


总是存在使用像素化艺术的概念。它最初应用于2d技术的视频游戏中,但随着3d视频游戏技术的出现,其应用出现了一定的滞后性。索尼克和任天堂使用这种艺术形式来为他们的视频游戏创造图像。这些视觉效果在20世纪80年代再次流行起来(Preziosi, 1998)。在1980年,这些艺术的使用变得流行起来,并在其他媒体中无处不在(陈,2001)。3d游戏技术的出现,使得像素艺术对社会的影响逐渐减弱。随着手机app技术和社交媒体技术的发展,人们开始在很多领域使用像素艺术的概念。这不仅限于技术领域。从历史分析可以理解,马赛克艺术奠定了现代像素艺术的基础(Chen, 2001)。这些来自技术媒体的像素艺术也在应用艺术中找到了自己的利基。在日常物品中也有像素艺术的使用。
像素艺术在各种技术媒介和日常物品中都有应用。像素艺术形式在20世纪50年代失去了它的重要性,从80年代初开始,这种艺术形式开始复苏。像素艺术似乎对观众和社会产生了强烈的影响(Livingstone & Hubel 2002)。这就是为什么这种艺术形式总是会复苏的原因。如今的像素概念是线条艺术的折衷组合,使用的色调或色彩托盘是有限的(Chen, 2001)。从20世纪80年代朦胧的画面到近几十年更加清晰的影像,像素艺术在当今时代得到了异常的发展。现代像素艺术是可以看到的最清晰的图像。为了阐明像素艺术复兴的概念,有必要探讨现代像素艺术可以运用的技术。下面将详细讨论现代像素中使用的技术。


There was always a presence of the concept of using pixelated art. It was initially used in video games of 2d technology but the emergence of 3d Video game technology saw retardation in its usage. Sonic and Nintendo used this form of art in order to create imageries for their video games. These visuals become popular once again in the 1980s (Preziosi, 1998). In the 1980 the usages of these arts become popular and were used ubiquitously in other medium as well (Chen, 2001). Advent of 3d Game technology caused the impact of pixel art to reduce in the societies. After the development of app technology in mobile phones and social media technology people have started to use the concept of pixel art in many arenas. This is not limited only to the technological field. From Historical analysis it can be comprehended that Mosaic arts laid the foundation of modern day pixel art (Chen, 2001). These pixel arts from technological medium have found its own niche base in applied arts as well. There has also been usage of pixel arts in everyday objects as well.
There is application of pixel arts in various technological mediums and everyday objects. Pixel art form lost its prominence in the 1950s and from early 1980 there has been a resurgence of this art form. Pixel art seems to create a strong impact on the viewers and society (Livingstone & Hubel 2002). These are the reason that there is always resurgence of this art form. Present day pixel concept is an eclectic mix of line art and the hues or the colour pallet used is limited (Chen, 2001). From hazy pictures in 1980s to clearer imaging in the recent decades, there has been an exceptional growth of pixel art in the current era. Modern day pixel art is the sharpest crispest imaging that can be seen. In order to elucidate the concepts of the resurgence of the pixel art, there is a need to probe into the techniques in which modern pixel art can be utilized. Techniques that are used in the modern day pixel are discussed in detail below.