
swot analysis 代写:ZARA的供应链系统

swot analysis 代写:ZARA的供应链系统

ZARA的供应链是一种独特的做法,其他任何时尚品牌都不会效仿。ZARA确保他们有一个灵活的供应链系统来帮助他们在市场上保持自己的形象(Margaret and Lucy, 2006;唐纳德,2008)。敏捷供应链可以表示为采用并吸引业务机会的快速供应链(Caro, 2005;克鲁斯·伊格莱西亚斯,2013)。诀窍是在室内进行大部分的生产,这样他们就可以控制生产和时间(李才,2009)。ZARA 85%以上的生产都是由自己的工厂完成的。越来越多的产品同时生产,然后被运送到商店(李才,2009)。

swot analysis 代写:ZARA的供应链系统
当其他品牌忙着设计的时候,ZARA会推出一款新产品和设计,他们准备在商店里出售这些设计(Long, 2003)。ZARA目前的服装价格是全价的85%,行业平均价格是60 – 70%。未售出商品占总库存的比例低于行业平均水平(17 – 205)的10% (Min, 2016;Fernie等人,1997)。任何公司的供应链在组织结构、活动、业务和销售管理等方面都起着至关重要的作用。麦肯锡7s框架提供了分析企业组织结构的熟练工具。

swot analysis 代写:ZARA的供应链系统

Supply chain of ZARA is a unique practice that is not being followed by any other fashion brand. ZARA makes sure that they have an agile supply chain system that can help them in maintaining their image in the market (Margaret and Lucy, 2006; Donald, 2008). Agile supply chain can be expressed as the supply chain that is quick in the manner that it is adopting and attracting business opportunities (Caro, 2005; Cruz Iglesias, 2013). The trick is to do majority of the production in house so they have control over production and time (Li Cai, 2009). More than 85% of the production at ZARA is carried out by own factories of ZARA. More and more products are produced at the same time and then they are transported to the stores (Li Cai, 2009).

swot analysis 代写:ZARA的供应链系统
When other brands are busy doing their designs and fabric ZARA comes out with a new product and design and they are ready to sell these designs in the store (Long, 2003). ZARA is currently getting 85% of its full prices on their clothes and industry average is on 60 to 70% on their clothes. Unsold items account for less than 10% of the total stock as compared with the industry average that is 17 to 205 (Min, 2016; Fernie et al, 1997).The supply chain of any company plays a vital role in framing its organizational structure, activities, business and sales management. McKinsey 7s framework provides proficient tools for analyzing organizational structure of a business.