


与购买服务和货物有关的公司之间的商业交易可以称为买方供应商权力。市场营销和采购实践一直强调组织间交易的重要性。最近,买方供应商的权力激起了管理门徒的兴趣(Ambrose et al., 2010)。它导致了在生产和工作组织中使用的方法的全球变化。公司的绩效和现代实践可以被管理的永恒关系理解。最好的报价可以通过与供应商谈判来保持与公司的良好关系。

对供应商进行公平和礼貌的处理,确保及时交货,并以最好的价格提供。在紧急情况和请求时,合同管理员也获得了获得服务的特权。与供应商保持良好的关系(Chicksand, 2015),赢得了双赢的局面。组织的形象可能是最重要的资产之一。确保供应商得到尊重,增加了他与其他组织分享经验的可能性。公司的长期稳定和绩效取决于其职能的战略和系统的执行。这包括公司内部的职能,也包括供应链(Marshall和Lynch, 2010)。


The commercial transactions between the companies related to the purchase of services and goods can be referred as the buyer supplier power. The marketing and purchasing practices have always emphasized on the importance of inter- organizational transactions. In recent times, the buyer-supplier power has piqued the interest of the management disciples (Ambrose et al., 2010). It has resulted in a global change when it comes to the methods used in production and the work organization. The performance and contemporary practices of the firm can be understood by the eternal relationships of the management. The best price offer can be negotiated with a supplier just by maintaining good relations with the firm.


The supplier when treated fairly and with courtesy ensures the timely delivery of the goods which are available at best price. The contract administrator also becomes privileged to get services at the time of emergency and requests. A win- win situation prevails by maintaining good terms with the supplier (Chicksand, 2015). The image of an organization could be one of the most important assets. Making sure that the supplier is treated with respect adds on to the possibility that he would share his experiences to other organizations. The long term stability and performance of the firm depends on the strategic and systematic implementation of functions. This includes the functions taking place within the company and also includes the supply chain (Marshall and Lynch, 2010).