


The issue of the identity being absent in the Angel Island poems is not just a simple problem for the scholars, but for authentication the authors of poems are also absent. In such way, the poems have to face the literary criticism, where the readers have to assume a New Criticism approach, which means treating the poem as self-sufficient text. It can be assumed that the poems are in conversation with each other but the time gap between the call and response seems to be of generations. This could be understood with an example, by the year 1940 the regional differences of immigration from varied nations played as a less significant part of Chinese immigrant’s identities as the way it did in the year 1910, when Angel Island was first opened. The reference of China’s revolution could be found in 41 poems, which provides records of revolution of China’s modernity. The diction of the Angel Island poems is influenced by Cantonese dialect, but the poems do not attempt for vernacular literature. In fact, in the poems of Angel Island, the traditional poetics could be found, which displays that poets used traditional forms for expressing the feelings.
A number of explanations could be given in this regard as there was less formal need of poet’s education level. During the process of conducting the research, it can be found that the respective researches about either identity or early Chinese immigrants are really more than those that have combined the researches about both the identity and early Chinese immigrants. To put it into more specifically, the poetry written by early Chinese immigrants were very few preserved, thus a rather precious source. Their study provides a synchronic approach to study the issue of identity and the insightful analysis proves that the “too assimilated” feature lead to the powerlessness of these Chinese immigrants, which attached much attention to the new and old elite groups in the broader Chinese American community.

The cultural shock and conflict is further reflected in the poems as they demonstrate how such influence affects the wording and structure of creation.

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