain some loyal customers, acquire new ones, and arrest the steep decline in sales volumes. Overall, Woolworths must start to consider customer satisfaction as the sole end result of all their strategies and actions, reorient it in all the previous processes, practice to be able to stop the declining sales and regain its customer loyalty with customer satisfaction.

留学生论文写作提升,可以找澳洲论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此论文代写平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的澳洲论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有毕业论文代写、澳洲代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



作業代寫-互聯網是醫療保健服務信息的主要來源,互聯網被認為是傳播有關非醫療和醫療保健服務的信息的主要來源,這些信息是由所有醫療保健服務提供商提供的。它可以被認為是最便宜和最有效的方式,以確保產品直接到達客戶群體。此外,同時,它側重於幫助病人獲得有價值的和正確的信息,以幫助他們作出明智的決定。對於該服務提供商的整體范圍而言,信息豐富的在線營銷有助於提高人們對現有醫療服務的認識,並為潛在的患者提供保障(Crooks et al., 2011)。質量保證,設施和服務的描述,治療的描述和互動交流也通過網站展示。接下來有關作業代寫-互聯網是醫療保健服務信息的主要來源分享給大家閱讀。

Internet is considered as the key source for the dissemination of information regarding non- medical and medical care services presented by all of the service providers in healthcare. It can be identified as the most inexpensive and effective way of ensuring that the product reaches the customer groups directly. In addition, simultaneously, it focuses on helping the patients in acquiring valuable and correct information to help them take informed decision. For the overall scope of this service provider, informative online marketing helps in creating awareness about the available medical treatments, followed by reassurance for the potential patients (Crooks et al., 2011). Quality assurance, description of facilities and services, description of treatment and interactive communication has been presented as well across the website. The key focus is on attracting the patient in accordance with the product programs provided by the company. All of these agents of the strategy focus on providing information and hence, recommending the patients with respect to their treatments in the hospitals. The company has been working as a centre to ensure cooperation between medical tourism organizations and patients for cases of screening, while each and every necessary medical information about the patients is sent to the hospitals (Crooks et al., 2010). It is further ahead worth noting that it is the responsibility of the agents to advertise and conduct marketing across the nations for providers of health care service, and further spread advertising of service reliability and assurance based on word of mouth.

Membership Programs are different in comparison with the Patient Lead Package as it specifically focuses on one aspect related to medical tourism. The key focus of membership is on the growth of business from each and every possible aspect in the industry of medical tourism that include but are not restricted to leads of patient (Yeoh et al., 2013). The Programs of Membership are yearly based, while offering consistent inquiries of consumer in the entire period along with the resources of medical tourism industry.

留學生論文寫作提升,可以找澳洲論文代寫Advanced Thesis平台機構,此論文代寫平台機構經過多年的經營與磨礪,已經發展成為一家專業的澳洲論文代寫平台機構,而且論文代寫價格公平合理,擅長寫作科目廣泛,有澳洲代寫、essay代寫、assignment代寫等論文服務,良好的口碑和信譽、豐富的論文代寫經驗值得留學生選擇和信賴!



In the case of the dyadic relationship, two stakeholders need to be considered. It is the focal firm and the buyer (Buttle, 2001). The supplier costs and value of the buyer places and the gaps that are found to have formed between them are known as the surplus value. The parties are found to collaborate and work with each other to add value. In this case, there will be competition that will be divided based on the total value of the products that are procured (Thompson and Strickland, 2001). The dynamics of the power relationship in the value chain depends on the notion of supply and demand for the product. Based on this, the buyer and seller relationship needs to be understood (Schepker et al., 2014). The buyer-supplier
Scarcityit is the demand of the product in the market. Typically, if a product is in excess, the dominance would be reduced.
InformationThis factor is based on the supplier and it focuses on what the buyer wants to buy the price of the products and the internal budgeting processes. Based on these variables, there can be general discussions about the different kinds of relationships that can be forged in this situation (Hollensen, 2015).
There can be four generic divides based on these three important variables. The four generic kinds of situations can be derived from this paradigm.

In this case, the buyer would have more dominance over the sales of the product. For example, if the buyer has many choices and there is excess supply in the market, the buyer will have more control over the product. In the case of the automobile industry, a number of companies similar service offering (Teece et al., 1997)). In this paradigm, the end consumer will have more choice in the products that they want to procure.

In this state, there will be interdependence between the two parties. For example, in the cases of vertical integration, the suppliers will depend on the buyer to make the purchase and the buyer will have to procure the quality products (Piercy, 2010). There is an interdependence that is observed in these cases.
Buyer-supplier independence:
In these condition, the seller can essentially sell their product to a number of people and the buyer can buy the product from many sources. This is observed typically in the B2C markets.

留学生论文不会写怎么办,可以找澳洲论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此代写论文平台为留学生们提供硕士论文代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,而且论文代写价格公平合理,不会出现论文抄袭的情况发生,如此良好的口碑和丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



通过本篇澳洲essay代写-移动技术的发展和改变可以看出,移动技术是科学和计算机领域的革命性发展,它几乎改变了一切。与iPod、pda等设备相比,移动电话的市场渗透率要高得多。2011年的统计数据显示,移动用户的数量几乎是个人电脑用户的四倍,当时的数字是42亿。那时,全球大约55%的人口拥有手机。随着手机功能的增加和成本的降低,将其作为一种高度便携的语言学习工具吸引了很多人(Anon, 2015)。这主要是因为它带来了访问的便利性。在过去的15年里,在移动电话领域已经有了大量的研究,仅仅是一个电话和文本设备现在有多种能力和专业知识。自2011年以来,手机用户数量有所增加,2015年为44.3亿。预计到2019年将达到50.7亿。接下来有关澳洲essay代写-移动技术的发展和改变提供给大家阅读。

The main reasons cited for the preference of respondents to mobile technologies in learning were the time involved and the convenience in learning. However, only one of the four people interviewed were of the opinion that mobile technologies were set to replace the conventional learning methods for a new language. The other three people still felt that the traditional methods were to remain since they were novel in their approach to learning. Moreover, mobile technologies were not fully competent to provide the capabilities that the old methods are able to provide in learning.

The reasons for these responses are as listed. Mobile technology is said to be more effective because of its obvious reasons of time and convenience because of which people can learn anywhere and anytime on the go irrespective of their other work. They also opine that this method is interesting to learn and an instantaneous way of gaining knowledge (Koh, 2015). On the contrary, the other set of respondents feel that learning this way makes people lethargic and lazy and that being more addicted to the computer may make them mentally inactive and more inclined to computer games or so, rather than learning.

Mobile technology is a revolutionary development in the field of science and computers that has changed practically everything. In comparison to the devices like the iPod, PDAs and similar ones, mobile phones have been able to penetrate the market much more. The 2011 statistics show that the number of mobile users was nearly four times that of personal computer users and that the number was at 4.2 billion then. The owners of mobile phones then were around 55% of the population across the world. With the features of the mobile phones increasing and their cost decreasing, the use of this gadget as a highly portable tool for learning languages has attracted many people (Anon, 2015). This is mainly because of the ease of access that this brings around. In the past 15 years, there has been a great deal of research in the field of mobile phones and the device that was just a call and text device has now multiple abilities and expertise. The number of mobile phone users has increased since 2011 and that for 2015 is 4.43 billion. It is estimated to touch 5.07 billion by the year 2019.

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Starbucks perceives the fact that strengthened loyalty of brand ends up increasing profitability. Hence, the company pays specific attention in identifying the dimensions of product crucial to customer. The overall scope of product involvement and brand loyalty are increased when the customers of Starbucks perceive their purchases to enhance their status (Michelli, 2016). Therefore, emotions end up driving behaviour to seek status. On the other hand, brand loyalty ends up increasing with the enhancement of emotional attachment. In addition, brand loyalty has a positive association with product involvement.
There is specific focus to galvanize a strong network for the diverse civic leaders, businesses, non- profit organizations, customers and partners for positive, innovative change. Each and every relationship introduces specialized experience and expertise across the table. The overall work is done for the creation of innovative solutions for supporting commitments across community involvement, environmental stewardship and ethical sourcing. All of them play a crucial role in the overall success and achievement of goals. The personnel regarding Starbucks keep the precise capacity of connecting along single personally, instead about simply acquiring the right order. All of these perform a necessary role of the incredible prosperity about the organization (Hennig-Thurau and Groth, 2015). The employees over Starbucks are attached with the get- suffice method regarding purchaser service. Through this approach, the personnel analyse respectful responses in accordance with the recognition of desires. These desires are set by the customers. Even if it is a hard job, it has to be valued. As through the Latte Method, these are furnished including fantastic coaching according to keep utilized among disagreeable scenario. Specific moves are taken to remedy the problem whilst appreciating then explaining the motive in the back of the occurrence regarding problem. From this particular sense, the employees about Starbucks have comfort in the introduction of fantastic trip at every factor over day within all stores (Hossain and Islam, 2015).

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