

文中,管理人員悲痛地說:“該死!有人苦笑著說。“這些牧師怎麼能像什麼都沒發生過一樣,繼續講道呢?”“我想告訴他,我們沒有那麼重要。 ”(Bharti慕克吉證據法)。這表明了戰爭形勢下的悲傷和悲傷。它表明了戰爭是如何把人類變成一個殘忍而冷漠的種族的。它展示了戰爭如何給靈魂帶來無法彌補的傷害。同時,它也表明,像戰爭這樣的情況對人類是相當有害的。重要的是,悲傷的管理應該被看作是人們互相幫助的社會過程(Bharti Mukherjee,第23頁)。重要的是,我們要學會在理解彼此情緒和同情他人的基礎上控制悲傷。盡我們微薄之力去幫助人們可以讓世界變得更美好。至關重要的是,必須更加重視整個人類的福利。當一個人在戰爭或恐怖襲擊中失去親人時,悲傷就會降臨。這使他們質疑這些戰爭和戰鬥的原因,因為沒有人有任何個人利益或報復。這些是有可能被抑制的。受恐怖主義影響,敘利亞和伊拉克局勢持續動盪,該地區和平前景堪憂(BBC新聞,2015)。



The text, The Management of Grief states “Damn!” some man swears bitterly. “How can these preachers carry on like on like nothing’s happened?” I want to tell him we’re not that important.”(Bharti Mukherjee, p.43). This indicates the grief and sorrow in situations of war. It indicates how war changes mankind to a cruel and indifferent race. It shows how war can bring in irreparable damage to the soul. At the same time it also indicates that situations like war are quite harmful to mankind. It is important that management of grief be considered a social process where in people help each other (Bharti Mukherjee, p.23). It is important that we learn to manage grief based on understanding of each other’s emotions and empathizing with people. Doing our little bit to try and help people can make the world a better place to live. It is essential that there be development of a stronger focus on welfare of mankind as a whole. Grief does come in when a person loses loved ones in war or due to terrorist attacks. It makes them question the reason for these wars and fights as no one has any personal gain or revenge. It is possible that these be curbed. The prospects for peace in the region now with the ongoing instability in Syria and Iraq are quite bleak due to the impact of terrorism (BBC News, 2015).

People from all over the world have come together to help ensure that people in Syria obtain relief. It is required that people all over the world understand the impact of terrorism and such problems on victims and help them for the survival of mankind. It is essential that people are not indifferent and are sensitive towards the problems of others. Only then problems of such magnitude can be resolved and it would be possible to ensure that people are given support and resources as and when needed. If this cannot be achieved, it tends to result in a society where people do not really care for each other. This can be quite dangerous as this would promote violence and war. Terrorism and such problems need to be fought against through global efforts and unity. It should be attempted that there is focus on creation of a stronger force that can help resolve terrorism. It is needed that there is better understanding among governments so that it can be made possible to unite efforts from all directions and help the Syrians become stable. This can return happiness to many a home and also help rebuild trust and faith. It is needed that there is growth in love and belief. All of this can be made possible through creation of peace and humanity.