

商科代写-MYOB管理创新和产品开发,在不断变化的商业环境中,MYOB市场的领导者面临的传统挑战战略决策是否投资的限制资源创新的新产品,或利用这些资源,以支持扩展到现有客户,从而留住他们。他们经营的领域竞争激烈,如果他们失去了目标,就会有几家竞争者准备收购该公司几十年来建立起来的客户。这种情况被著名的哈佛大学教授和顾问克莱顿·克里斯坦森(Christensen, 2013)称为“创新者的困境”。解决这个问题的可能办法是认清市场趋势和时间的需要,在分配给创新的费用和保留现有客户之间必须取得平衡。如果焦点完全在创新产品和击败竞争对手推出新产品之前,而不是现有客户的照顾,事业将会失去了在这个过程中有几个竞争对手谁会抓住机会通过提供更好的客户服务,同样如果完全停止或延迟的创新,新技术的竞争对手甚至可能吸引现有的客户。接下有关商科代写-MYOB管理创新和产品开发分享给大家阅读。

In the ever changing business environment, MYOB, being the leader of the market faces the traditional challenge of strategic decision whether to make investment of its restricted resources in innovation of new products, or to make use of those resources so as to extend support to the existing customers and thereby retaining them. The competition is stiff in the field of their operation and if they lose the focus of their target, there are several competitors ready to takeover customers which the company has established over several decades. The situation is called as “the innovator’s dilemma” by a famous Harvard professor and consultant Clayton Christensen (Christensen, 2013).

Possible solution for this problem is to recognise the market trend and need of the hour, there must be a balance between expenses allotted for innovations and the retaining of existing customers. If the focus goes entirely on innovating products and beating the competition by launching new products before them and not taking care of the existing customers, the cause will be lost in the process as there are several competitors who would grab the opportunity by providing better customer service, similarly if the innovation is altogether ceased or delayed, the newer technologies by competitors might attract even the existing clients. Hence, there must be a strategic balance between the two. MYOB has faced this challenge in past when Xero launched its online products, while MYOB deciding to serve it 1.2 million existing customers. The company lost substantial market share and eventually had to make up the lost time by urgent technological upgradation and launches (Redrup, 2015). However, now the company claims to have 46 percent growth in online subscriptions in 2015, with about 78 percent of their SME customers opting for online solutions. They now boast of whopping 170,000 online customers (Craft, 2016).

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