resume 代写:Lululemon成立的背景


resume 代写:Lululemon成立的背景


resume 代写:Lululemon成立的背景

When Day took over the company, she had to come up with different strategies in order to help the company improve on its productivity. Some of the existing ones such as organizational structure and more offered both challenges and opportunities to Day. The differentiation strategy according to Porter’s competitive forces was focused on product differentiation more than that of cost differentiation. In fact, costs were higher than more standard sports retailers. However, the product differentiation was achieved by directly working with yoga master feedbacks which helped them to customize the brand. The brand was also directly marketed by these yoga studio masters who wore the Lululemon pants.Lululemon encouraged cross functional working and still had issues in cross functional working. This indicates that Lululemon faces the issues of a mechanistic organization that is striving towards becoming an organic organization.
In a mechanistic organization, the employees work separately on independent and individually assigned tasks and cross functional working does not come easy to them. While team working can be perceived to face transitory challenges from mechanistic to organic, the working of the individual stores leads to a perception of organic structuring of Lululemon. Individual stores are given greater autonomy and can customize their stores according to the locality that the store is situated in and also according to their perception of the local customers. In terms of organizational culture, Lululemon focuses on integrity. They want to stand for an honest work culture. The values that frame the organizational culture are serious but they also integrate a touch of fun. They believe employees must be happy in the work place and hence believe fun is necessary in the workplace.