


我们巫师长久以来一直虐待和虐待我们的同伴,现在我们正在收获我们的奖赏(波特,2003年,第868页)。这句话突出了他富有远见的领导风格(Westley, 1989)。他对正在发生的事情有长远的眼光,他很清楚后果。他有一个伟大的愿景,他动员其他人达到并理解他们的愿景。他让人民有一个清晰的愿景,并教导他们的重要性。电影中还有一句台词是“年轻人不知道年龄如何思考和感受”(波特,2003年,第860页)。这显示了他的执教风格。他与他人分享自己的经历和想法,为人们的未来做准备。他教导其他人,在他们年轻的时候,他们有足够的力量去建立一支为错误而战的团队。杜贝尔多雷的性格混合了这些风格,这是一个好的领导者所需要的。有时,他发出命令,以便一些行动可以立即考虑,以拯救其他。


Leadership Style of AlbusDumbledore– The character of Dumbledore shows a mix of different leadership styles. In the part The Order of the Phoenix, he has mentioned some quotes which show those styles. The styles which are shown by this character are affiliative, visionary and coaching. “Harry, suffering like this proves you are still a man! This pain is part of being human … the fact that you can feel pain like this is your greatest strength” (Potter, 2003, pp. 857). This quote shows the Affiliative Style of leadership. This style shows that the person makes emotional bonds and also the person believes in creating harmony (Goleman, 2008). The character of AlbusDumbledore believes in emotional connect and maintaining the relationships. He shows this style to keep the stronger bonds and to be connected to ground and natural feelings. One another quote from him which is “Indifference and neglect often do much more damage than outright dislike …
We wizards have mistreated and abused our fellows for too long, and we are now reaping our reward (Potter, 2003, pp 868).” This quote highlights his Visionary leadership style (Westley, 1989). He had future vision over the things happening and he knew the consequences well. He had a great vision and he mobilized others to reach and understand their vision. He made the people have a clear vision and taught them the importance of that. There is one more quote from the movie which is “Youth cannot know how age thinks and feels (Potter, 2003, pp. 860). This shows his Coaching Style. He shared his own experiences and thought with others and prepared people for the future. He taught others that at their young age they are strong enough to build a team to fight for the wrong. Dumbeldore’s character has a mixture of these styles which are required for being a good leader. Sometimes, he gave commands so that some actions could be taken into account immediately in order to save others.